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For the Scurvy
Take A gallon renish wine possitt drinkes & one
handfull of Sea [Scurvy] grasss and one of gardin scurvy
grass one hand full of water Cresses and of brook [line]
& A handfull of wormewood wash them in A cloath
and swing them till they be dry eat them grossly cut round
in Slices 6 oringes and as many Lemons, then take A
pott that half A spidick & fawcett & [law] of herbs &
one of Lemons & Oringes soe doe to all of is in then pour (double check)
your possit drink Seasoning hott upon the next
Morneing drink A wine Pass of itt & : soe att 4
A clock in the afternoon untill it be done repeat
this often itt is excellent for the Scurvy.
An excellent green Ointment maid
made in may, good for any Straines or Sweeling part of th e body
Take young bay leaves wormewood of [] 1/2 A pownd red
Sage Rice gathered in the heat of the day of each
one pound beat them very small in A mortar then
take 2 pownd of sheeps suit [new] kill'd & pickt
from the skin work them all togather with your stampes
then put it to [A pounde] of ___ [Oyle] work itt
well togather with your hande fill itt become of one
Softness & coler then put itt into A new [ Earthen] pott
& let it Stand cover ed 8 dayes then boil itt over A
Soft fire 4 houres, Stirring itt well all the while then put
into it 4[3] of the Oyle of Spike & let it boil 4 houres
more you will know when itt is Enough by putting
A drop upon A plate when itt Appeares of A very green
colour take it from the fire. Strain through A [canvis]--- & Keep it for

To make Cowslip water
Take 3 Gallons of strong Ale or wine A measured
peck of pickt cow slips 2 Ounces of bruised
Anniseeds half A pownd of liquorish sliced mace
& Cloves Gingar Cinnamon and nuttmegs of each
an Ounces let all those lye in the Ale or wine
A week close cover'd then put in 2 handfulls of Currants 2 spoonfull of peper bruised wormewood
Angillico 2 or 3 branches, Bettony hosehownd
pellitory og the wall, grownd time Liverwort Saintt
Johns Grass Dandilion mugwort, Spear mint
Cardius Benidiclus Chikin weed yellow [Mounsies]
Ellicampane & Cumfray of each one hand full
lett all those lye in 2 or 3 dayes more still them
In A limbeck with A gentle fire itt mist be stirrl'd
leasurely of [] pot be not full put in more Ale
or wine draw it in fever all Bottles will itt
[ ] all togather Sweaten it with fine sugar beaten
and [searced], reserve itt for vse.
Water to wash sore mouth's
Take A quart of whitte wine red Sage, rosemary
.... of plaintain & bramble leaves wood
= lorrill boil them. togather from A quart to A pint X
when it is boiled put in honey till itt be something
Sweat put in A peice of alll om ann let it boil
all togather Strain it X keep it for vse you may
make itt Either of wine or water.

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