



Status: Complete


The Lady Ellinor Robert's Juiceof Liquorish

Take of Coltsfoot water unsett hysop water of each A pint
red rose water, & horehound water, of each 1/2 A pint put into
your water 2 Ounce of Ellicampane roots thin sliced one ounce
of shaved horts hound 1/2 an Ounce of maiden hare marigolds
flowers & Sweet margarem A 1/4 of an handfull of each two
handfulls, of Anniseeds two Ounces of English Liquorish
scraped & sliced thinn, put all these into A pitcher &
Stoop itt exceeding close & sett itt in A skellit of seeying
Water, & let itt enfuse on A soft fire A day or more
untill 2 parts of your Liquor be consumed then strain
all your engredients & take a pound of the best green
English Liquoras & scrap itt very clean & cut itt into
thin slices then beat in A stone mortar with some
of your Liquor & when itt is well bruised you must
put itt downe, from the Sides of your mortar & pour the
rest of your Liquor cold upon itt, which must be but A
pinit in all soe let itt stand 2 or 3 dayes then
Stir itt well togather & strain itt through an Ordinary
thin strainer as long as you can gitt one drop of Liquor
out of it, then put itt into A skellitt & sett itt on A quick
fire, stir itt continually for fear of burning &
boil itt as fast as you can, make itt boil till itt
be riddy to rope, when you have boil'd itt so the height
you would have itt, & poured out then put into itt
1/2 A pound of white sugar Candy Finely Beaten and
Sugared add to itt 3 drops of the spirit of Rosemary &
Cinnamond & Anniseeds of each 2 drops & 3 of Amber
Grease as much of malk as you please Unicornes horne
& bea[r]er stone what you please then let all these stand
untill they are cold in an Earthen or puther dish you
must have A pound & an 1/2 att least of sugar Candy more
finely beaton & searced to make itt into [peiest only] you must
resrve some of itt to role itt into balls withall.


A Plaster for yourr wormes in man, woman, or Child

Take the Galll of an Ox let itt stand till itt stink
then let it boil with some honey till it be thick like
A plaster, spread itt on leasher, & let your plaster be
long enough to reach from the pitt of the stomack below
the navell when you lay itt on, strew the powder of Alloe
Secatrina on itt soe let lye.

For the falling of the Fundament

Take red nettle tops and bake them well, put them into an
Earthen pot or pipkin, put thereto Aquantity of white
or Clarret whine, seeth them togather till half the liquor
be wasted, give some of the liquor first in the morning
& lest in the Evening all wwayes warme applying
the herb to the Fundamental as hott as they can Susten itt.

N. Dikes Cordial to be usd for the small
Pox in case the kindly rise nott

Take Treakle water eight Ounces English Saffron half
A Dram put into A bag with A dram of cockneall steep
itt all strongly, then diselve in the Tincture 2 drams
of the best Alchermis an Ounce of Syrrup off Clove
Gily Flowers as much syrrup of joied of
itt rons & 1/2 an Ounce of Syrrup of Copsips of this
you may give 8 or 10 times A day the more and after
the better but in case youy be not sick twice
A day is Enough.

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