



Status: Complete


A Medicine for the stone
Marsh mallow leaves, & roots horse Radish leaves
and roots, pollitory of the wall, Liquoras Scraped-
Saxafrags, wild time, white Tansy polipodia of the
Oake Golden Rod, Mercury of Ale hoof poporwort,
take ef each an handfull well washed & clean
dryed, and put into new milk let itt be stoopd 12
hours the herbs covered over about 2 inches, then
mix all togather still itt in A common still,
& the water there of mix with white wine sirrup
of Althea, or sugar & a little nutmeg 1/2 A pint of
water & as much white wine soo take itt when
you feel pains, if you please put in Gum well
seeds, parselly seeds, caraway seeds sweet fennel
seeds & nettle seeds of half an ounce A
Liitle bruised.

For the Stomack

Take Oyntment of Orange flowers one ounce
of Oyle of white Lillies & Oyle of violetts of each
6 drams oyle of mace by oxpression one dram
melt them well togather & anoint the stomack
therewith overnight gooing to bed, before
A good fire & bath itt in with it warme
hand & then lay upon the Stomack & peice of
fine browne paper doubled.


For the Ricketts or A Great weakness in the Joynts.

Take the white of 3 Eggs beat them very well then
Tincture of castor 3 drams mix them very well
togather and anoint the back thighes & Leggs there
with every morneing downwards but use this
oyment allways cold and never warme it this
is the Oyntment for the back, thighes & Leggs.

Dr Godards Receit for the Ricketts

Take almond roiall or maleparn & sarsaparella
of each 2 ounces capon Tamarick & a Chilback of
each 1/2 an ounces, gardon scurvy grass [the] and elder buds of
each one handfull divide all these into 6 parts
& put into 6 bottles of small bear when it have
stood steeping a day or 2, let the child drink this
& noo other drink you may provide the quantity

A Posset Drink for the stone

Make A clear possit drink of white wine & Ale take
of the Curd and boil in the possit drink 2
or 3 winter berries & some St Johnswort and
sweeten itt with sirrop of althea to make itt palitable
drink a good draught of this in the morning
fasting for 3 mornings togather then Omitt
itt for some time & take it again as
you find occasion


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