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To make Oyntment for the Eyes

Take A vessell of rose copper holding A pint made
almost like A bell but flat at the bottome that it
may stand, put into it 8 spoonfulls of boyes
urine betwixt 4 and 6 years old being free from
any weakness or distemper ad to it as much thick
sweat cream this must be beaten with A copper
Spoon 1/2 an hour, morneing & night for 3
weeks Togather, nothing but coppar touch itt in
3 weeks time it will be an Oyntment which before
you take out of the vessell, take an Earthen pot
holding about 2 quarts set it on the flower upon A
cloath big enough to wrap the pot close up then
fill the pot more then 3 quarters full of
urine 4 or 5 dayes old then lay 2 or 3 little sticks
cross the pot to keep the coppar from falling
then turn your Copper the open side downe wards
upon those sticks then pin it close up with
the Cloath the pot stands on that noe Air may gitt
& let it stand over the Steam of this
vrine 4 of 5 dayes then uncover it &
put itt in pots for vse, rub your Spoon and
& cup with A clean cloath & tye them up in papers
till you haue need to make the Ointment
the vessell and Spoon must never bee


To Prepare Steel,

Six pennyworth of powder of steel, steept in
white wine vinegar Shifting itt morneing and
evening till the vinegar be clear then pour of the
vinegar & dry the Steel by the Fire & pound it very
small then take as much good pearle as vsually you
haue for eighteen pence 1/2 A pound of fine sugar
6 nutmegs grated mix all these togather & take
as much as will lye upon A groat, take it dry
in the morneing Fasting & att three in the after
noon & drink A draught of Ale or white wine
after it & exercise an hour after it.

Dr Dikes Lime Water

Quench A stone of quick Lime weighing 3 pound
in 3 gallons of fair water Let it settle clear then
pour of the clear water with wich & a good old cock
make good strong broth, boiling also in it 2
Ounces of Sasaphras, shaveing 2 Ounces of
Sassaparella not prepared one Ounce of China
root of Harts horne shaveings & Ivory of each
one Ounce Agremony wormewood harts-tongue
& speedwell of each an handfull 1/2 a pound of
Rasons of the Sun & a few currants with A great
crust of bread boil itt well to A strong broth
then pour to it A pint of worme water & A pint
of red rose water then distill it all togather reserveing
the water for your use, which you may make more pleasant by
disolving in it sugar of Roses or sugar Candy or Lemmons
in pan sugar Let the party take 5 spoonfulls in the morneing
& the like Quantity about 4 A clock in the afternoon.


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