



Status: Complete

Take a pottle of whey seeth and scumm itt after
wards putt in these herbes, Endive, succorye, being
borrage, Harts tongue rootes and leaves of each an
handfull; Ceterrach; Tammaskrisk; and egrymonye of
each as much, seeth them a while then take them
off the fire and let them coole then runne the whey
through a cloath without streineing; Drinke thereof
every morneing the Quantity of halfe awine pinte
fasting, take itt luke warme with a little sugar
doe this for 2 dayes. Make this drink often, for itt is
windye; to avoide the which you may take 4 or 5
cornes pepper grossly beaten with every draught

A safe and effectuall Vomitt

If the partye be of Age and strength; Infuse in a
penny pott of white wine 20 graines of the powder
of Crocus metallap, weight itt by Gold scales
cover the pott close and let itt remaine all night
upon warme embers, In the morneing streine itt
and if ou have any sirrup of hysop; Gilliflower
or any such kind in the house you may mixe a
little with itt to make itt pleasant to the tast
If the partye be young or weake Infuse but 14 graines

For a Fellon on the Finger

Take some strong Ale or Beer, some crums

Of white bread good store of Ginger a pretty
deale of honey, boyle them together to a poultess
then take itt off the fire & stirr in a little Linnseed
Oyle for that must not boyle in itt & apply itt warm
to the joynt & dress itt twice a day You may know
a ffellon by the Glistering of the skinn Eliz: Wa =

Mrs Prices Jelly
for the Ricketts

Take 4 Neats feet the fattest & largest you
can gett after they are boild and puld as they
use to goe among the souse, boyle them in 3 gallons
of the purest running water with these herbs. viz:
Sage the reddest you can gett, Rosemary tops; herb =
grace, & bone sett of each 2 handfulls till they come
to a pottle or there abouts of Jelly, boyling itt leasurely
after streine itt & boyle the streined substance
over againe very softly, mixing with itt a pinte
of Muskadine, and as much of the oyle the came off
from the boyleing of the feet, till the whole quantity
come to 3 pintes; hearewith anoynt the Back from
the Rumpe up to the Girdling place, rubbing itt
upwards, the hamms and Calves of the Leggs and
wrists and afterward swathe the Wrest & Ankles

This a most excellent
approued Medicine

For a paine in the
back proceeding from
wind or cold

RI penny royall, nue, Camomile; Lavender, drye them
betwixt 2 tyles and apply them hott to the place affected

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Caroline Butten

Ceterrach = ceterach (spleenwort or rustyback fern, Asplenium ceterach)