Wellcome Collection: Ayscough, Lady (MS1026)

Receits of phisick and chirurgery. There are a few cookery receipts at the end. Inside the cover is written 'The Lady Ayscough Booke Anno Domini 1692'. The first 93 pp. and the 7 pp. of cookery receipts are by the original hand, the remainder is in another nearly contemporary script.





To cure the colick in the Gutts or bowells.

Take dry wormewood, & Strip as much from the stalks as will fill a large ditch, Take A round wooden dish that will hold A pint, & fill itt 1/2 full of the said wormewood. then take a red hot coal out of the fire, & lay it upon - the logs of the wormeword in the dish so 1/2 fill'd then put in as much more wormewood in the dish as will fill it thrusting it easily downe with your hand. then cover the dish furthwith A Linnen dry cloath bind it backwards with A string then apply the mouth of the dish to the bare Navill.

For the Collick Take an Ounce of the powder of rhubarb put itt to a quart of white anniseed & water shakethe bottle well three or 4 times a day for 10 days together, take 4 or 5 Spoonfulls of itt any time when you are ill, take more or less according to the constitution of your body Shake the bottle well before you take itt if once taking doe not cure you continue To take itt every 6 or 7 hours.

Probatum est.


For A Fistulla

Take an Equal quantity of allum & white coperal - - a pound of each make them into fine powder, & put them into Apudding pie pott new used, & stir itt with an Iron seuer, untill well incorporated Sett itt upon A clear chare coal fire & keep itt contiinually stirring till itt be all melt'd & let it boil till it hardens then keep it dry in paper till it be used. To make A water of this powder boil a quart of sprink water by it self A quarter of an hour then take A clean Earthen pitcher. that never had grease in itt, into which put A peice of the Said powder. of the biggness of A common walnut (beat Small) upon which powder Soe beat powr the hott boiling water which keep Stirring till itt be all most cold then take A little of itt and bath the Sore with itt, & dip A cloth 6 times double, & lay itt upon the Sore & this doe twice or thrice Aday, as you perceive th cloath to dry if the wound be deep, Stirring itt with with the Said water, & dip About in the said water Stir and warme soe much as you shall use att one time

Last edit over 1 year ago by Katy Mair


95c Mr John Mooddalls receit to cure all Jirkings in the Eyes smartings immoderate rheumes and [Ophachalmies] at the begining [which] doth well strengthen the sight

RS. Vitreolium [album] pulveracalu[.] drams; one new laid Egge boyle the Egge hard, shell it and cleave it through; take out the Yolk and in place thereof put the Copporus powdered; let it soe remaine closed 2 hours or more, then put it into a cleane soft ragge being still soe closed together and straine it hard; and water will come forth of a greene colour, keep it in a glass close stopped, and when Occasion is drop a drop or 2 into your Eyes

For a wheizing in the Pipes or Lungs Raisins of the Su[nn] stone and stamp them and take their Weight in double refined Sugar and incorporate them to a Conserve and take the Quantity of a beane morning and evening and stroke downe the stomack every morning constantly

Last edit over 1 year ago by Bethany Slater



Mr Mathias his Palsey water also for the Apoplexy

Take of Lavender flowers stript from the stalks & fill them with a large gallon glass poure upon them very good spiritt of Wine or very good Aqua Vitoe destilled from all fleeme then cirrulate them for 6 weeks very close stopped & clad with a blackler, and see that noething may breath out let them stand in a warm place then distill them with a Lembeck with this cowler Then put into th said water of Sage flowers Rosemary flowers Bettony flowers Buggles flowers the flowers of Lillies Conuallium & Cowslipp flowers of each a handfull steep them in good spirit of Wine, every one in his season till all may be had. Then put them all digested together put alsoe to them of Bawme flowers Motherwort Spick flowers Bay leaves; Orang leaves if they may be had of each an Ounce, cutt them all severally and put them together in the aforesaid distilled Wine or Malmsey & put them together & distill them as aforesd, being stopped the space of 6 weeks Then in this distilled water put Cytron pills dried th yellow pill or also of lemmon pills & piony seeds hulled of each 6 drams, of Cinamon half an ounce of Nutmegs Mace Cardomomes, Cubebs;


Yellow Saunders, of each half an Ounce Ligni Allows one dram. Make all these into powder, & put them into the aforesd tdistilled water & put to them Jujabies new and good half a pound. Take out th stones aforesd cutt them small close your Vessell well with a double bladder : Let them digest 6 weeks, then straine this with a press, & filtrate the Liquor, & put into it prepared pearle ounce jj smaragds prepared scruple j Ambergreece, musk saffron an scrupless Red roses dried well & sweet smelling : red Sawnders & yellow ounces j . stamp these in a Sarcenett bagge in the water well closed that noething breath out

This water is good in all swoundings weakness of the Heart, decaying of the spirits Apoplexy Palsey Epelepsy, all paines of the joynts comeing of cold all bruises outwardly bathed & dipped Cloaths in it laid to it It If comforth the Animall bitall & Naturall spiritts; cleareth th externall sences strengthneth th memory restoreth lost Appetite all weakness of the stomach both by takeing in inwardly & bathing with it outwardly

{Use} Take a quarter of a spoonfull either in the fitt or to prevent it take morning & evening a quarter of a spoonfull with Crusts of bread and sugar for the palsey or Apoplexy and fast half an hour after


Last edit over 1 year ago by MackieBlack



Mr Matthias his other Water for the Palsey of less prise and Charge

Take a gallon glass filled with Lavender flowers (as before) fill it up with spiritt of Wine or Malmsey then distill your water and Oyle and seperate the Oile Then digest in this Water, Sage flowers, Rosemary flowers sweet Marjoram an handful hysop peony roots an 1 ounce Bettony flowers 1/2 ounce Cinnamon, peony seess hulled Cardamome cubebs cittron pills dried 2 drachms beat them digest them. Put in half a pound of Jujubies, the stones taken out or raisons of the sonne stoned being digested 6 weeks streine it forthe and drink it with Beer or Ale.

An Electuary for the Cough of Lunges

Rs a Quarter of a pound of honey; half an ounce of Annis seeds half an ounce of sweet fennell seeds; an ounce of English liquorish beate and searce all very fine, as much powder of Elecampane as will lye on a shillinge, as much powder of Colts foot as all these, mingle all these in the honey till it come to an Electuary.

Approved by Mrs Blonce


For a burne or Scald

To a pound of mutton suitt; take a qrtr of Deer suitt and boile it thick, add to it the white of hens dung, let them boile softly & keep them stirring for the space of an hour; soe when you dress it anoint it with a feather not plaistering it nor keeping it over close Probatum Gooddy Pakeman

For a sprant new done

Take Bay salt and sew it in a bagge of the bigness of the places considered, sett a a skillet of water on the fire, when it seeths put the bagge in suddainly and assoone as it is hot apply it to the sprant as hott as can bee suffered Probatum by Mr Skilton

To keep one soluble

Take stewed prunes with the Herbes Mercury and Wooddsorrell and eat them fasting Probat:


Last edit over 1 year ago by MackieBlack



Lightness in the head

Take 3 or 4 mornings together new milk from the cow; when it is boil'd put in Sugar and a pretty deale of the best Saffron and drink it fasting; & fast an hour or 2 after

Another for the Same

Take a quart of raine water, a pint of Muskedine, a spoonfull of Rosemary flowers dried, a spoonfull of Burrage flowers dried a candied Nutmeg a spoonfull of white Sanders boyle it till a pint be wasted, straine it and Sweeten it with Sugar and keep it in a glass and when you find any fumeing in your head, take 4 spoonfulls morning & Evening

To comfort the Braine

Take womans milk of one that giues suck to a boy 3 spoonfulls of Redrose water 3 spoonfulls, & when when you are in bed laid to sleep; snuff some of this up your nose holding back your head, soe that yu may hauk some of it into your mouth; This use often in the day, but espercally in the Night when you goe to bed


For a noise in thee head or Deafness

Take Musk and Ambergreece of each a graine bruise them to fine powder on a stone then take 12 graines of pitch & melt it in a spoone & put the Ambergreece to it & lett it melt then put in the Musk, and stew them altogether & hold it from the fire, and rubb it out of the spoon into a Roule, & with your hott hand against the fire, make it out into little pollits as bigge as a barly corne but in the fashion of a peare tie them in a little Sarcnett and ever keep one of them in each Eare and put new ones once every 4 or 6 dayes


Take Orange pills, and cutt it in long sharp pointed peices, and hold it in nostrills till it cause Neesing.


Take a Gallon glass filled with Lavender flowers, fill it up with Spiritt of Wine or Malmsey then distill the water Mr. Mattins


Last edit over 1 year ago by MackieBlack
Displaying pages 46 - 50 of 134 in total