Wellcome Collection: Ayscough, Lady (MS1026)

Receits of phisick and chirurgery. There are a few cookery receipts at the end. Inside the cover is written 'The Lady Ayscough Booke Anno Domini 1692'. The first 93 pp. and the 7 pp. of cookery receipts are by the original hand, the remainder is in another nearly contemporary script.





For a Cough a Streitness of the Brest

Take a Gallon of faire water, put to it hordeum Mundat: mi. Parsely roots mss: fennell roots mss: as much ofthe root of Enula Compana as a great Walnut. seeth these & scrum them very cleane then put to it 12 figgs sliced, & stoned, of great raisons stoned inj of Annisseeds bruised mj. 5. or 6 crops of hops seeth all these to half a Gallon, streine it then dissolve in it 4 spoonfulls of Clarfied honey; Drink thereof morning & Evening being made warm a good draught

For a Wenn

Rp: powder of unslakt Lime with black sope & anoynt any Wenne therewith and the wenn will fall away; and when the root is come out, anoynt it with Oyle of Bayse and it will perfectly heale it.

A Cordiall

Take half a pint of burnt Clarret mix 4 spoonfulls of Dr Steevens water and 2 spoonfulls of sirrup of Gilly flowers and a little Alkermies & soe take it 2 or 3 spoonfulls at a time


To make Snaile Water for a Consumption

Take a good quantity of shell snayles put them into wheat brann & they will cleare themselves then crack the shells & and soe still them in an Ordinary still and of that water take 3 spoonfulls 2 of carduus water, or Cowslip water : some times take it wiht Burrage or black cherry water sweeten it with sirrup of Jelly flowers or sugar drink morning & afternoon : it strengthens much

A comfortablle a cooling Electuarye

Take conserve of violets 2 ounces Conserve of woodsorrell 2 ounces Conserve of Burrage 2 ounces sirrup of Lemmons ouncei. mix them together in form of Electuary A Cordiall Julipp for any illness in the stomack or Loosness


Last edit over 1 year ago by Katy Mair


104 Take 2 spoonfulls of spearmint water simple & one spoonfull of Sirrup of Cynnamon mix it together, take half an hour before Dinner & Supper. Probat


Take sirrup of Gilliflowers 4 spoonfulls sirrup of Balm 4 spoonfulls, red rosewater 8 spoonfulls Burrage water 4 spoonfulls; Red corall a dram; Alkermie a dram; mix them alltogether & drink it 4 times a day if you think itt be to hott, add it together add to it half an ounce of Sirrup of Lemmons

To cleanse the Reines

Take as much Newmilk as an Ordinary still will hold, 2 or 3 handfulls of Parsley seed bruise it & put it into the milk & distill itt, take six spoonfulls of that water & as much of white wine, and dissolve in it a good deale of white sugar candy in every draught you take, you must use it first of all in the morne & when you goe to bed after the Reines are thus cleansed strengthen the back after this manner. Take about a pint &


Half of Muskadine & half a pint of white wine & a good quantity of white ArckAngell flowers, fiue or 6 leaves of Clary, shred the herbs first, and then stamp them, take a good handfull of the kernell of old hazle Nutts, take a pint of the Pythe of an Oxe back, wash the slime cleane of from it, then slitt the pith & boyle the herbs & it in the Muskadine & white wine & when they are boyled as a Candle then streine itt you must blaunch the Nutts; as you doe Almonds & beat them & grind them with a little Redrose water & put them in they must be ground very small in a stone Mortar;, use it first & last a good draught

Take the [Ague] out of any place or for bruises or sprains etc

Prob by Mrs Hone: who being 4 years without issue being married conceiued with Child upon the takeing thereof

Take a quantity of May Butter which never touches water not salt take as much Elderne leaues in May, shred the leaves & stop them into a Earthen pott to the butter well stirred together as you can work in, [soe] let them stand for a fortnight in a cool place stirring them once a day then boyle them and streine them, and keep it for your use Bath the grieved part therewith and keep it warme Let the Butter be melted before you put in the leaues 51

Last edit over 1 year ago by Katy Mair



For burning or Scalding or to take out the Fire

Take a Quantity of Mutton suit shred it very small, take a good Quantity of the white of hendoung, a little sheeps doung a good Quantity of the inner rinde of Eldern a pretty quantity of Alehoofe, shred your Eldern and Alehoof, break the Doung and boyle them all in the Suitt together to a salve, & then straine it Dress the place 3 or 4 times a day with a feather never takeing any of the salve off, lay on the prim rose leaves to keep it from the Cloath Prob: Mrs Hone

To make Wallnutt Water

Take a pound of herb grace a pound of good figgs, a pound of Wallnutts green of the Tree; as they grow husks & all, bruise the wall nutts as they are in a stone Mortar by themselves; then bruise the herbgrace, & slice the figgs still them in an ordinary still on this manner. First in the bottome lay a lay of herb Grace then a lay of Wallnutts, then a lay of figgs, soo doo till you have fild up your stilll; then Still it as other waters {use } It is excellent for one that is ill at at there Stomack; or for a feavour oft approuved; one may take it


Safely being with Child though they have a vomitting; take 2 spoonfulls att a time At Night when they goe to bed, or at any time when they feelm themselves ill in a feavour 3 spoonfulls warme in the morning & sweal after it; if the party be very ill mix as much Mythridate as a hazle Nutt, takeing it fasting & sweat after it; if they mend not, give the same Quantity of water without Mithridate at; if the party be bound, first give him a Glyster 3 or 4 hours before the water; It is of great Operation; therefore if the party be weak give it by 2 spoonfulls

For the Mother

Take when the fitt comes 3 or 4 spoonfulls of Mugwort water, and in it 3 or 4 dropps of spiritt of Castoreum Aplaistor of Galbana being dissolved in wine vinegar and spread upon leather being applyed to the Navill helps

For the riseing & of the Lights

Take a pinte of Muskedine boyle it in one handfull of feather few divide it into 4 parts when it is streined drink night & morning or when you feel your Lights begin to rise


Last edit over 1 year ago by Katy Mair


108 To refresh the spirit or the or the Stomake Take Sea wormwood, spear mint Bottony Marjorum, Rosemary, Balme, Burrage Savory of each alike Quantity; and of all as much as your still will hold: your Still being filled strew on the topp of the herbs, 2 ounces of beaten Cynamon, and soe distill as much water as you can, and keep it all together. Take 8 or 10 or 12 graines of prepared pearls in one or 2 spoonfulls of the water in the morning fasting, you may take it a week tohether or as of oft as you please it strenghten the whole Body

For the Yellow Jaundies Broom boiled in beer in Stead of Hops and drink noe other for 2 or 4 Monthes together hath holpen those that haue had them long Wind Collick Take Camomile flowers mother of time of each 2 good handfulls or as much as you can steep in the Wine, anniss seeds, fennell seeds Cummin seeds of each half an ounce, bruise the seeds in a Mortar and steep them in Muske[l]ine 24 hours, thus distill them alltogether Drink it in Sugar 109 Another Take camomile flowers, carduus seeds not bruised, 2 spoonfulls of seeds and handfulls of flowers boiled in white wine till neer half be consumed, and drink it warm, it will expell the paine presently Proved by Mr Shode Sore Throat or Mouth Rp. Camomile flowers, mallowes and barley flowers stamp them in a mortar with oils of Camomile and oils of Lillies, but first boile the herbs in running water till they be tender then stamp them as aforesd and plaister wise apply it to the griefe, binding upon it the Wool of a black sheep newly taken of the Neck; and anoint the griefe outwardly with oils of Camomile and wash your mouth with this losion. Rp. A pint of white wine twice soe much spring water, a spoonfull of cleane barley water, one branch of rose mary; as much rock allom as an hazell nutt & twice as much Sugar candie boile all those together till the barley is broken in pieces then streine it & gargarise the mouth off it.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Bethany Slater



A Water to restore the sight lost either by chance or Sickness

Rp: 3 drams of Tutia made in fine powder and as much Aloe epaticum in powder 2 drams of fine sugar 6 ounces of rose water 6 ounces of good white wine rather sweet then other wine mixe all these together and put it in a cleane vessell of Glass and being well stopt sett it in the sunne, a month together continually mixing and stirring together all the said things at least once a day, to the intent they may incorporate well together, this done take of the said water & put certaine drops of upon your eyes morning & evening, and in continueing soe a certaine space it will cause the sight to come again & as cleare as it was before. And was made by a councell of the best Physitians of Italy for the restoreing the sight of the Emperour of Constantinople Anno: Domini. 1438. and helped an Sister Witts

For a whit blow or fellon

Take of resty fatt bacon herbgrace & a shellnaile that hath her house on her head stamp them together to a Salve & lay it on a Cloth cold shifting itt morning & Evening it will both ripen break & heale it, for a whitt blow leave out the snaile 111

For a fellon or to draw out a thorne

Take a little herbgrace and Bores grease wheat leaven & honey of each alike Quantity stamp them together to a pultiss, soe apply it cold twice a day it both breaketh and Healeth

Hard travaile in Child birth

Rp. The date stones which haue round small holes in the sides (for they are best) dry them gently in an Oven beat them to powder: take commine seeds & graines, & English saffron, made to fine powders misce; one spoonfull with a little malmsye, and drink it blood warm; and if you add a Quantity of white Amber beaten with the rest it will be the better if the Malmsy be not sweet enough you may put in sugar; but take it soe as you leave none of the powders behind this may bee taken though the Child bee well and neer the birth. This is alsoe Good for any Woman that hath a riseing in her Stomack after shee is delivered if she haue any heat or flushing in her face after shee is delivered or dureing her Childbed; it is good alsoe for the after burthen when the woman is delivered Dittany boyled & drunken in wine doth bring forth the after birth & causeth safe & Quick delivery,

Last edit over 1 year ago by Bethany Slater
Displaying pages 51 - 55 of 134 in total