Wellcome Collection: Ayscough, Lady (MS1026)

Receits of phisick and chirurgery. There are a few cookery receipts at the end. Inside the cover is written 'The Lady Ayscough Booke Anno Domini 1692'. The first 93 pp. and the 7 pp. of cookery receipts are by the original hand, the remainder is in another nearly contemporary script.





A Singular Emplaster well Approued off very Effectuall for these things ffollowing

First it is good for old and new wounds it cleanseth very well, & it is excellent incarnative it healeth Impostumes in the head or Ears or in any part of the Body, swellings or chafeings in any Member; sinews, cutt, stark, or strain'd. It draws out Thornes it helpeth venomous biiteing of Dogs, snakes; or such like, likewise the pricking of Nailes, thornes or bones in any Joynts all manner of botches or boyles & doth alsoe serve very well for a soar [cloath] and to take away some kind of Anguish & paine in joynts; this is well approued

The manner of Makeinge

You shall take of pure Rosin & Collophone & Burgandy pitch half a pound : virgins wax and Olibanum of either a Quarter of a pound Mastick one ounce [harls] Tallow or sheep suit purified a quarter of a pound Camphire 2 drams make your Gummes in fine powder and searce it then melt your wax with your suitt upon a small Charcole fire, & put your powder therein by little and little over stirring it gently till it be well boyled then straine it through a cloath into a [pottle] of white wine; & when it is boild bloud warme put into 2 drams of Camphire in


Powder with a Quarter of a pound of venice Turpentine over stirring it till it be cold then then when it is soe cold that you may handle itt work it with your hands anoynting your hands with oyle Olive; or oyle of bitter Almonds & draw it soe long as the shooemakers doe their wax till it be to your mind, then make it up in Rowles upon a smooth table, & let them lye in the Wind till they be cold, & keep them for your use If you will you may roule them in white paper as the Apothecaryes doe the like From Mrs Hone Probat

For the Greensickness Take dewe wormes & slitt them & wash of all the dirt within them & wash them well in white wine dry them in an Oven, and beat them to powder; take as much as will lye upon 6 pence in Possitt Ale, and walk upon itt. Probat

For thee Yellow Jaundyes Take of your knottds great wormes slitt them & wash them cleane in water dry them to powder & drink it in Tamarisk & saffron boyld together in possitt drink & then putt in your powder of wormes as much as will lye upon a shillinge

Last edit over 1 year ago by Caroline Butten




Take half a a Pottinger of Creame one spoon full of red Saunders, a pretty quantity of Saffron put into a Cloath & straine into itt half a Nuttmegs grated & sweetned, well refined, or loafe Sugar, sett it on the Coales and warm it pretty warme drink it 9 morneings, and fast 2 hours after Probat. The Lady Beadle

Another for the Greene Sickness or for a Bruise

Take Lyquoris & Anniseeds & sweet Fennell seed an handfull of penny Royall, boyle them in Beer a good while, & sweeten it with English honey, put to it 5c or 6 spoonfulls of the juice of stone horse doung newly made & drink a good draught of it, for 9 mornings together and stirr after it leave out the penny royall and let the party sweat if it be for a bruise Probat The Lady Bartlett

For a stitch in the Side

Give a Bore his belly full of Meate and when he is well fild drive him up and downe till he dung and then lay it to the pained place as hott as it came from him the place being anoynted before with Oyle of Cammomile


For a Tetter

Take Sallendine & stamp it & rubb the Tetter with itt wash it of with butter & beer twice or thrice a day

For a Stitch to a Woman newly brought a bed

R The bottome crust of a browne wheaten Loafe strike it with Crowne soap & hold it to the fire till it be very warme and wrap it in a thin Cloath and apply it the pained side Note you must toast the bread before you strike it and if there Occassion you may take it of & heat it againe and new strike with Soape

A good Conserve to help Digestion

Take Redd mynce & beat it with the powder of Sugar, & the powder of Cynamon untill it come to a Conserve, & then take soe much of it att once as a Wallnutt one hour after your Meate Dr Smith

An excellent Receit for the swelling in the Neck which commonly falls out to bee the Kings Evill


Last edit over 1 year ago by Caroline Butten


136 Seeth Mallows the leaves & roots and some Camomile in faire water sweetned with [a] honey & with that bath the swelling of the neck every day streaking itt backward with your hand which is the best way and will help the sooner

Dr Wilkinson hard travell or ffainting Take a handfull of Cowslip blossoms Rosmary blossomes as much woodbeltony, as much; sweet marjoram as much one ounce of Cloves; one ounce of Cinamon one ounce of Cloves Ginger; one ounce of Nuttmeg, bruise spices, and steep them all 9 dayes in 3 pints of sack & then still them altogether The Lady Wade A Soveraigne Medicine or water to remove any disease from the heart or stomack, be it the plague small pox Measles, or such like it will expell it presently it is cald the Plague water

Take Rue Egrimonie wormwood marigold leaves Sage Salendine Balme Rosemary Mugwort Dragons pimpernell; ffetherfew; Burnett sorrell Carduus, Benedic: or Angelica, of each of those

137 Herbs a pound but of the Rosemary 2 pounds a quarter of A pound of Alicompanye roots or somewhat more then shred something small and smoak them 3 dayes in the best white wine you can gett, covering it very close and now & then stirring it with a stick & put them into as much Wine as will cover them which is about 4 or 5 gallons then take uo the herbs in a Cullender and dreine them and distill them by themselves in an ordinary skill, and the water thereof warmed with a little Treacle or Methredate will drive any sickness from the Heart, and distill the wine by it selfe, and the water thereof is good to driue away Agues with a little Treacle or Methredate aforesaid, still it up assoon as you can; In the stilling of itt; You may take the first water of every stillfull which will be the strongest & the next water will be the smallest which you may giue to Children but be sure to whomesoe ever you giue itt, giue itt before the fitt comes or else it will make them very sick

For bleeding att the Nose

Take Bole Armoniack & Whitewine & vinegar mixe them together spread it upon a Cloath & lay upon the temples, bruise a little hysope and put into the Bole Armoniack & vinegar & putt a little up the Nostrills


Last edit over 1 year ago by Katy Mair



A Remedie against the Plaguew

Take iii pintes of Malmsey; if you can get it; if not as much Muskedine, boile therein a handfull of sage a handfull of Rue; untill one pint be boiled away then streine it and sett it on the fire againe; then put thereto one penniworth of long pepper a Quarter of an Ounce of Nutmeggs, and half an ounce of Ginger all broken together, then lett it boile a little & add thereunto iii penniworth of Mithredale & ii penniworth of treacle and a Quarter of a pint of hott Angelica water

Take of it if the bodie be decseased iii spoonfulls at a time morneing & evening and sweat 3 or 4 houres; as the strength of the patient will endure and in the time of the sweateing let them drink noe cold drink but warme noe posset Ale when in Mary gold flowers haue been boiled; one spoon full at a time is sufficient. It is good against the Plague, feavours, sweating; sickness the small pox Mearles and Surfetts

A good plaister to break the sore & Draw out the Infection

139 Take a red onyon and a Lilly root rosted together in a welt paper in the Embers then chop a litte sheepsuitt, small and a handfull of Rue being shred fry them in a frying pan and mixe your onion and lilly roots boing rosted with the Rue in the pann with 2 or 3 spoonfuls of blacksope or else with common soape; Apply this warme to the place grieved remoueing of it, every 4 hours and soe presentely burne it and apply more This will draw out the Infection of What nature soever itt bee


A Recete to make a wound drink

Rp of these herbs following each and handfull

Woodbettony Ribwort Egrimony
wormwood whitbottls wild Angelica
Bugle bramble buds
Mugwortt Dasies roots Cromfrey
Sanacle hony suckls mince
Plantaine Avin Scabious
Dandelyon hawthorne
Last edit over 1 year ago by MackieBlack


140 But to these a pottle of Wino & a Gallon of cleare running water, boyle all these together untill half the Liquor be boild away then take the Liquor from the herbs and put it into a Bason, then straine the Moysture of the Herbs and pour all into Pasnett, and putt to it a Quart of honey and lett itt boyle a pretty while then put it into a glass stopp it close till need shall require; lett the party wcth shall use itt take 2 or 3 spoonfulls & drink thereof morning & Evening untill hee hath drunk a pinte. {Use} It is good for sores both now & old, for wounds in the body laying upon them a plaistor of honey and wax, for Womens breasts for prutrified bones causeing them to skale, for the Acke in the stomack and to break an Imposthume causeing it to keetp come outt; It hath driven Bulletts out of a soldiers Body that hath lyen long there, and heald the place of of the tissue

The Termes stopped Probat Mrs Sadler

Take Holy thistle and boyle it in Possott Ale drink it a moneth together Probat, Mrs Home


To Stanch the bleeding of a wound or cutt

Putt first into the wound cutt green bysone bruised & mingle it with a good quantity of sallet oile: then take some horse dung hott from the horse & lay it a good thinkness upon the wound or cutt and itt will stay the bleeding; if this will it not then take hogsdung & that will stay To Lady Capell

For the stopping of the pipes

Tale Elecampane rootes beaten into fine powder and mingle itt with pure English honey and give the party every morning 3 or 4 pills of itt. Dr Lodge

A Defensive for any Wound

Beate Lythurge e Seres mon ounce of fine powder with an Ounce of oyle of Roses and a little vinegar in a Morter while it comes to on Oyle


Last edit over 1 year ago by MackieBlack
Displaying pages 66 - 70 of 134 in total