Wellcome Collection: Ayscough, Lady (MS1026)

Receits of phisick and chirurgery. There are a few cookery receipts at the end. Inside the cover is written 'The Lady Ayscough Booke Anno Domini 1692'. The first 93 pp. and the 7 pp. of cookery receipts are by the original hand, the remainder is in another nearly contemporary script.




A Drink for the Scurvye Take one handful of Brooklime and 3 handfulls of water creshes boyled in a Quart of white wine or Beer, lett it Stand all night upon the Embers to infuse, and then straine itt, and put in a race or two of Ginger, then drink of itt 3 times a day in the morneing at four of the clock in the Afternoone, and att Bed time. Probat

To Fasten the Teeth Take some of the Liquor of Capors & use to wash the mouth and Gumms therewith and it will fasten them.

For a cold if Fleum oppress Take a little English honey & clarifie it then put into it a little quantity of fresh butter and boyle them together, make theme together up into pills dram take them. For a Sore Throat Take five leave grass a good Quantity and boyle it in running water, from a Quart to a pint, and Gargle with itt 3 or 4 times a day warme

For coldness of the Head Take Lavender, Bayleaves, Rosemary sweet Marjoram, Cammomile, & Asope, dry them alsoe and beat them to powder then take 4 Nuttmegs, a little handfull of Bay salt drye them alsoo & beat them and put them all together between a linnoncloath & with a little woole warms itt hott and soo lay itt to the head behind

For noyse in the Eare Take the Juyce of Garlick, or Oynion, a little Goosegreace, boyle them in a little English saffron straine it gently & drop a little into the Eares warm & stop them with fine cleane black woole doo this on Night 75

Last edit over 1 year ago by Bethany Slater



For a Tetter

Take an Ounce of Verdugreace, of Soote an handfull, of baysalt one handfull, bruise them all together, and put them in a quart of your owne water, and let it stand 3 dayes to steep, then wash the sore twice a day.

For to make syrrup of Rhubarb

Take of Rhubarb an Ounce, and a quarter, of seeny half a handfull, Cynamon scrupls or 40 graines, Ginger fifteen graines, Bettony water succory & Bugloss water water of each them xfluid ounces, steep all together in a close thing all night, in the morning boyle them a while together, then straine out the Liquor, into which put some xfluid ounces of fiine sugar, and boyle itt together to the height of a sirrup to which add of sirrup of the infusions of Roses 4fluid ounces {Virtue:}This doth very effectually; familiarly with much security purge Children; and delicate bodies of Choler & Pmelancholy 155

For the Wind

Take Ginger sliced & of Liquorice scrape and cutt into small peices, of each an fluid ounce & a half white sugar candy an fluid ounce, & then Emila Campana roots an Ounce, make them into fine powder & drink of those in white wine in the morneing fasting.

For the Spleen

Take the leaves of Tamarisk, or the young crops 2 handfulls; stamp them in a mortar or a dish with a cowling pan; put therto of white wine a pinte & a half let itt stand close coverd all night, next day boile it a little in a close pipkin, then when it is allmost cold straine itt Take of the leaves of Tamarisk or crops as befor and stamp them againe and steep them all night in the same wine next day boyle them adding thereto of white wine vinegar half a pint when itt hath boyled a while take itt from the fire let it stand till itt be allmost cold then straine itt; and put to that Wine & vinegar of fine sugar one pound, boile itt tothe thickness of a sirrup and reserve it for your use.


Last edit over 1 year ago by MackieBlack


156 {Use}Take 2 spoonfulls att once of the sirrup disolv'd in a little Malmsey or Muskadine, first in the morneing twice a Week.

A sirrup for thee Spleen

Rp Egremony scabees; Trumitory; Ceteretch Tamarisk; the topps of hops, maiden haire Borage Bugloss of each half an handfull, boyle those in a quart of running water to a pinte then straine itt, & putt thereto a qurter of pare sugar, & boyle itt while any scum ariseth drink hereof season spoonfulls warme morning & Evening. Probat

For the Spleen

Rp Polipody an ounce Spleenwort harts tongue borage Bugloss & violet flowers of each one ounce, the pith taken out: scena two ounces Ivory two ounces Glycoris 4 ounces Anniseeds 4 ounces devide this staff into 2 or 3 himen baggs, and when you have breroee 4 gallons of good Alewort and tuncd it up

157 Into a convenient vessell then tye the baggs at the bung hole till they may hang within a Inch of the bottome hanging little peices of Iron or gadds of steele with them to make them sink downe, drink of this Ale with a tost, Nuttmegg & Sugar half a pinte in the morneing fasting, & att 3 in the Afternoone, & use itt every day as long as it lasteth. Dr. Sam: A :

For the Ricketts

Take Raisons of the Sunn & Currans well washed of eached an handfull Agrimony, Livorwort, & Bettony, of each an handfull, or mince or torne Leaves of harts tongue, a stick of Licorish scrapt; and sliced into thinne slices one spoonfull of Annisseeds grossly bruised boyle these in a pottle of clarified Beere, or Ale untill half be wasted, then runne the Liquor through a cloath, & reserve itt for your use Let the Child drink thereof 8 or 10 spoonfulls {privy= counsellor} att a time, thrice in a day, in the morneing fasting at 4 in the afternoone, and at gooing to Bed, and when itt is spent, make more, & Continue itt for 2 or 3 monthes. 77

Last edit over 1 year ago by MackieBlack


158 For the Ricketts Take Lavender Hysope, Rosemary, penny royall, of each alike quantity Fetherfew and Cammomile, bruise them & boyle them in a sufficient quantity of fresh, Butter, straine them out hard & make thereof an Oyntment wherewith Annoynt his wrists; An Oyntment, if they be swelled every morneing, and at night and if you Annoynt the right Side; under the short ribs; wherewith itt is Swelled; itt will doe very well. You must give itt noe milk; Custards nor Cheescakes.

For th e Ricketts

Take a handfull of Rosemary, a handfull of bay leaves; and handfull of Camomile an hand full of sowed Hysope, as much of sowed time: all these must bee sliced and altogether beaten in a Morter, boyle them altogether in a pound of sweet May butter one houre: then straine them out: with this annoynt the Child his sides, and knees downe to the foot every morning & evening about the space of a quarter of an hour; This Oyntment is to be made in May. -- You must use take a root called for ferne, it hath a clove like a Garlick you must first take five cloves of them; bruise them

159 And put them into halfe a pinte of Milk and boyle itt untill itt comes to a quarter of a pinte Then drink itt every morneing fasting, and fast half an houre after, when you have vsed itt a pretty while then make some more in this mannor with th e cloves beaten: And when he will take itt noe longer in milke you must bake, you must bake in an Oven, beat itt to powder, & give itt in beer; This for a Child that hath the Ricketts .

A Sirrupe for th e Ricketts Take a quart of Running Water, one ounce of Maiden haire, an ounce of sage of Jerusalem an ounce of Colefoot, half an ounce of Licoriss sliced; half an ounce of Annisseeds bruised; one ounce of the sliced root forferne, an handfull of Liuerwort well pickt; twenty figgs sliced, boyle these all well together to the half; then straine them put to them a pound of fine sugar 2 drams of prepared Pearle; 3 leaves of Gold; stir these well together; and give the Child a spoonfull in the morning first; and a spoonfull last att Night Mrs. Love Probat 78

Last edit over 1 year ago by MackieBlack



For to much &r

Take as much of the Conserve of Red roses as a Wallnutt and mingle with itt as much Boelarmoniack as will lye upon a groat, and as much powder of Redcorall as will lye upon 3d and take the Quantity morneing and night, for these whose stomacks will not bear the these powder, in the Conserve, they may take the same quantity of powder; in 2 spoonfulls of plantaine water and one spoonfull of mint water stilled in an ordinary still

Another for the same

Take terralemna as much as will ly upon 6e in an ounce of Conserve of red roses, take itt halfe att night goeing to bed, the rest in the morneinge

A very good Medicine to strengthen those that are in the Same Condition

An approved Remedy for the Ricketts

Take the Livers of Young Rooks dry them in an Oven, beat them to powder, & giue hereof unto the Child in 2 or 3 spoonfulls of beer soe much of the powder as will lye upon a groat: this doe morn ing; and afternoon about an houre before meal and with in a short time the party affected will find ease and cure: Probat,

For the Ricketts

Rp Anny seeds two Ounces Cinamon half an Ounce 2 ounces of White sugar candy 2 pennyworth of Saunders 1 pound of the Raisons o'th Sunn Liverwort one handfull of Spere Mints one handfull browne Sage half a handfull of Hysope halfhandfull Of Orgon an handfull

Last edit over 1 year ago by Caroline Butten
Displaying pages 76 - 80 of 134 in total