Wellcome Collection: Ayscough, Lady (MS1026)

Receits of phisick and chirurgery. There are a few cookery receipts at the end. Inside the cover is written 'The Lady Ayscough Booke Anno Domini 1692'. The first 93 pp. and the 7 pp. of cookery receipts are by the original hand, the remainder is in another nearly contemporary script.





To make Spirit of mint. Take a Gallons of Spear mint water distill itt in A common Still & take soo much Spear mint Shred small as the water will well cover, set it on the Same pan as you did then Spirit of wine past you{r} Limbeck very close and keep A moderate fire, tha{t} itt may not heave then past you must draw itt long. {2} Then their is [any] Strong in it because of stilling itt again if then still 4 Gallons you may draw 3 & 1/2 then chop mint & put into it again as much as the Watter will cover, they steep all night & let on as before then draw 2 Gallons of that then shred mint the 3 [rind] as much as itt will cover, then set your 2 Gallons & draw it to a Gallon & A 1/2 & keep itt in severall glases that then may have some very strong & some small as you Order'd that Limbeck before soe doe with this like wishe.

TO make Wormewood water Take 10 Gallons of Sack:lees put to itt as much Ale wort that is strong, as will make it allmost as thin as bear put in 2 good sife fulls of wormwood, as soon as you have put in that Lees to the wort mix itt well & then put in {the} Wormwood and after all is in the Barme, soo let Stand all night close cover'd, next morning put itt into the Limbick & draw as long as their is any strength in itt fill the pott 3 quarters full & when it is drawen all over then take A pound of Gingar A pound of Anniseede bruise it. A pound of Liqurish scrape it slice it & bruise put these into the water that is once drawn over & let them lye in itt all night close stoped, soo draw itt as be fore with A very soft fire & very close paist'd & cloath close pinned about the small Pipe To keep in The Strength 37 Monsieurs Watter Take A pint of Cinnamon watter, a pint of Damask Rose water 3 pints of Good Aqua=vitae & A quart of fair running wator 5 penny worth of Angillico Watter as much Clove water & much Rosa solis & A pound of fine Sugar, beat the Sugar very Small & put itt into an Earthen pan, or Silver basson put the fair water to itt & when itt is dissolved put all the 4 named waters to it soo put it up in your Glasses you may put A little musk or mulsadine in it if you please.

TO make Spirits of wine Take 20 Gallons of strong: wort and mix with x Gallons of Sacklees to such A Thickness as you think will not burne the pott bottome, keep about A Gallon of that wort unmixt for the last pot will be the thickest full that pott 3 quarters full, and sett on the Limbeck & paist itt round about with Dough very close & att the first make A very good fire of charecool & after itt begins To run keep A mod[e]rate r fire that it may neither change colour nor have your paist soo draw till all the strongh be out that pott & wash itt very clean put in all you have drawn out, and keep your Second running in Severall glases for that use as you think fitt, as your water heats in the Top of that Limbeck, draw itt out put in cole, & wett Napkins in cold water & lay about the neck of the Limbeck that the heat may not make your Water white

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Julia



A Fine Pleasing Drink in Weakness when the sick cannot Relish Bear.

Take runing water & boil curst of bread in itt & some harts horne = tyed up in A peice of sarsnett let it boil very well then dissolve some conserve of red Roses in itt if the pasty be loose put to A pint or 3 spoonfulls of red wine which will give itt A pleasing tast & is A little binding if you will bruise A few Corriander seed & lye in itt.

To make Treakle water.

Take one Ounce of harts horne shaved & boil itt in 3 pints of Spring Water or Cardus water untill itt come to A Quart, then take the Roots of Ellicampane Gentian, Cypress Tormentell Cardius Angellico of each one Ounce haveing Cardus water you may use the herb & not the rootts of Cardus & Angelico Borrage flowers Buglass, & Rosemary flowers & mary=gold flowers of each 2 Ounces of Cittron Rindes one Ounce, the roots & Cittron rind must be dryed and beaten to A gross powder, then take an Ounce of the best Venice Treakle & dissolve itt in 6 pints of white wine & three pints of red Rose water then infuse all togather 24 hours & distill itt in A Glass still or Limbeck

The vertues of this Water

To restoore the spirits & speech itt is good against Sow^ning or faintness Agues wormes or the Small pox takeing one spoonfull or more att A Time or four Spoonfulls with Sugar according to the Strength of the Patient.


To make A compound of Amber Grease dissolved Take of Amber grease 1 [...]dram of sevit 1/2 A Dram of musk 1/2 ℥ of the Oile of bean 1 ℥ mix them in A Silver mo^rtar heat hot upon the fire then put in all but the musk put not that in untill it be allmost cold, soe incorporate them well togather & put them up in A glass for your use when you will make use of any of itt warm itt att the fire & shake itt togather make clean the Mortar with Sugar which will serve to perfume any sweat moat.

A Tisanny Drink

Elcampane roots Sliced dates stoned and Cutt small Figgs sliced small Rasons of the sun opened Egrimony Scabius Coltfoot, harts tongue pennyriall Issop Ale house Bethlem cowslip of Liccorrish Anniseeds boil all in fair water, & sweaten it with brown sugar Candy.

To Preserve Ellicampane

Take the Roots of Ellicapane clean washt & scraped peale of the outward part which is not stringed then take one pound or as much as you please & take for itt 3 pound of sugar or A pound and half first boil the rootts in water till it be very bitter then power itt out & boil it in fresh watter till it be tender then power out all the Water Save three quarters of A pint put in your Sugar & boil itt up with A fire unto the Thickness of A Sirrip & keep itt for your vse.


Last edit almost 2 years ago by Julia


40 To make Sweets for Lining

Take Damask roses not quit blowne & let ythem lye A drying A day or 2 ythem take 3 ounces of powder of [ora?] an Ounce of Bonjamin half A 1/4 of an Ounce of Storax A four cloves beaten & put your Roses into 2 big dishes strew this powder [amongst] let all dry upon A skellitt of water 2 days but not as much att ythe first your keep ythem in A pott covered near the fire for your use

Aqua Mirabilis

Take Cardiman, [Cubibs?], Rubarb, molaletts, Gallingall Nutmegs mace gingar cloves of sack steam all these must be bruis'd and infused a night in 3 pints of White wine one pint of Aqua vitae & one pint of ythe juice of Celadine ythen next day distill ythem in A Rose still, itt will run [Aposle] keep ythe first quart by it selfe you must put to ythe whole 3 quarts of A [pimd pf white Sugar Candy beaten & [Bar?] remember to put saffron in ythe still.

A Cordiall

Take ythe hearts of 3 or 4 sheep, quick cut of ythe sheep and slice them quickly in little thin slices into A clean Earthen pott put as much rose water to them as will cover them if you like not rose water Take Spring water mixt with 2 or 3 spoonfull of Sack cover ythe pott with paist and set it into A [browen brod?] oven when your [open?] your oven pour ythe Clear into a glass & put to itt A little [Alcarmis?] Take now and then A spoonfull of it it's highly Restorative

41 To make White Mead Take of Rosemary, Time, sweat bryar, Pennyriall Boil of each a handful and what other herbs you please as Oregan Wattor Cresses Egremony march Mallowes leaves & flowers. Liverwort wood Betony Eye bright Scabius of each A like quantity of ythe Bark of ye Ash tree of Gringo roots green of back of like proportion to ye herbs of wild angelico Robwort Sanibell Roman wormewood each such a proportion as is to every handfull of ye first herbs, A 16 part of an handfull of those sett or steep them a night & day in a wooden Bowl of water covered then ythe next day boil ythem very well in Another water, till the colour be very high, then take another Quantity green soo let itt boil 3 or 4 hour's time or as long as ythe liquor looks any thing green then let it stand with these herbs in itt A day & A night ythen put as much fine honey to itt as will make it bear an Egg ye liquor being strain'd from ythe herbs work & labour ythe honey & liquor together A whole day till ythe honey be consumed ythen. Let it stand A whole night again A-clearing, soo let it boil a 1/4 of an hour all ythe whites & shells of 6 eggs ythe yolks being taken out soo strain itt clean & let itt stand A day a-cooling ythen put itt into a Barrill if yoe will have itt work soo ythat it may be riddy to drink [shortly] take ythe whites of 3 or 4 Eggs A Spoonfull of Barm & a spoonfull of whear flower & beat all these together & let it work before ythe stop it, ythen after wards stop it well with clay and salt [?ed]together to keep ythe long moist beforre ye stop it up hang in ythe Barrill A bag of spice beat grossly, as Cloves mace Cinnamon & nuttmeggs put ythem in a Linnon cloath & hang ythem with in A thrid in ythe Barroll 22

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Julia


42 My Lady Pomander Take one pound of Roses buds purely cut from the White & finely beaten 2 Ounces of [Bonjamin] 40 grains of Amber Grease 24 Grains of musk 10 grains of Sivet 12 grains of the Spirit of Roses one Ounce of the Oyle of [Jessamyn], [soe] make it up with [Samb] black & Gumm Dragon Steep'd in Roses water & Orange flower water, if you haue not leasure [to] make it while your Roses are fresh, you may [be] at your Roses after the former [manner] and dry them when you vse [Searce] them very finely, make up your pomander [with] the [Crums] of A [Manchett] dipt in Orange flower or Damask rose Water your Pomander will be better if the third part of the Grounds, be Clove Gilly flowers & sweat marjorum finely beaten & Searced are the Roses for the Black Jaundice Take A pint of Earth wormes such as creep out of the Earth after rain and put them in A dish & strew A good handfull of Bassall upon them and cover them very close when they haue lain their one hour wash them very clean with fair water then take them out of your Dish and beat them very Small & boil them in A quart of white wine till they be allmost half wasted drink of this every morneing and every night for A week make fresh every 2 Dayes 43 An Antidote against any Infections Take of conserve of woodsorell conserve of [Roman] Worme wood of each 2 Ounces an Ounce of Venice Treakle 8 Spoonfull of the Sirrup of clove Gilly Flowers of canded Angilice Beaten to powder 2 Spoonfulls mix all these in An Electuary & take in the morneing fasting the quantity of A walnutt. To keep the Smallpox out of the Throat Take the third decoction of french barley one quart boil it in Sliced Liquor as 1/2 an Ounce burnt harts horne as much figs sliced 6 or 7 40 ordinary [fitches] bruis'd boil allto gather to the wasting of half of half of the Liquor, then give 2 or 3 Spoonfulls [after] [Dinne] swallow ing as easily downe as possibly may bee. TO make Gascon Powder Take two Ounces of pearle one Ounce & A half of Corrill Crab [Eyes] half an Ounce white Amber Grease half an Ounce harts horne half an Ounce four ounces of crabs claws to make this up into into Balls you must take 14 snakes skins, and steep them 12 hours in three quarts of spring Water, you must put them in your water untill [ith] be A [stife] Gilly, searce the quantity of A Pint you must dry the balls of Charecool very slackly Mr Robinson

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Julia



A Rice Cordiall for A flux

Take A pint and A half of [runing] water put in 2 spoonfulls of bruised Rice with A very little mace let it boil till the third part be consum'd then take the yolk of A hard rested egg & break itt with some of the liquor & strain it into it & season itt with some red rose water & fine sugar [...] and and if you would haue it more binding put into it A little red wine when the egg is in make it hot upon the fire, & mingle it well.

To make syrup of Colts foot

You must wipe your Collts foot very clean with A cloath and stamp it in A Mortar and steam out the [Juice] and sett itt on the fire & let itt stand untill itt hath A hard green scum upon itt and under yt very clear & put to A pint of Juice a pound of sugar let it stand then fire till itt Boile then [scum] it clean & when itt is cold put itt into A glass for your use.

A Plaster for the sciatica

Take Burgundy pitch, [Resin], Bees wax, of [...] Ounces mell them togather, then take one Ounce & A half of course fur pint [in] one Ounce of the oile of mace, mell all these togather, & spread them upon half of sheep skin the flesh side then Grate A nutmeg upon it & lay it warme to the place pained.


Extemporary Hippocras

Take Cinamond, half an Ounce cloves, nutmegs, Benzour, mace, a quarter of an Ounce Long pepper the weight of Groat make this into fine powder mix 6 or 8 grains of Amber Grease & if you please one or two musk grinding them well togather put each pott in A [holet] by itt selfe wch will hold about A quarter of A pint full, ye Glass with good Aqua=vita or Spirit of Raisons or other wine let them stand 8 or 10 dayes together if you will longar then after they are settled power away the Liquor from each and keep them severally.

When you would have Hippocrass take to every pint of white wine or sack 1/2 A Spoonfull or more of the Liquor if you desire it to be perfumed use the tincture or Liquor with Amber or Musk if not the other brew them with Sugar as much as will suffice to give them A good rellish.

A Medicine for the yellow Jaundice

Take turmerick and Saffron and beat them to powder severally then take as much of the one as the other & mingle them togather & take as much as will cover A groat every morneing and night rowled up in A conserve of Barberries or the [pape] of an Apple this you must take for the space of one weak.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Julia
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 134 in total