Wellcome Collection: Ayscough, Lady (MS1026)

Receits of phisick and chirurgery. There are a few cookery receipts at the end. Inside the cover is written 'The Lady Ayscough Booke Anno Domini 1692'. The first 93 pp. and the 7 pp. of cookery receipts are by the original hand, the remainder is in another nearly contemporary script.




46 Gascoignes Powder Take white Amber red corall pearle crabs Eyes harts horne of each of these one Ounce (made severally into fine powder) theye black tips of crabs claws as much of thatyt in weight made into fine powder as of all theye rest A very little Amber greece & A very little of theye Musk 2 or 3 leaves of saffron when all youryr powder are riddy to be made into balls, you must youryr Ambergreese desolve, then haveing some Adder skins, kill'd in theye Spring & dry'd by hanging of themym up, put themym in with A little Spring water into an Earthen pott cover itt withwth dough whichwch you must let stand withwth A moderate heat keeping continuall fire 24 hours when youyw open theyewith pot take out the ye Skin & withwth A clean hand wring themym into theye Liquor, in theye pott, cast Away he skins being clean wrung out then put up theye Liquor in A pott & withwth theye Liquor make up youryr balles, being all mixe'd togather make themym up into balles, Soe firm thatyt they may xxx Scrape dry themym att A window or att A good distance from theye fire, & if you have noe Adder make Jelly of hartshorne to make up your Ball's with all when they are dry wrap every Ball in A Severall paper & keep themym in Abox thatyt theye Strength may not Abate leave out if you will theye Musk & Amber grease & put in A good quantity of bezar. The vertues of it Aresistets poison & conduwth against all diseases perticipateing of theye nature as Small pox & pestilentiall feavours theye plague &c

Last edit about 3 years ago by Mariella


48 Pepper water for diseases of thye head in black Chirry wine or water, of thye heart in Some Cordiall it helps heart burnings, [ai]lld checks all looseness fluxes of blood or other thyyt strengthens all parts, as thye Stomach Livor Spleen womb vertues of thye Majesteria of Harts horne they are as as of Gascoignes powder only it is more refreshing! & bindes better soe it is more effectuall in fluxes et&c The quantity of thyat is from 15 or 20, to 50 or 6 grains vertues of Ivory prepared are, To strengthen thye liver spleen stomach & womb, it stop gently all Loosness & fluxes in thye belly. For the Small pox to take thye Spots out of thye face or keep thyem from pitting. Take one Gallon of white wine 8 pints of rosemary flowers 3 pints of snailes one handfull of Balme one handfull of flax seed 3 Lemmons sliced 3 sheets of venice paper torn into little bitts A Pupy Dog of nine dayes Old thye Snails must be washed thye Shells being first taken of in 12 or 14 waters then put in A napkin & soe hung up A while, thye Dog must be killed & flead & all things taken out of it & wiped out with A clean cloath thye head must be throwen Away and they 4 quarters only vsed put all these things Togather into A glass Still & Distill thyem with an Indifferant quick fire three pints of thye first drawing will be strong bu the first is best and soe thye second & soe thye 3 then put to each pint of water 2 ounces of thye best white Sugar Candy finely beaten & Searsd by thye water must be first cold before yow put it in, soe preserve it for vse. 49 The Countess of Oxfordons Juice of Liceras Take A pound of thye best and Greenest english locoras Scrape it very clean & cut it in thin slices thyen beat it in A Plaine Mortar with 3 or 4 spoonfulls of Damask rose water when you haue put itt downe from thye Sides of thye mortar put in as much hysop water as will cover it, soe let it stand Strong, let thye 4th part of it fair water then Stir itt well togather , and strain it throug an Ordinary Thin Strainer as long as yow can gitt any Juice out of it, then put it in A Skellit and Set it on A quick fire Stiring it continually & boiling it as fast as you can, makeing it boil till itt be riddy To Rope then Take it of thye fire & put in half A pound of white Sugar Candy or browne searced stir it well togather till thye sugar be dissolved & let it stand till it be pritty cool in an Earthen or putter Dish you must have A pound and an half of white sugar Candy beaten and searced to make it into past only you must reserve some of itt so Role itt up withall in what fashon you please.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Julia


50 The great Palsey Water for an Apoplexy Take of levander flowers stripd from the stalks and fill therewith A larg Gallon glass & pour of good spirit of wine or perfect Aqua=vitae distilled from all fleagm then cerculate them for 6 weeks very close stop'd & clad with A bladder, and soe nothing may breath out, let them stand in A warme place then distill them in Limbeck Stilled with his Collour then put into the said water, of the flowers of sage rose=mary bittany each 1/2 an handfull of the floers of burage buglass, lillium convallium cowslips of each an handfull steep these flowers in good Mamsey Aqua=vitae or Spirit of wine every one in its season till all may be had, then put also to them [disaefted] Togather put also to them of Balm Motherwort Spike flowers bay berryes the Leaves of Orange trees if they can be had & there flowers of each an Ounce cut all Small & put them in the Afforesaid distill'd Wine or Mamsey put them togather and Still them as before being stop'dthe space of 6 weeks then put in this distill'd water [titter] pills dry'd the yallow pills or Else of lemmon pills & piony seeds hull'd each 6 drams Cinnamon, Nutmegs, Mace, Cardamoms, Cubebs, Yallow Sanders each 1/2 an Ounce lignum Alloes one Dram make all these into powders and put them into this distill'd abovesaid Watter & put to them of [Jeiubes] new and good 1/2 A pound the vessel with A double Bladder, let them digest 6 weeks, then strain this hard with A press & philtrate your liquor, and put in this liquor prepar'd pearl 2 drams. 51 Prepared [smazagdoes] A scruple Amber Grease musk Saffron of each 1/2 A scruple red Roses dry'd and sweet Smelling red Sanders and yallow each one ounce hang these in A sarcenett bag in the water well cloased that nothing breath out. This water is of exceeding vertue In all Swoonings weakness of heart & decaying of Spirit in all apoplexies, Palsies Epilepsies in all points of the Joints comeing of cold all brusies out ward by bathed & dipped cloths in itt & let to itt Strengthens & comforts all animall vitall & naturall Spirits & cleanseth the externall semes strenghtens the Memory restoreth lost appetite, all weakness of the Stomack both to be taken inwardly & bathed out =wardly. Take of it A quarter of A spoonfull Fasting an hour after it. It takes away Giddy ness, helpeth the hearing maketh A pleasant brith. Their can be not better remedies in palsies Apoplexies, both to help in the fitt & to prevent. If you take morneing and evening A quarter of A spoonfull with Crums of bread & Sugar it helpeth the lost speech, helpeth all cold dispositions of the Liver & a begining Dropsy, helpeth all cold diseases of the month in sume none can express cold diseases sufficiently the vertues of this most Incomperable water Roles for Mrs. Ayscough Take of chosen Liquors made into fine powder one Dram and A half and the Lungs of A Fox dryed and made into fine powder one Dram of fine Sugar Candy.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Julia


52 Diascordium Hang to dry in A chamber 2 or 3 dayes 30. white poppy heads full groan but not too ripe afterwards wipe them with A clean cloth & cut of the stalks then [haueing] A great Earthen pott that will hold water cut the heads in quarters and put in the Seeds top one & all into the Pott & when you haue cut the 30 heads in this manner put some 14 or 15 pints of the purest Water into your Pott upon them and put them downe with your hand & let them stand to matter it 24 hours at least puting them downe with your hand once or twice in that time then boil them in Some Kettle or Sweat thing untill their strength be Out & they be soft, & the liquor wasted to 3 pints & A 1/2 then Strain the Liquor from the heads & Seeds in some clean thick cloath then put to that 3 pints of liquor 2 pounds of single refine sugar & boil it to the height of A good thick syrrop. A Receit For A Consumption Take of Unslakt lime A quart, put to itt 4 gallons of runing Water, let it stand 24 hours there will be A fat on the top of itt which must be clean taken of then Strain the water from the Lime, put into the water a pound of English Liquorish Sliced 1/2 A pound of Anniseeds bruised, 1/2 A pound of Saxifrass 1/2 dozen blades of large Mace giue the patient this to drink after it hath been steep'd 24 hours 1/2 A pint in the morneing fasting & walk after itt, as much att 4 A clock in the Afternoon & A wine glass att goeing to bed if you find good in itt, leave itt for A month or 2 & take itt again if you find it bind take once in A weak the Quantity of any good purgative thing that may work on[c]e or twice A day Four wind quarts is the Measure. 53 My Lady Allens water good for stomack surfitt or small pox Take of Celadine, Sage Rosemary Rue, Mugwort Pimpernall Dragon Scabias Egrymony Balme Scordium centary Carduus Cenedictus Bettony Rosa Solis Buglas Borage, Endive Succory mary golds of thses 5 handfulls flowers & leaves, Harts horne Ease Liver wort lungwort, harts tongue of each of these herbs A good handfull Angelica roots 2 gentian roots For mentall [&odoaries], liquoras of each of these roots 1/2 an Ounce one root Ellecampane one root of piony, Scrape wash & slice your rootts gather your hearbs in the heat of the day mix them all Togather let them lye on A clean table till the next day then shred them very grossly and put them in A good big Earthen pott cover them with the best white wine you can you must take Annaseeds and fennell Seeds of each an Ounce and an half 2 nuttmegs bruise your Seeds & Nuttmegs grossly, shake your Seeds amongst your hearbs then stop them very close for 3 days & 3 Nights then Still them in an Ordinary still stoping itt close as you did before. when you take it let it be luke warme & put Some Sugar in itt 3 or 4 spoonfull to A small Child to A stronger 6, to another more. Probatum Est. 28

Last edit over 1 year ago by Julia



To Help After Pains

Take A dram or 2 scruple scruples of mithridate mix itt with 4 or 5 grains of powder of rosin if the flud's be great after deliverance then give the following julep 3 or 4 times in A day. Take of frog span water 4 Ounces of the smaller sort of cinnomon water, an Ounce & half of sugar of rofes two Ounces of sirrup of Corrall 2 Ounces & keep your bed if the flux stop to soon boil birthwort and balm in the Oat meal Cordiall In case the after birth should slip from the midwifes hand, if there be A suckling woman by let the woman suck of her milk & itt will in half an hour make itt come to hand.

For Soreness

Take 2 handfulls of Chicken weed Chop it A little & put itt into A pipkin with A cover take 1/2 A pound of sheep suit shred itt small laying in the pipkin first A layer of Suit and then A layer of Chick=weed, & soe till all is in let it stew upon embers being very close stoped all night the next morning Anoint the place binding some of the Chick weed to itt

A Medicine too draw or heal any Sore also to heal Chilblanes

Take of the best English honey one Ounce, one Ounce of Turpatine, one Ounce of Sallit oyle & 2 Ounces of bees wax boil them altogether softly upon A few Embers, stiring them well together, then strain it into A bason of fair water, & then working itt well together make it up in Roses.

An Excellent Water for Convulsion fitts

Take of rosemary flowers & Cowslip flowers each one handfull, of wood bettony and hand full of Balme One Ounce of Cloves, & as much Cinnamon stamp al together in A stone Mortar, and steep it in A epottle of white whine 2 dayes then dessolve in it 2 Ounces mithridatae & disill it in an ordinary Still when you use itt sweeten itt with white sugar Candy & when the fitt is give to A little Child one Spoonfull to one that is Elder more.

For A storke in the Eyes if thier Grow pain theirby or if you be pricked in the Eyes by any Chance

Tak A pigion & let her blood and let in and of the vein of the wing and let the blood spin Out of the vain into the Eyes and it will by gods grace cire it this must be done 5 or 6 nights, att goeing to bed.

To help great After pain

Take A handfull of pennysioll 7 or 9 sprigs of balm, boil it in A draught of possit drink & put in as much diaseordium as 2 nutts andlet the woman Drink

Last edit 6 months ago by Julia
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 134 in total