



Status: Complete


A water of Exelent uirtue to helpe the weake
or dimme sight of the eyes when they
are decayed by age sicknes
or other way

Take 3 drames of tueiah in puder uery smalle
& as much of aloes epyricum in puder 2 drames of
fine sugar 6 ounces of red rose water 6 ounces of
good white wine mix all thes together & put it into
a Cleane glase being well Closed & stoped & set
it in the sune a mounth together mixing
& stiring together all the sayd things at least
ons a day to the intent you in corproate this
being done take of the same water & put one drope
in each eye morning & euening contineue soe a
Cartin space it will cause the sight to come again
& be as pure as it was before

A water to Stringthen the sight

Take of wood bettony of 3 leaued grase with the
white spote ockley Cristy yarow sinckfold sallendine
red fenill of each a good handfull of eye bright 2 great
handfulls a handfull of white rosses or the water of
them a quarter of a pinte shread all this together &
lay them in steepe in halfe a pinte of white wine
& 2 or 3 sponfulls of honey in an earthen pot
close stoped one whole night in the morning still
it in a common still adding to it halfe a pint of
the urine of a man Child when you put it into
the stille drinck a litell of this in the morning
festing 2 howers after it & with a litell rage
wash the eyes

A powder for the eyes

Take of the seeds of Corander prepared & swet
fenill of each a drame of mase 2 scruples of eye
bright one ounce of fine sugar beaten & [seised]
3 ounces make a powder of them take halfe a
sponfull of it after diner & after supper

To Cuer a blind horse or Cristane

Take of the best & newest wheat & lay it
Corne by Corne one a Clean Cleauer then take a
red hot fyre shouell & lay upon it & soe let
a man tread hard upon it & ther will come
forth an oyle then take a feather quikley & like
up the oyle with it & soe draw the feather through
the eye

A water for sore eyes whose lides are all swelled

Take a pritey quantety of red rosewater & as much Alowes
beaten to fine powder as with turne it yeallow drope a
drope into the eyes morning & euening & wash the eye lides
with a feather


A Medicine for sore eyes

Take three Cloues beat them fine and searse them three Spoonefulls
of fennill water 3 Spoonefulls of mamsey 3 penny worth of
Tutty pared and beaten fine mix all these in a little glasse
and dresse the eye with a feather once a day or as you shall
see occasion

For a pinne or pin & web in the Eye

The white of hens doung, and grated ginger, more of the white than of the ginger put some
into the eye

A water for sore eyes commeded by Sir James Langham

Take of watter of frogs spawn perdelicum half a pinte infuse into
it a dram of uolus metelorum after wait decant it of through a peice
of lawne paper after put into it of Salprunla & sugar candy finly
powdred of each half an ounce after it has stood so 24 howers strein
it through a thick peice of brown paper & keep it for your use it is for
cooling the eyes & preseruing & stringthing them & to take of specks
in the eyes put in more sugar & salprunlla put some of this water
into a prety wide mouth vioyll so open as to receiue the eye open
into it & so let the water lye upon the eye being opened some while this
you may doe in a morning

A uery good receipt for sore eyes commended by Mrs Worsley

Take a uery good handfull of scabeious half a pound of raisons of the
sun stoned half a pound of blue corans brused put thes into a galond of
midling bear & drinke no other drinke & this has helpt many they
must at the same tyme lay blistering plaisters behind the ears


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Katy Mair

Thanks @Stephen for these links, and thank you for your amazing transcriptions we are reviewing them now and there is very little to change!