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The day ffollowinge lett the patient apply these plaisters to
both his wrists

Take of wormewood and Rue of each an handfull and halfe a
handfull of houselick, beate them very small in a wooden dish
then put thereto two peniworth of Venis Turpentine & as much
of frankinsence, of the whitest finely beaten, as will make it
spread like a plaister; then spread it one a peese of sheepes Leather
a good thicknes, then streawe thereon 2 peniworth of mastick well
beaten to powder then make two plaisters thereof 3 fingers
broad & apply to each wrist one of them, sowinge them fast one

Then lett the patient obserue a good dyet videlicetz lett hem be uery
temperate; eate & drinke as little as may be, & noe flesh meate att
night att all; and if it be possible lett him be fastinge and the stomach
emptie when the fitt commeth, and soe contineu fastinge till the
fitt be past, only lett the patient drinke possett drinke made of
Cardus Benedictus or beere wherein Centory hath been steeped
twelue houres before

A Medicine For a quarterne ague

Take a handfull of black stone horse dunge & steepe it all night
in a pinte of ale, strong; streine it in the morninge and lett the patient
Drinke it fastinge, and lett him fast two houres after it, soe lett
him take it 3 dayes together: but withall lett him apply this
plaister following videlicetz:

Take thick mustard made with stronge white wine viniger then
take two thinne Raggs & dip them in some stronge white wine
Viniger made hott one the fire, then put the said mustard betweene
either Ragge & soe apply to each wrist one of them and soe lett
it be Renewed fresh euery day: 2 or 3 houres before the fitt come
Lett the patient First take the vomitt in the former
Receipt for the Quotidia and Tertian ague;

A medicine for an Ague

Against the third fitt when you haue learned the time of
the fitt provide this drinke.

Make a possit of white wine or Rennish wine for that is
best dissolvinge halfe a pinte of it, halfe a dramme of
metridate, and as much of the Electory called Confectio
Liberand, let all this or a good part thereof bee drunke
hot an houre at least before the fitt comes & let the party
bee kept warme in bed at the same time lett these things
bee made ready for the Rists

Take [t]ansie, Balme, Rue; ffetherfew, and a little Cobwebbe of each halfe a hand full
of each three cloues of garlike, shed them & pound them
all together divide them into two parts and lay them
uppon two presses of linninge cloth Then sprinckle uppon
them a little saffron & a little of the wine and soe apply
them to the Rists in the place where the pulse beats
so that they remaine on.

Continue this the second time if neede bee.


A drinke for an Ague wch hath
cured some that hath had it 2 yeares together

Take of senna 2 oz of polipody ½ an oz fennill seeds ½ an oz
Aniseeds ½ an oz bay berries ½ an oz liquorish ½ an oz scurvigrasse
one handfull, & a halfe on Red docke roote the pith taken out bruise
all these together in a stone morter and hange them in a bagg
in a gallon of new ayle 3 dayes then drinke a good draught thereoff
at 8 a clocke in the morninge and 4 in the afternoone keepe warme

A present cure for an ague it hath often
beene proued and it cured

Take a blacke snayle, and put it into a docke leafe, and then sue
it in a peice of sarsenett or a thinne ragge, and hange it about
the necke reachinge downe to the bottome of the stomach, it
must hange there nine dayes, and it ordinarily helpeth but
if it be not quite gonne, hange another this hath helped
many when no physician could do them good.

An excellent easie Glister for a Child
that hath any aguish distemper

Take a quarter of a pinte of possett drinke made of ayle beatt
into itt the yolke of a new layd egge with the skinne taken off
then putt thereto a spoonefull of ordinary sugar and soe giue it the

An easie purge for the same

Take 2 spoonefull of sirrup of Roses and one spoonefull of
syrrope of violetts and soe giue itt the child to drinke.

For all kinds off agues

Take a quarter of an ounce of the whitest sneesinge powder
one dramme of scammany and one scuple of the powder venis
turpentine mixt alltogether then take 4 figgs and divide them
in the midst and lay them on the powder and as much thereoff
as the figgs will take upp will bee sufficient then therewith
make two braceletts and apply them to the hand rists with
linnen cloths sewed close about them to keepe them warme.

For all sorts of agues except the third
day ague

Take of Turmericke, ani seeds, and liquerish; of each one oz
of fenegricke graines, longe peper, of each halfe an ounce
putt them all into fine powder and mingle them alltogether
giue thereoff to an elder [body] soe much as will lye uppon a sixpence
and if it be a child soe much as will lye uppon a 3d in warme posset
drinke when the fitt beginnes to come goe to bed and bee couered warme
and sweate uppon itt.

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