



Status: Complete

A Medicine to heale a ffellon to take away
the Swellinge without breakinge of it

Take a Little Rue or herbe de grace as much of ragweed a little reesud
reesed bacon and a Little bay Salt: lett all these be well brused
& well mingled together: with a little of the curdes of a calues mawe
Lay it thicke onn a cloth plaister wise: & soe apply it to the place affected

A Medicine to Stay a bloudy fluck[s] or the
flowers if they come [I]moderately

Take a few garden beanes dry them in an ouen with browne bread
you must lay them one by one uppon the ouens mouth uppon a cleane
sheete of paper: and when you drawe your bread take them out
pill them & scrape them cleane beate them to a fine powder
and take a spoonefull of the said powder and mix it with a little
six shillings beere: as much as will wett it & soe take it morn
ing and eueninge this will also cure the Runninge of the Reines

for the bloody flux
Take a ounce of synamond half an ounce of mustard seed 3 quarters of a pound of lean
bacon & stampe all this together & boyle in 2 quarts of water till it is come to one quart & drink
a quarter of a pinte morning & evening & it will stop the bloody flux
Quench steele in springe Water till a third pte be waisted
then boile in the water, shepard Purse, knotgrasse, Plaintaine the
fflowers & Pills of a Pomgranate, with some Cinamon lightlye
bruised, then straine it, & put to itt the like quantitye of red wine
& Sweeten it with syrop of Quinces, & drinke of this at you pleasure

Toste some Rubarte finely sliced, & after powder itt, & mix the
quantitie of a drame of the powder, with three ounces of concerne
of red roses, & take the quantitye of a Walnutt an houre before
dinner, & as long before Supp.

Take a quantitye of Cheese strong of the Rennett, & make
a suffumigation of it vpon a fewe Coales, within the Stoole.

A playster to heale a sore breast

Take an ounce of simple drackallem an ounce of
gomoniagom dissouled in whit wine uinager then
mixe it well together aply a plaster therof to the
sade sore you must put on a fresh plaster ons in 4
or 5 dayes

For a Fistula

Take the skull of a dog the older the dog is the better
then burn itt into Ashes and straw the powder thereof
vppon the greife and vpon as many issues as belong to
that greife and by gods grace itt Shall heale incontinent

Ffor to cuer & stop a felon
Take bran & vinagar & boyle it together & lay it on hot as thick as a
pultice & renew it twice a day & that will cuer it

Another for fellons & swellings
the leaven of wheat hath vertu to draw outward it resoulueth concoxteth
& qureth all swellings bunches & fellons being mixed with salt

for scurf & swellings in the breast

The bran of wheat boyled in strong vinager cleanseth away scurfe or
dry scabes & desoulueth in the begining hot swellings if it be laid to them
& boyled with the decotion of rew it slacketh swellings in womens breast


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