



Status: Complete


A medicine for the Scurvie {21}
Take a pottle of cleare Whaie, sett it on the ffire, put into itt
halfe an Ounce of Maidenhaire, halfe an ounce of Licoras, and halfe
an ounce of Annisseedes bruised, sixteene prunes, with their stones
crackt, one handfull of Rasons of the Sunn stoned, a handfull of
Ashen=rinds, the outside scraped off, one handfull of Water=cresses
one handfull of Brooklines, one handfull of Rosemary, one
handfull of Scabious, wash all these cleane, and put them into
the Whaie, and boile itt, till halfe be consumed, then straine the
Liquor from the Hearbes, and put into itt, one ounce of Sanie, and
lett it stand, and soake one houre, then sett it on the ffire, and lett it
boile, halfe a quarter of an houre. Lett the Patient take six p spoonefull[...]
of this, and foure spoonfulls of the Juce of Scurvie grasse, twise
every day, for the space of twentye dayes together in the morninge
fastinge, and att foure a Clocke afternoone; if it be for a Child foure
spoonefull of the Liquor, and two of the Scurvie grasse; if you would
have it purge more, lett the Sænie infuse longer, and boile lesse.

A present remedey for the Scuruie
Take 20 sponfulls of the iuce of Scuruigrase with a litell
horse radesh roote beaten set it ouer a soft fyer & when
the scume doth rise put therin 3 sponfulls of the iuce of
oranges & soe scume it into a poringer then strayne your
drinck & strayne your scume allso into your drink as long
as it will rune cleare let the paitent drink therof
2 sponfulls therof in a litell draught of beare
euery morning & fast 2 howers after it & as much
at 4 a cloke in the afternone & in all the spone meate
they eate let them put in 2 sponfulls you may beate
halfe a pecke at a tyme you must put in a handfull
of garden Scuruie=grase to it & a litell horse rasish
roote if the thyes & leges be full of blake spotes then
wash them with a lather of Castell sope & apply a plast[...]
spread with Castle sope & it will take them away this
hath been proved

An exellent powder for the Scurui
Take alleblaster beate it & sifte it fine then giue to
the partey as much as will lye on a shilling in a litell
draught of mase alle warme doe this for 9 dayes euery
morning or longer if the disease be uery strong on the
A Medicine for the Scurvy
Take 4 Spoonefulls of the iuce of Scurvigrasse and
halfe of that in your gardein the other of the wild 4
Spoonefulls of the iuce of Orenges and as much of
white wine take this euery morninge fastinge
9 dayes together and itt will not faile to cure
itt with a little Sugar to helpe thee taste


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