



Status: Complete


A Purge for the Dropsie

Take some grains of Guttagumme in the in the pappe of an Aple &
two houres after drinke a draught of possett drinke & soe doe for
two or 3 dayes togeather & then cease two or three dayes togeather
& thus continue ittas longe as you shall see occasion if the belly
bee very bigge after the the purginge ap apply docke leaues to the Navle
shiftinge of them as many times in the day as they bee wett
Probatum est

ffor the Dropsie

Take the Rootes of a broade Sedgge that growes in Marshy grounds,
stampe them & Streyne them take 3 spoonefulls of the Juyse
putt itt into some possett drinke drinke soe much 3 mornings
togeather you may forbeare 3 dayes & if occasion bee drinke more

Probatum est

An Aprooued Medicine for a dry Dropsy or for one
that is swelled from head to foot with wind.

Take a quart of white wine, & a pinte of stronge ayle of red sage
Peneryall unsett Hysop of each a handfull a quarter of a pound
of Razons of the sonne stoned 2 oz of blew figgs boyle all these together
untill itt come to a pinte strayne itt & then putt into itt 2 oz of browne
sugar candy & drinke there off a little draught in the morninge
fastinge & fast an howre after itt Att night when you goe to
bed you may warme itt a little if you please.

ffor the Dropsie approoued

Take 3 quarts of the second Runninge of ayle worte & boyle in
itt sage woorm wood the topps of greene broome & the inward Rind
of ash of each a handfull you must boyle itt untill a pinte bee
wasted then take 3 spoonefulls of East & Worke itt up then putt itt
up in bottells you must nott stoppe your bottells butt putt paper
ouer them untill itt hath done workinge

A Vomitation for the Legge that is full
of the Dropsy

Take a pottle of stronge Beare, two handfulls of woormwood
& two handfulls of [C]ammemile flowers two handfull of March Mallowes
boyle all these together till a pinte bee wasted & then baythe the
sayd Legge with the Hearbs very hott when you haue done lett
the patient goe into a warme bedd & sweat a breathinge sweatt an
howre or two & this doe as often as you shall finde occasion
butt some itt will helpe in 2 or 3 bathings

for the dropsey

Take 2 handfulls of wood sorell & 2 of wild duble tansey to a Galond of beare
& tune it up & so doe more observing the same proportion & drinke no other drink


To make a poultise toe Cure a soare breast
though it be full of holes: without Tentinge

Take a quarte of new milke put therein one handfull of smallage shred
small and as much Deere suyt as an egge: boyle them a little together
then putt therein a Little oatemeale and one handfull of linseede
small punned: and one spoonfull of the powder of lemmon pills: boyle all
these together till it be as thick as a poultise: then spred it one a
cloth: & apply it to the breast as hott as the patient may abide it: without
any other medicine morninge and eueninge untill it be whole and if
there be any holes put noe tents therein: but only lay this
poultise ouer all.

A Soueraigne Pultise to breake
a sore brest

Take a Pottle of ayle & a handfull of Smallage of mallowes
Chickewood Grunsill of each a handfull shred them & beatt them
in a stone morter then putt them into your ayle allso halfe a
pound of the Razons of sun stoned & bruised halfe a pound of
sheepe suitt halfe a pinte of Linseede boyle all these togeather
untill itt come thicke as as a pultise & then apply itt to the
brest as hott as the patient can suffer itt you must dresse itt
twice a day till itt bee broake & then apply a plaister

A Serecloth to disolue a sore brest

Take of oyle of Linseede wax and sheepe suitt of each a
like quantity melt them alltogether in a pewter dish then
take your cloth & drippe itt into itt you must leaue itt pretty
thicke uppon your cloth & your cloth must bee pretty stronge
you must apply a payr of Selsian playsters uppon the holes
you must take redd sage & putt itt into a pewter dish uppon a
Chafin dish of coals & dry itt a little then sprinkle uppon itt
white wine vinegar untill itt bee pretty wett & then dry itt
againe & [rubb] itt to powder and quilt itt in a thinne linning
cloth & lay itt all ouer the brest uppon the sercloth reachinge
under the arms

An openinge drinke for a [breyst]
that is nott to bee broke

Take Endiffe Succory Dandelon Sinke foale of each one hand=
full Polipodia 4 oz Ruberb & seny of each 1/2 oz boyle all
these together in 3 quarts of whea or small ayle till one quart bee
consumed you must putt in of Aniseeds sweete fennill seeds
of each an oz then straine itt & drinke there off euery
morninge fasting & fast 2 houres after itt


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