Wellcome Collection: Brumwich, Anne (& others) (MS160)


Mrs Anne Brumwich her Booke of Receipts or Medicines ffor severall sores and other Infermities.

With many additions, by several later 17th cent. hands.

The original compiler, Anne Brumwich, writes in an early 17th cent. hand, but some of the additions are much later, one dated 1681 is found on p. 12.




Dorothy Cartwright Dorothy Cartwright Dorothy Cartwright Dorothy Cartwright

Dorothy Cartwright


Last edit about 1 year ago by Katy Mair



1/ Mris Anne Brumwich her Booke of Receipts or Medicines, ffor Severall sores and other Infermities

A medicine for the pearle in the eye which Commonly commeth with a stroke in the eye and is a Little speck in the gray of the eye

Take a new layd egge & rost it very hard take of suger and Allum, of each as much as an hasele nutt and beinge well brused together, take out the yolke of the egge and putt into the place thereof the saide powder of suger & allum, then clappe the shell together againe, while it is hott then Lappe the egg in a Linnan Cloth & breake it with your fingers and wringe it hard over a fayre sauser, & a cleere water will come from it the which you must keep in a glasse and if the eye be very sore Take more of the suger then [sc. than] the allum droppe one droppe of the said water into the eye with a ffeather morneinge and eveninge, for toe nights and one morneinge, then Rest one Day and if you feele it soe mend dresse it noe more, if not use it as before, note this that the hotter the egge is closed together with the suger & Allum in it the better the water will be, and see that the pacient Take but one droppe att a tyme as hee lieth in his bed

A Medecine ffor staine in the eye, which is a little dent or hole in the gray of the eye as big as a little pinns head

Take the white of a new layd egge and beate it with a fether in a pewter dish untill it be all of a white froth like snowe, then strike it with your fether all to the on side of the Dish, & sett it one slope & there will runne a cleere water from it, & the better you beate your egge the Better the water will be, then take a few daysie leaves, punne them small and streyne them, and putt thereof into the water as much as will make it greenish, and as much hony as will make it sweetish then stirre it together with your finger and putt it into a glasse, for your use; Take thereof one droppe into the eye by a fether toe nights & one morninge and if then it be well use it noe more, if not use it as before

A water for an eye whose white is as red as flesh but the sight thereof is still Cleere

Take the white of a new laid egge beate beate it with a spoone in a pewter dish a greate while, then put thereto as much suger as will make it sweetish & after the froth is taken from it, beate it againe with your spoone and droppe one droppe of the said water into the patients eye morninge and Eueninge untill you shall perceive amendment and you must make fresh water every day, this water is alsoe good for ane eye that hath had a blowe giuen it with any thinge


Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia



A medicine for an eye that hath been swollen up toe or three dayes and the meanes not knowne how it came or for an eye that hath benne burned with fire

Take toe spoonefulls of breast milke, and as much rose water & suger as much as will make it sweete, beate them uery well together, then take a peece of a Rotten Apple, and Rowle it in the said water, and bind it toe the eye day and night.

A medicine ffor An eye that hath a mist or a thicke skinne ouer it by the use of toe many waters & yett some sight is Left in it

Take a quarter of a handfull of pearle worte & as much of daysie leaues & Rootes, a croppe or toe of Rosemary and toe or three leaues of ground Iuye, and as much tyme, punne all these together in a fayre wooden dish very small then take twenty sowes otherwise called wood lice, punne them with the herbs then putt them all together into a draught of ale, and streyne it through a cleane cloth and give it the patient fastinge toe drinke in the morninge then Bind toe his arme this medicine followinge videlicetz

Take Hemblock pealeworte & Comfry of each halfe an handfull one spoonfull of hony, punne them small with soe much Bolearmeniack as will make it Looke red then bind it the patients wrists, & contineu the said medicine till you find amendment

A medicine for an eye that is dimme inclininge toe a Caterict

Take a peniworth of white wine one peniworth of suger an half peniworth of copperas a little allum putt them alltogether into a glasse punned and searred until the suger allum & Copperas be melted therin, then droppe three dropps thereof into the eye att night goinge toe bed and as much in the morninge and if it be to sharpe put more suger therein

A Remedy to take out a gritt stickinge in the eye which happeneth toe millers pickinge their mill

Take a needle and holdinge the poynte of it in your hand stroke the eye within, with the eye of the needle over the gritt and it will soe, Loose it in tyme, then when the gritt is out cover the eye close for a night and a day with a kercheif

A water to presearve the sight of the eye that is decaying

Take a gallon of raine water that falleth in June and putt it into a earthen that that was yett neuer used with any


A water to presearve the sight of eye that is deacayinge

Take a gallon of raine water that falleth in June and put it into an earthen pitcher that was yett neuer used with any thinge put therein as much suger as a doues egge & of Roach allum and white Copperas of each as much, beinge all well brused toe powder soe lett it stand toe nights and toe dayes uncouered in some cleane place out of the dust then put it into a glasse and lett it stand in the sunne, all the summer close stopped & when you doe use it droppe one droppe thereof into the patients eye euery other night as hee lyeth in his bed

A water ffor Bleared eyes or that are sore in the corners of them

Take a quarte of fayre Running water one handfull of sage and when it seetheth put therein as much allum small punned as will make it rough in tast lett it boyle halfe away, then put therein as much hony as will make it sweete then lett it boyle a walme or toe, then take it from the fire & streyne it through a fayre cloth into a stone pott and when it is cold putt it into a glasse and soe keepe it for your use.

water for the eyes

Take a creampot or some such earthen vessell that hath not beene vsed, and so many ounces of white copparas as that pot will hold gallons of water, obserue that that proportion and when there is any snow to be had beat the copparas to powder and put two or three good handfulls of pure and cleare snow into the pott and put it hard downe with your hand or the like, and then scatter a little of the said pouder vpon it then put some more snow therevpon, and so a layre of snow and a little pouder till the pot be full vpheaped and the pouder spent, obseruinge alwayes that the snow be putted hard downe as you put it into the pot. Then couer the pott with a cleane linnen & cloath, and place it in some sellar and when you see all the snow and frosts gone in the feilds you shall soone after have the snow disolued in the earthen pott, then, then dispose of the pot, so as it may not stand warme, or freese in frosty wether. when you haue vse for the water power some of it by the help of a[t]unnell through a linnen cloath into a glasse or pott and take there of as you shall haue occasion. the longer you keep it, the stronger it will be, It will steane linnens linnens.

The virtues of the said water.

1 It beinge dropped into the eyes will take away pearles, pin in the web or scum that groeth there, and cure bloodshotten eyes.

2 It also so vsed will cure rumatick eyes that have not beene longe so , but if they haue beene of any longe continuance, then take a peece of a red rosecake of about three inches longe and fowre broad, and put eight or ten sponfulls of the said water into a fruit dish with the said peice of rosecake, and towards bedtyme sett them vpon some embers, now and then turne it and stir it vp and downe and when the rosecake is well infused therein the patient beinge in bed binde the said peece of rosecake blood warme 4

Last edit 9 months ago by Julia



warme ouer the rumatick eye from the nose ouer the temples of the head, with such linnens as you regard not, for the water will steane very much.

{3} A peece of red rose cake so infused and applyed will soone take away paine from the eyes; and so applyed will cure the head ach also, and cause sleepe.

{4} It also so applyed will soone heale a broken shin or brow being applyed when it is new done yt will stay bleadinge and a bate the swellinge.

{5} It being so applyed to a new hurt or cut and layed upon a playster though it be but ordinarie and renewed every twelve houres will hasten the cure in halfe the tyme that the playster would doe with out it.

{6} It also so applyed, will take awaye inflamacions from sores and stay humers flowinge thither.

{7} It also so applyed will cure burnes and scalds beinge shifted before the rosecake be any thinge dry, if they be not extreeme, the said water is good to wash sores.

{8} It also will give ease to some payned with the gout beinge applyed hott.

{9}The said water will cure ringewormes and tetters by rubinge them therewith.

10. It is also excellent for anycattle that groweth dim of sight. If it be too sharpe allay part of it with other water.

A spedier way to make the said water.

Put an ounce of white copperas into a glasse or pott with a pottle of snow water, and that wantinge of faire water stop it and shake it two or three tymes a day, to raise the settlinge from the bottome, and after ten dayes in winter or six in summer it will be for your use. for the eyes snow water is th e best, but that wantinge, springe water may fittly be used; for hott greifes, that made with snow water is best, for could that made with pond water or springe water.

An other way to make the like water much sooner.

Put an ounce of white copporas into a glasse or pott with a pottle of springe water, sett that glasse or pott unstopped in a brasse pan or pott that hath so much cold water in it as the said glasse or pott may well stand in it, cause that pan or pott to seeth gently about a quarter of an houre then take it from the fire and sett it by with the glasse or pott in it till all be stone cold then take it thence stop it close up and keepe it for your use. After these proportions you may make what quantity you will.

A watter for eyes that are red & watterey aproued

Take an ounce of whit sugar candey beate it to powder put it into a litell blader & put ther in a quill & tye it up very close. then put your blader into a quarte pote with water all night & by that tyme it will be dissouled into water then powre it into a botell for your use you may have a litell spunge in the bottell & soe wringe a drope at a tyme into the eye morning & evening & as ofte as you please.


A medeson for any that hath a white spote growing in ther eyes

Take a peneyworth of eye bright water & as much fenill water & as much white rose water but in it a peneyworth of the powder of [tauty] & as much white sugar candey finley beaten to powder drope a full drope into the eye morning & evening & it will take away the spote.

A water that Cueres all sortes of sore eyes except catreyes

Take a nuw lade ege rost it very hard make it cleane cute it into 2 peces take out the yolke & put therin of allom & white copperes of each as much as a great bean & of the best honey as much you must take of all thes three a like quantety beat your allom & coperes very fine put your egge into a clean cloth & worke it with your fingers & ther will come out watter you must drope on drope of this water into the eye morning & evening & wash the eye lides ther with & it will cleanse them & take out spotes that hath growne over the sight by reason of the small pox or skines & recover the sight the hotter the egge is the beter the water

A Resceipt for wattering eyes

Take a pinte of runing water diping it with the stream put it into a glase uiole & put into it the waight of 3 pence of the best white copres & the waight of 3 pence of the dryed orise root beat the copperes & cut the orise roots soe put them into the glase & stope it close & soe after a weake or fortnight you may use of it you must wash your eyes with a fine rage 3 or 4 tymes a day

A receipt to stay the rueme in the eyes or teeth

Take halfe a pound of red lead & a pyent of [salet] ole boyle it together till it look blake then put into it 2 ounces of bole armerick & an ounc of dragons bloude & 2 ounces of the redest rock allom 2 ounces of white lead being made all into uery fine powder & [seived] then put them into the salue & mix them well & let them boyle together a litell then take them of the fyer & when it is a litell cold make it up in litell rolles make long plasters of ueluet & lay them crose the temples


Last edit about 1 year ago by Katy Mair



A water of Exelent uirtue to helpe the weake or dimme sight of the eyes when they are decayed by age sicknes or other way

Take 3 drames of tueiah in puder uery smalle & as much of aloes epyricum in puder 2 drames of fine sugar 6 ounces of red rose water 6 ounces of good white wine mix all thes together & put it into a Cleane glase being well Closed & stoped & set it in the sune a mounth together mixing & stiring together all the sayd things at least ons a day to the intent you in corproate this being done take of the same water & put one drope in each eye morning & euening contineue soe a Cartin space it will cause the sight to come again & be as pure as it was before

A water to Stringthen the sight

Take of wood bettony of 3 leaued grase with the white spote ockley Cristy yarow sinckfold sallendine red fenill of each a good handfull of eye bright 2 great handfulls a handfull of white rosses or the water of them a quarter of a pinte shread all this together & lay them in steepe in halfe a pinte of white wine & 2 or 3 sponfulls of honey in an earthen pot close stoped one whole night in the morning still it in a common still adding to it halfe a pint of the urine of a man Child when you put it into the stille drinck a litell of this in the morning festing 2 howers after it & with a litell rage wash the eyes

A powder for the eyes

Take of the seeds of Corander prepared & swet fenill of each a drame of mase 2 scruples of eye bright one ounce of fine sugar beaten & [seised] 3 ounces make a powder of them take halfe a sponfull of it after diner & after supper

To Cuer a blind horse or Cristane

Take of the best & newest wheat & lay it Corne by Corne one a Clean Cleauer then take a red hot fyre shouell & lay upon it & soe let a man tread hard upon it & ther will come forth an oyle then take a feather quikley & like up the oyle with it & soe draw the feather through the eye

A water for sore eyes whose lides are all swelled

Take a pritey quantety of red rosewater & as much Alowes beaten to fine powder as with turne it yeallow drope a drope into the eyes morning & euening & wash the eye lides with a feather


A Medicine for sore eyes

Take three Cloues beat them fine and searse them three Spoonefulls of fennill water 3 Spoonefulls of mamsey 3 penny worth of Tutty pared and beaten fine mix all these in a little glasse and dresse the eye with a feather once a day or as you shall see occasion

For a pinne or pin & web in the Eye

The white of hens doung, and grated ginger, more of the white than of the ginger put some into the eye

A water for sore eyes commeded by Sir James Langham

Take of watter of frogs spawn perdelicum half a pinte infuse into it a dram of uolus metelorum after wait decant it of through a peice of lawne paper after put into it of Salprunla & sugar candy finly powdred of each half an ounce after it has stood so 24 howers strein it through a thick peice of brown paper & keep it for your use it is for cooling the eyes & preseruing & stringthing them & to take of specks in the eyes put in more sugar & salprunlla put some of this water into a prety wide mouth vioyll so open as to receiue the eye open into it & so let the water lye upon the eye being opened some while this you may doe in a morning

A uery good receipt for sore eyes commended by Mrs Worsley

Take a uery good handfull of scabeious half a pound of raisons of the sun stoned half a pound of blue corans brused put thes into a galond of midling bear & drinke no other drinke & this has helpt many they must at the same tyme lay blistering plaisters behind the ears


Last edit 9 months ago by Julia
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