Wellcome Collection: Brumwich, Anne (& others) (MS160)


Mrs Anne Brumwich her Booke of Receipts or Medicines ffor severall sores and other Infermities.

With many additions, by several later 17th cent. hands.

The original compiler, Anne Brumwich, writes in an early 17th cent. hand, but some of the additions are much later, one dated 1681 is found on p. 12.




18 A Medicine to heale a ffellon to take away the Swellinge without breakinge of it

Take a Little Rue or herbe de grace as much of ragweed a little reesud reesed bacon and a Little bay Salt: lett all these be well brused & well mingled together: with a little of the curdes of a calues mawe Lay it thicke onn a cloth plaister wise: & soe apply it to the place affected

A Medicine to Stay a bloudy fluck[s] or the flowers if they come [I]moderately

Take a few garden beanes dry them in an ouen with browne bread you must lay them one by one uppon the ouens mouth uppon a cleane sheete of paper: and when you drawe your bread take them out pill them & scrape them cleane beate them to a fine powder and take a spoonefull of the said powder and mix it with a little six shillings beere: as much as will wett it & soe take it morn ing and eueninge this will also cure the Runninge of the Reines

for the bloody flux Take a ounce of synamond half an ounce of mustard seed 3 quarters of a pound of lean bacon & stampe all this together & boyle in 2 quarts of water till it is come to one quart & drink a quarter of a pinte morning & evening & it will stop the bloody flux Quench steele in springe Water till a third pte be waisted then boile in the water, shepard Purse, knotgrasse, Plaintaine the fflowers & Pills of a Pomgranate, with some Cinamon lightlye bruised, then straine it, & put to itt the like quantitye of red wine & Sweeten it with syrop of Quinces, & drinke of this at you pleasure

Toste some Rubarte finely sliced, & after powder itt, & mix the quantitie of a drame of the powder, with three ounces of concerne of red roses, & take the quantitye of a Walnutt an houre before dinner, & as long before Supp.

Take a quantitye of Cheese strong of the Rennett, & make a suffumigation of it vpon a fewe Coales, within the Stoole.

A playster to heale a sore breast

Take an ounce of simple drackallem an ounce of gomoniagom dissouled in whit wine uinager then mixe it well together aply a plaster therof to the sade sore you must put on a fresh plaster ons in 4 or 5 dayes

For a Fistula

Take the skull of a dog the older the dog is the better then burn itt into Ashes and straw the powder thereof vppon the greife and vpon as many issues as belong to that greife and by gods grace itt Shall heale incontinent ly

Ffor to cuer & stop a felon Take bran & vinagar & boyle it together & lay it on hot as thick as a pultice & renew it twice a day & that will cuer it

Another for fellons & swellings the leaven of wheat hath vertu to draw outward it resoulueth concoxteth & qureth all swellings bunches & fellons being mixed with salt {19}

for scurf & swellings in the breast

The bran of wheat boyled in strong vinager cleanseth away scurfe or dry scabes & desoulueth in the begining hot swellings if it be laid to them & boyled with the decotion of rew it slacketh swellings in womens breast


Last edit about 1 year ago by Bethany Slater


20 A medicine for the Scurvie {21} Take a pottle of cleare Whaie, sett it on the ffire, put into itt halfe an Ounce of Maidenhaire, halfe an ounce of Licoras, and halfe an ounce of Annisseedes bruised, sixteene prunes, with their stones crackt, one handfull of Rasons of the Sunn stoned, a handfull of Ashen=rinds, the outside scraped off, one handfull of Water=cresses one handfull of Brooklines, one handfull of Rosemary, one handfull of Scabious, wash all these cleane, and put them into the Whaie, and boile itt, till halfe be consumed, then straine the Liquor from the Hearbes, and put into itt, one ounce of Sanie, and lett it stand, and soake one houre, then sett it on the ffire, and lett it boile, halfe a quarter of an houre. Lett the Patient take six p spoonefull[...] of this, and foure spoonfulls of the Juce of Scurvie grasse, twise every day, for the space of twentye dayes together in the morninge fastinge, and att foure a Clocke afternoone; if it be for a Child foure spoonefull of the Liquor, and two of the Scurvie grasse; if you would have it purge more, lett the Sænie infuse longer, and boile lesse.

A present remedey for the Scuruie Take 20 sponfulls of the iuce of Scuruigrase with a litell horse radesh roote beaten set it ouer a soft fyer & when the scume doth rise put therin 3 sponfulls of the iuce of oranges & soe scume it into a poringer then strayne your drinck & strayne your scume allso into your drink as long as it will rune cleare let the paitent drink therof 2 sponfulls therof in a litell draught of beare euery morning & fast 2 howers after it & as much at 4 a cloke in the afternone & in all the spone meate they eate let them put in 2 sponfulls you may beate halfe a pecke at a tyme you must put in a handfull of garden Scuruie=grase to it & a litell horse rasish roote if the thyes & leges be full of blake spotes then wash them with a lather of Castell sope & apply a plast[...] spread with Castle sope & it will take them away this hath been proved

An exellent powder for the Scurui Take alleblaster beate it & sifte it fine then giue to the partey as much as will lye on a shilling in a litell draught of mase alle warme doe this for 9 dayes euery morning or longer if the disease be uery strong on the partey A Medicine for the Scurvy Take 4 Spoonefulls of the iuce of Scurvigrasse and halfe of that in your gardein the other of the wild 4 Spoonefulls of the iuce of Orenges and as much of white wine take this euery morninge fastinge 9 dayes together and itt will not faile to cure itt with a little Sugar to helpe thee taste


Last edit about 1 year ago by Bethany Slater


22 Take of tobacco leaves 2 pound. fresh hogs grease one pound. Let the herbe beinge bruised be infused all night in red wine, in the morneinge Let it boyle with a gentle fyre to the consumption of the wine, straine it and adde to the oyntment of the Juice of Tobacco clarified halfe a pound. Rozin fower ounces boyle it to the consumption of the Juice addinge towards the end round Birthworte rootes in powder 2 ounces. new waxe soe much as is sufficient to make it into an oyntment.

The Virtues It cures. tumours. Imposthumes. woundes, vlcers gunshotts; Botches, scabs, Itch Stinginge with netles Bees waspes hornets. venemous beasts, woundes made with poysoned arrowes. It helpes scaldinge though made with oyle, burnings though with the Lightning and that without any scar. it helpes nasty rotten stinckinge putrified ulcers. though in the legges. whether the humours are most subiect to resort, in fistulas though the Bone be afflicted it shall it out without any instrument and bringe the up the flesh to the very bottome, would you be faire your face beinge annoynted with this, soone will the rednesse pimplus sunnburnninge vanish. a wound dressed with the this will never putrifie, a wound made with so small a weapon that noe instrument nor tent will follow annoynte it but with this and you need feare noe dange=ger, if your head ake annoynt your temples with this and you shall have ease, the Stomocke beinge annoynted with this noe infirmitye dares harbour there, noe not Asthmaes, nor the consumptions of the lunges, the bellye beinge annoynted with this helpes the collicke and Illiake possion; the roumes and what not it helpes the hemorrheids or piles and is the best oyntment that is for the goutes of all sortes.

{the yalow flowes is made by this receipt}The flower of all salves called Flowes Unguentorum good for all sores & swellings

Take rosin & perrosin of each halfe a pound Virgens wax an francumsens of each a quarter of a pound of mastick an ounce of harts tallow & sheeps tallow of each a quarter of a pound 2 drames of Camfeire melt the talow & clense it put it to the wax melted then put in the gumes finly beaten & let all melt together then strayne it into a potell of white wine boyle the wine & the other things to gether a good space then take it of the fyre & let it stand a leitell then put therto a quarter of a pound of turpintine always stiring it till it be cold then makeing it up with in roles keep for your use for the most precious salve that can be made. 23 The Greene Ointment good for Aches Paines Bruses Swellings Scauldings, or Burns good also to annoint the Stomacke for Digestion and it must be maid in May:

claw cla

Take a pound of the Leaves of red Sage as much of Rew or Hearbygrace, halfe a pound of Bay Leaves, as much Wormewood two handfulls of Camamile, as much Rosemary, shred the Bay leaves and Rosemary together, and the rest of the Hearbes very small. Then take three pounds of sheepe Suit warme out of the sheepes bellye, shred it amongst the hearbes, then beate all together in a Morter, Then put them into a great and earthen Pott, put to itt a Pottle of the best Oile oliue; And worke them well together with your hands, Cover it close, and lett it it stand in some lowe Sellar or in the earth tenn dayes, then take it up, and put it into a cleane Pann. And lett it boile on a soft ffyre, foure houres; when it is well boiled, take it up & straine itt thorough a course cloath, and keepe for the uses aforesaid, Dipp wooll in itt, & applye it to the place greeued when it is halfe boyled put in 4 ounces of the Oyle of Spike. Stirre it continually while it is boiling. A plaster to heall a burne & to fech out the fyer aproued Take of the best english honey melt it anoynt the burne all over with a fethe[...] diping a lane rage in the sayd honey & aplye it to the sad sore never take it of but allways anoynt the top of it with a feather with the sade honey untill it be whole

Mathias his pretious oyntment of Balsimud

Take 2 pints of sallet oyle fiue or six spoonfulls of sacke and mingle them very well together in a little panne Take also of Venice turpyntyne one pound wash the same very well in rose water 2 or 3 severall tymes, then put it into the oyle and sacke put thereto halfe a pound of yellow waxe and then boyle them all together, in the sayd panne with a very soft and temperat fire, for the space of one hour and halfe after put to it one ounce of reed sanders, and then lett it boyle againe untill it be a perfit oyntment but bee sure that all these thinges bee of the very best that you can gett.

i This pretious oyntment or Balsimud is approved to be good for these thinges followinge; first it will heale any greene wound or old wound etc. inwarde or outward, if the wound be inward, that is deepe in the body the oyntment is to be spouted into the wound bloud warme, if it be outward or not deepe it is to be applyed with fine lint or lininge cloath, annoyntinge the parts offended is to with the oyle melted, and it will both take away the payne and keepe the wound from inflimations and draw out all Corrupt things which other way would putrify or fester the wound; soe that the inward parts as the liver, Brayne or such like be not already perished and it will cure the same in xxiiii tymes dressinge, especially if that many other medicines have not beene applyed unto this before. 2 It healeth any cut or gash the same beinge first annoynt[...] with the said oyle and then the Lynninge cloathes diped ther=in and Layed warme to the cutt will heale it without leavinge any trace behinde. 3 It will also heale a fisteloue or other [.] Vlcers, if it be applyed as aforesaid to the cutt and the same manner of applyinge. 4 It will likewise serve to heale Cancers.


Last edit about 1 year ago by Bethany Slater


The vertus of flos unguntum

for deafness met make a tent of a little lint & melt a little of the salue & dip it in it & put it into the ear put but before a day or 2 put in a drop of oyl of almonds

it cuers all aches & brusses & old sores & green sores & is allso good for inward ulcers & sores take 5 pils of this ouer night for 3 or 4 mornings fastinge or longer

Last edit about 1 year ago by Katy Mair


-- -- -- --
4 X of [Alports men] Cijli xijs iiijd
X of [mister] Dyas vs
of whitley viijd
5 X of Bellyn for my Sister Feiths rent : vli
X of Bellyn for my rent iiijs vijd
of [her] : vd
of Freeman xxd
of Midleton ijs
of Atkyns ijs
6 of Sidway xxd
of Eyans ijs vid
of Alablaster viijd
Last edit about 1 year ago by Katy Mair
Displaying pages 16 - 20 of 139 in total