Wellcome Collection: Brumwich, Anne (& others) (MS160)


Mrs Anne Brumwich her Booke of Receipts or Medicines ffor severall sores and other Infermities.

With many additions, by several later 17th cent. hands.

The original compiler, Anne Brumwich, writes in an early 17th cent. hand, but some of the additions are much later, one dated 1681 is found on p. 12.




for the wind collets take 6 drops of oyle of anesseed in a sponfull of whit wine as oft as you see cause.

another take the juse of a lemon an ounc of [sem]per water an ounc of oyle of Anis seeds [and coming] 20 drops parsley water 2 ouncs [stone from]water take Speedwill saxafridg wild time pelitary of the wall parsley of netle seeds and oynion seed of each an ounce Radish pods [? put] it into a galion of milk at nigh still it next morning take 6 spoonfulls with as much whit wine a litle nutmeg and suger warme

30 X Lent Mr Ven men : C£i

with MS.160 at f. 14v.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia


{24:}5 It healeth any kind of Burninge or Scaldinge by fire [s/n] by water or other meanes this same beinge annoynted with the oyle some few days be together.

{6} It taketh away all greife presidinge of cold as Catters aches in the bones and the like by annoyntinge, first the parts offended with the same oyle warmed and then warme a cloath and lay upp uppon it

{7} It helpeth headacke only annoyntinge the nostrills and the Temples therewith.

{8 }It helpeth the wind collicke and stich in the side if it be applyed warme 4 or 5 mornings together, and alowe one quarter of one q an ounce every morninge layinge warme cloathes to the the place offended.

{9} It helpeth disiesture by only annoyntinge the stomocke and nauile therewith when the party goeth to beed. [?]

{10} Its good against the measles or the pestilence or the like, if that it be presently taken in warme broath the quantity of one ounce 4 mornings together and sweat uppon it.

{11 }Its good against wormes that are inward if it be taken in [?] broath as before

{12 }Its good also against an outward vomentt if it be applyd as for acoutt

{13} It Likewise helpeth the stich or collicke aforesaid if it be taken inwardly in broath.

{14 }It will likewise helpe the swellinge of sores of in a womans breast, especially if it be applyed both inwardly in broath and outwardly, as for acout.

{15} It will ease the payne of a hollow tooth that aketh beinge put into the same with a little linte.

{16} It finally helpeth any bruise, if meltinge the oyntment the party bruised bee well annoynted and chafed therewith

Butt you must note that this pretious oyntment or Balsum doth not come to the full perfection untill that it hath beene buryed in dry earth a good depth, for the space of 12 months together. it beinge putt into a stronge gally pott or drinkinge jugge close covered first with leather and then with lead. that may be used presently after it is made, and by the grant of God it will heale all these infirmityes although not in so short a space. It is excellent for the runninge of the reynes giuen once or twice by itselfe then mixe it with sinement beaten in read wine.

To make a blake salve for an ach or wound

Take halfe a pound of unwrought wax a quarter of a pound of pich & a quarter of a pound of rosen a pency worth of Olibanum & a pinte of Salet oyle a pinte of turpintine melt all thes together one the fyer take of tursom plantine rosmary of each 2 handfulls beat thes hearbes in a stone morter very small then put thes hearbes in the forsade stufe & boyle it untill it be half boyled away often [st]iring it then straine it through a pece of nuw canvas that is very thine

+ For burnings or scaldings

Take the midell pille of Elder boyle it in freash grease with a litell wax the space of an hower then straine it & annoynt the place grief twise {25}

Medicines phisicall For geanerall Diseases and Infirmities

A medicine to breake an Impostume in the head the which may be perceiued by the greate paine inwardly within the eare and much heavines in the head

Take a pottle of new milke and boyle therein a quarter of a pound of Cummin seedes till the milke be halfe boyled away then put it hott into a stone Jugge that hath a narrowe mouth and lett the patient hold his eare thereto that the steeme thereof may goe into his head: in the meane time lett a cloth be cast over his head too keepe him warme & to keepe in the steeme lett him continew soe a quarter of an houre, or soe long as hee can endure then lett stoppe his eare with black wooll and keepe his head uery warme and soe use it morninge and eveninge till it breake: and when it is broken take an elder Leafe & Roule it like a tent and put it into the eare and soe renew the leafe three times a day: and if there be noe Leaves to be had then take of the Inner barke of the elder tree

A medicine ffor the stone

Take Elder flowers before they be blowen out as bigg as a pease and Distill them then take arse smarte otherwise called the moone hearbe Beareinge a red flower and growing in pooles Distill it Likewise and putt these to waters together of each a like Quantitie and Drinke a Draught thereof in the morninge fastinge and if the Patient Cannot make water Lett him take this medicine ffollowinge

A medicine ffor one that through some fitt of the stone or otherwise hath not made water in 8 or 10 dayes

Take to quarts of white wine seeth therein grummell pellitory of the wall Saxifrage otherwise called Rindleworte of each one handfull and when it doth begin to boyle put therein one spoonfull of grummell seedes and as much parsly seedes and of pepper as much as an hasle nutt beinge well punned when it is boyled halfe away: then streine it through a cloth: and make a possett of the wine: Take offe the curde and leyt the patient Drinke a Draught of it as hott as hee can & withall use the plaister followinge viz:

Take a peece of sheepes leather as broade as a trencher & spred it all over with black soape: but ffirst mingle therewith soe much Saffron small punned as will make it yellow: lett it be spread one she fleshy side of the Leather and Bind it to the patient nauell

A Medicine ffor one that Cannot make water

Take halfe a pinte of white wine and a good handfull of the hearbe called hartshorne some call it sheepherds pouch stamp it and streine it into your wine & warme it a little and soe lett the patient greived Drinke it off

A Medicine to Dissolve the Stone and soe Bringe it away by Degrees

Take nine or ten sowes otherwise called woodlice Lett them clense themselves well in to or three spoonefulles of white wine puttinge away the fowle, and putting fresh 2 or 3 times & when they be /cleane {15}

Last edit about 1 year ago by Julia


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cleane stampe them in halfe a pinte of white wine: and lett the patient Drinke it offe the cold beinge taken offe: drinke it in a morninge fastinge

A excellent receipt ffor the mother

Take a quarte of white wine a handfull of mugworte a handfull of wormewood & a handfull of Rue. boyle them together from a quarte toe a pinte then streine out your herbes and when it is almost cold put into it one ounce of the best medridate dissolve it well and drinke three morninge a like quantitie & by the blessinge of god it cureth

A medicine to give ease in the payne of the stom[e]

Take three spoonefulls of sallett oyle & the Juice of three Lemons mingle them very well together puttinge thereto as much suear as will make very sweete & then lett the patient drinke it

Dr Knowles his plaister for the back for the wind Collick and stone

Take 2 poundes of oyle olive of the best, one pound of red leade one pound of white leade: very well calmed into dust: 12 ounces of Spanish soape: encorparate them together: in an earthen pipkin well glased & when they be well encorporated that the soape cometh uppermost put it one a smale fire: for the space of an houre & halfe: still stirringe it with a stick: then make the fire somewhat bigger till the rednes be turned gray: but you must not leave stirringe it untill it be turned into the couller of oyle: (somewhat darker) then droppe it one the Table: if it stick not one the table nor the finger it is enough then Rowle it into Rowles: and it will last many yeares This plaister is good for these greifs ffollowinge: beinge laid on the stomack it & procureth appetite: and taketh away the paine of the same Lay it uppon [...]e belly & it is present remedie for the Collick lay it uppon the back and it is good for the bloudy fluxe the runninge of the reynes: the heate of the kidnies and weakenes of the back it taketh away all aches breaketh ffellons and pushes & other Impostumes and healeth them: it Dwaweth out any runninge humor without breakinge the skinne & beinge laid to the fundament it healeth the Disease that groweth there: lay it to the head and it is good forthe Lunacie it helpeth the headach: and is good for the eyes: beinge laid to the belly of women it causeth theire termes: and maketh them apt to conception.

A Remedy for the Stone

Take a quart of Renish wine & put into it 3 handfulls of the blosom of rye & boyle it till it come to a pint & then straine it & give the paitent 6 sponfulls of it to drink let him contineu it for a month together taking it in the morning fasting & at 4 of the cloke in the afternone if it be one that is come to age he must take a greater quantety

for the ston to be keep the gravell from harden[...] & to bring it away

Take venus turpentin & with nutmeg & sugar make up pills as big as an hasell nut & take some of them in a [...] time goeing to bed 267 A medicine ffor the Collick that cures when all other medicines fayle Take 3 dropps ofthe spirit of Jynip berries in halfe a pind pinte of posset Drinke or thinne brouth, warme, when the fitt take you

For the wind Collik Take 6 dropes of olle of aneyseeds in a spoonfull of whitewine & give it the paitent to take as oft as you see cause A Receipt for the stone Take of the best iuce of lemons one ounce of Semper watter one ounce oyle of aneyseeds & cummin 20 dropes parsly watter 2 ounces mingle it together & give of it 2 sponfulls att a tyme 4 tymes in one day & put into it 30 dropes of oyle of uitorill

An Aproued drink for the stone in the kidneys

Take a quart of alle & boyle 2 or 3 parsley roots & a few burre seedes & when it is boyled & strayned then put to a pinte therof 2 ounces of the surope of March Mallowes & drinke your pinte of all at a tyme allthough you make 2 or 3 draughts & this will wash the kidnes & carey away all the gravell Another for the same Take renish wine a pinte & put ther in 2 ounces of marsh mallows or more as you please & this doth doe very well allso A Receipt to make the stone water it cueres the partey that takes it Take spedwell saxafrage willd tyme pelletory of the walle parsley of each a handfull of netell & oyenen seed of each & ounce 3 or 4 redish roots slised put all thes into a gallon of nuw milke of a red Cows let them stand in steepe all nigit & the next morning destill them drinke of this 6 sponfulls with 6 sponfulls of whit wine & a litell nutmege & sugar euery nuw & full of mone 2 mornings & euenings or more if need shall requir the hearbes must be very well dryed befor they they be put in A Souerain powder to cuer the stone take the hearb called golden rod with the flowers boyl it in poset drinke drinke a good draught in a morning fasting & fast after it 3 or 4 howers at least & walke up & downe the house or garden if the parte be able let them drinke it 10 or 12 days together you may take a sponfull of the powder in a nuw lade egge soft rosted in a morning fasting & fast 3 or 4 howers after it he shall make watter in lese than halfe an hower if he use this constantly for 10 or 12 days together he or she will uoyd the stone without pain or greife this hath been proued by the Lady digby who could neuer find ease by noe meanes that docters could use & this hath freyed her from all her terible fites & keeps her fre from paine


Last edit about 1 year ago by Bethany Slater



{An excelent medicene for the stone Take as much powder of rosin as will lye on a shiling in 2 sponfulls of cold whit wine}

A medecein for the stone

Take pelletorey of the wall one handfull of saxafray 3 parsley roots boyle them in white wine or aile one handfull of marsh mallows a spoonfull of Crumwell seeds feinell seedes & dill seeds of each a spoonfull take the lickor & make a poset very cleare & soe let the paitent drinke it

An aproved medeceine for the stoane

Take a carrot rootte & slise it very thine & lay it in white wine & soe let it remaine for the space of 2 dayes & nights & then straine it & let the paitent drinke of it morning & evening & this will helpe him

probatum est

An exelent drinke for the stone they that take it shall never be trubled with noe great fites of it

Take a quart & halfe a pinte of milke & a pinte & a halfe of alle & make poset drinke therof takeing of the curd as cleane as you cane then take a handfull of marsh mallows roots scrape them & tak away the pith on handfull of pelletory of the wall & of Gromwell seeds Colliander seeds swete feinell & seeds & aneseeds Careaway seeds of each halfe an ounce bruse them a litell halfe a dosen of blew figes Clised one handfull of rasons of the sune stoned an ounce of licoras scraped & brused boyle all thes together very well & put ther tow a pinte of white wine & let it have a wallme or sow after the wine is in & soe let the paitent drink therof as ocaison semes very warme this by gods blesing will doe much good


A receipt for the ston in the Kidneys or blader

Take of brooklime watter cresas pilletory of the wall rue fetherfuw chickweed balme mallowis peneyroyall cammamill bettenoy the topes of turnops of each 3 handfulls dock rootts & hors radish rootts a great handfull halfe a pound of sheep suet boyle all thes together in a pottell of 6 shilling beare & a quart of watter boyle them & hower & a halfe then put your bladers in a pall of cold watter then fill them with your hearbs & lickewr & apply them nere the place greved & when one blador doth begin to colle bake another & soe aply them till the paine seeseth

an excelent receipt for the stone comended by Mr Joines

Take a coke a handfull of pelletory of Egeremony Betony Endive Sucrey of each halfe a handfull parsly & fenill roots of each halfe a dosen boyl these well together & give the paitent of this broath take warme about a dozen spoonfulls wth 3 spoonfuls of the surrup of Althea take this for [5] nights & mornings together & slepe upon itt in bed if this doe not remove the [fets] of the stone take 5 grains of beater 3 nights together {29}

A medisine ffor the cough of the Longues

Take three peniworth of [Orkmennt] punne it small and mingle it with the yolke of an egge then spread it thinn and a new linnen cloth or white sheepes leather: then dry it in the sun or by the fire cutt a peece of it as broad as toe fingers heate a tile red hott and lay it uppon the tile tile and cover it with a tunning dish and let the patient drinke put an elder pipe into the hole of the tundish and lett the patient put the other end thereof into his mouth andsoe receive the fume thereof into his mouth soe longe as he can for spittinge and coughinge: then lett hime Rest a while; & take it againe it must be taken in the morninge fastinge and fast a houre after it: and soe use it five or six mornings together you may lay the tyle after it is hott uppon a chaffinge dish one coales to keepe it hott: and you may alsoe Lappe the peece of cloth or Leather about a little greene oke sticke & soe lay it one the tile, that it may the longer in burninge.

The Lorde Aburgauennies Receipt for the Cough & consumption of the Longues

Take of Anniseeds foure ounces : of Ellicompane and [ ] Rootes of eac toe ounces of licorish chosen steaped and mundefied eight ounces Dry them all: and beate them small and searse them finely: and putt thereto a pound and halfe of pure fine white suger: sett it over a soft fire of charcoale boyle them toe an Eler mary: your suger beinge ffirst molten with bettany water: and soe putt it to your powders stirringe it very well then putt it into flat boxes for your use and if you will make it somewhat stronger you may putt thereto the Longues of a ffox dryed: this is for cold causes: and wind vescous and halfe the quantitie of the powders only to the suger.

Take ten or twentie grames of saffron with some new or sweete wine: being a speciall remedy for the consumption of the longues. Horehounde boyled in Water: & drinke openeth the longues liver and spleene : clenseth the Breast and longues: prevaileth greately against an old cough: the paine in the side: spittinge of bloud: the Ptisick and ulcers of the Longues.

The kernells of pine nutts doe concoct and moderately heale: beinge a meane betweene cold and hott : it maketh Rough parts smoothe: it is a Remedie against an old cough: and longe Infermities: of the chest beinge taken by it selfe or with hony: or with soome other lickinge thinge: it cureth the Tissick and those that pine and consume away through the rottennes of the Longues: it recovereth strenth: and it doth nourish: and is restoratiu to the bodie:

Bay berries with hony or cutt are good in a lickinge medicine against the Tissisk or the Consumption of tthe longues Difficultie of breathinge and all kind of fluxes or Reumes about the chest. lentiles be naugh

Take of the best whete & barly of each a pinte of Jurden allmonds blanched a pound: seethe them in three gallons of water to the halfe : then streyne it and to the liquor putt of aniseeds licorish and eleicomepane of each toe ounces Red Roses Hop maydenhere horehound coltsfoote and parsly of each an handfull and boyle them to the halfe then /streyne 17

Last edit about 1 year ago by Katy Mair


{30} streyne it and put to the Liquor a pinte of malmesey or muskadine and boyle it a little and lett the patient drinke of it morninge & evening

Another medicine ffor th3 Consumption of the longues

Take a pinte of gray snailes in the shells strawe a little salt one them and after an houre: or toe: putt them into a dish of hott water: toe make them come forth of theire shells: then putt them into a dish of fresh warme water: & putt therein in an handfull of salt and soe lett them lie two houres: and beinge thus well purged from theire slyme: seethe them in a quart of White wine to the halfe sweeten it with a little suger: & drinke of it every morninge and eveninge Take a draught of milke warme from the cowe: make it sweete with suger of Roses putt into it a sprigg of mint drinke it first in the morninge and againe foure houres before dinner

Take of China and sarsa of each six dramms hartes horne 3 dramms agrimony coltsfoote; of each an handfull: raisons of the sun stoned 20 & twentie snailes steepe the Rootes in six pintes of water twelve houres then boyle them with a chicken or peece of mutton or both towards the end of the boyleinge put a crust of bread into it streyne out the broth and take a draught of it in the morninge fasting and as much four howres before dinner

Dia dragaguntum frigidum Coofing Loosinge for a hectick feuer A very good medicene for a greate cough

Take halfe a pinte of the iuce of lemons & a quarter of a pound of lofe suger duble refined & boyle it to a surrupe. Take of the [fairest] cloves of garlicke & then boyle them very tender in water and drene them well from the water & put them into the sirupe while it is hot & keepe them in a gallye pott then take of the cloves of garlicke & bruse them on a trencher & put them in a sawcer with 2 sponfulls of the sirrupe & thees you must eate with anye wholesome meate you like best but duringe the time of takinge it you must keepe your selfe very warme & not stire abroad. for the medison doth open the bodye very much:

A medeceine for the Cough & for the Consumption & tow make one fat allso it is very good for any thine body

Take a gallon of spring water a handfull of fenell roots stript & the pith taken out a handfull of parsley roots drawne lickwise a handfull of Endiue leaves of Savory maydenhaire Colltsfoots & figes of each on handfull 8 dattes the stons taken out 3 ounces of aney seeds brused 3 ounces of licoras scraped & brused boyle all thes thinges together untill it com to 3 pintes then straine it & boyle it againe halfe a quarter of an hower then put into it a quarter or half a pound of syaar candy acording as the paitent shall like it for swetnes then let the paitent drinke therof a good draft milk warme euery morning fasting & lick wis at night & as oft as he pleaseth

A Recipt for a Coufe of 20 years standing

Take 4 ounces of locanum 2 ounces of surop of Villots 2 ounces of Penidice mix all thes together & take the quantety of a nutmeg ine a pint of [knit] morning & evening if ons makeing doe not remove the cough make it againe A Drink for one that hath a cough & a consumption {31}

Take a pound of raisons of the sune stoned aney seeds brused & licoras scraped & brused of each an ounce & a halfe Coltsfoot Sage of Jerusalem & the topes of isope of each an handfull cut the herbes & boyle all in 3 quartes of alle worte befor you put in the hearbes in an iron pot Covered ouer a soft fyer till the third parte of the worte be wasted then strain it out & put into it a quarter of a pound of sugar candy brused & let it boyl againe a litell till the sugar be melted & drinke ther of a quarter of a pinte blud warme every morning fasting & every afternone betewne 3 & 4 of the cloke & at night when you goe to bed renuwing it still when it is spent untill your cough be gone you may put in some figes

For a deepe Consumption with a feaver

Take a spring of porke cut it in small peces put as much water to it as you thinke fite to boyle it all to peces & when it doth boyle scume it & put in a good handfull of Comphray roots & some scearat rotts with a handfull of borage leaves reasons of the sunne stoned halfe a pound dates stoned a good handfull of snailles on pinte brused & soe let it boyle all together untill it come to a Jeley then straine it & drinke a good porenger full in a morning & at 4 of cloke in the afternone & when you goe to bed it must be warme this hath recouered some when they have bene brought very weeke

An Electuary for a Coufe of the longes or a Consumption Cough

Take of old consarue of red roses 2 ounces loch of pine kernills lohock of fox longes lohock sanum of each halfe an ounce olibanum one drame flower of brimstone 2 scruples of penniaes & diacodion of each one ounce surop of horhound licoras hysop maidenhare of each halfe an ounce oyle of aney seeds 2 drops take it with a licoras stike lohock is a thinge thener then an electuary & thicker then a surop

A Powder to be given that cureth the consumption of the longes or vitalls & taketh away the cough

Take the liuer of a she catte if it be for a man but if for a woman the liver of a hee catte dry them in an oven & beat it to a fine powder & sift it give as much as will lye upon a 6 pence in a spoonfull of mase alle or poset drinke morning or euening you must fast 2 howers after it in the morning & take it when you goe to bed it helpeth in 3 weekes or a month some tymes in a fort nigh the catte must not be aboue a year old

R Keepe this secerat

{barker} Anothere

Take the strongest wort & boyle it till it come to a syrop as thike as honey then put a litle safron & so take a spoonfull of it 3 or 4 times a day; Likewise rost 3 figs and put them hot in some [3] spoonfull of old malmsey sacke and take that as often in a day as you will: also often eat cold pipins: & rosted rasons: & new milke & sacke: also muskedine. for an old body rost & aple & fill it with aniseed water & take it going to bed


Last edit about 1 year ago by Katy Mair
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 139 in total