Wellcome Collection: Brumwich, Anne (& others) (MS160)


Mrs Anne Brumwich her Booke of Receipts or Medicines ffor severall sores and other Infermities.

With many additions, by several later 17th cent. hands.

The original compiler, Anne Brumwich, writes in an early 17th cent. hand, but some of the additions are much later, one dated 1681 is found on p. 12.





& when you use it you must spread it upon a peece of lether or on a lining Cloth & soe apply it cold & it is a present remedey with gods blesing

An aproved medeceine for the pilles

Take the dunge of a dogge that is white & breake it into powder & soe steepe it in sallet oyle & then straine it which done bath the place greived ther with dayly untill it be whole

Another for the same aproved

Take Corke & cute it in small peces put it in a fire shovell made red hotte then cover it with another shovell untill it be burnt tow ashes then mixe the ashes with salet ouyle make it like an oyntment & soe anoynt the place greived & it recovereth speedeley

Another for the same

iff outward take outward rasons of the sunne stone them & beat them till they they be like a plaster warme them & spread them pretty thick & lay them to the pills if they be inward rowle them up liek a supposeter & put them into the fundament Probatum est

For bleeding at the Nose.

Take a spoonfull or 2 of the juice of Red nettles in the bleeding when he bleeds if it be too much or the next morning after it or now & then at other time, then take bolarmenick whit wine viniger & the white of an egg & dip flax in it & bind it on the forehead in time of bleeding & when it is dryed lay it on fresh againe.


In the time of bleeding swadle the contrary little finger with a thr[t]ed till the finger look blew let it be on the contrary finger from the nostrill that bleeds.

Another by Dr. Willis order

Make a Conserve of the Berries of Hipps sweet brier hipps take off the skin & the seeds & beat it to a Conserve.


Take a fine holland Ragg & let them bleed into it till it is very wett & then hang it before the fire till it be as dry as to tinder to beat in a morter it must be very dry & when it is beat to powder & is very fine keep it in powder & giue it the Child or person as much as will lye on a six pence in a draught of beere.

The Calues feet boiled with the haire on them only washt & when tender take them up & peel them & put them onto new milk as much as will boile them a good while an houre at least & let the Child drink half a pint of this to his breakfast.


A Medicine to kill any Quick thinge as flye or flea that is crept into the eare

Take of the Juice of Rue & dropp one Dropp: thereof into the eare that is troubled, and lett him lye Downe one the other side of his head one a pillow:

A Medicine to staunch Bleedinge att the Nose or in a Wound

Take a thinne handkercher and steepe it in wine uiniger 24 houres then dry it uery dry & when you haue occasion to use it cut offe a good peece of it and burne it upon a trencher: and put the ashes thereof onto the nose or wound, burne it not to much; and lay up the Rest of the handkercher for another tyme, for it will keepe good a whole yeare

Another For the same

Take the herbe called pimpernell; Rubb it and bruise it then lay it to the nose or wound and it will staunch the bloud by gods blessin[g]

Another For the same

Take the bone that groweth under the left eye of a Carpe it is three square like unto a hearte and apply it to the nose or wound

Another For the same

Take piggs Dunge new made as hott as you can haue it and apply it to the nose or wound and it will stanch the bloud

Another For the same Mr Dinglies

Take hote Burninge Coales of wood out of the fire glowinge hott and with all diligence grind them betweene two trenchers with all speed then powre the fine hott ashes or dust in or uppon the wounde and by gods blessinge it will stoppe the bleeding

Another for the same

Take a pece of an owld hate burne it to ashes beat it uery small & blow it up into the noserells

A watter for bleeding with in or without

Take liue froges wipe them or wash them cleane & drye then put them into a Common still & still them give the partey tow sponfulls of this watter fasting with a litell sugar & if he bleed much giue it in the afternone & soe it will helpe any extreame a bleeding sore wash it with for the nose dipe a Cloth & hould it to it they should be stilled in may

Another to stanch bloud in the nosterells

Take a handfull of stinging netells & a litell bay salte & bete it together in a stone morter & soe apply it wash the wound first with urin warme or bere

A drinke for one that spets blude or some [u]aine broke in the breast

Take mice d[o]unge dryed & beaten into powder as much as will lye one a 6 pence in halfe a wine glace of the iuce of plaintin drinke this in the morning fasting & last at night for a weeke together & this drinke helpes with gods blesing

for bleeding at the nose

Take the mose of the root of an ash tree if it be at the nose hold it to it or any other part a[pp]ly it to it


Last edit 6 months ago by Julia



A Medicine to procure sleepe

Take a Rose cake put it in a platter with 3 spoonefulls of wmans milke, of rose water and wine Vineger of each two spoonefulls of the Juice of lettice henbane white poppy nightshade oyle of Roses of each of them one good spoonefull boyle all these together uppon a Chaffinge Dish and coales till all the moisture be drunk up into the cake: then lay it one a cloth and grate one it the powder of Nuttmegge and when the patient goeth to bed lett him lay it uery warme all ouer his forehead & temples and soe let it lye foure and twenty houres

A medceine to procure sleep & ease the paine in the heade

Take the white of an ege beate it till it rise to a froth then take the froth & put to it nugmege grated mingelled it plaster thikenes & spread it one a pece of rose cake or browne paper layd to the tempels ouer night


A Medicine For the sciatica or a greate paine in the shoulder or hippe

Take a pound and halfe shreded sheepes suyte a pinte of the grounds of stale ale hemlock leaues mallowes chickinweede groundsill & smallage of each an handfull bruise them a little & boyle them together lesure ly toe the thicknes of a poultise & then spread it halfe an inch thick one a Large cloth and apply it to the place greiued as hott as the patient can suffer it morninge & eueninge: & before you lay to it this poultise rub it and chafe the place before the fire with the oyle of spike: then lay to the foresaid plaister and keepe it close to the place greiued

To draw out the sciateco from the hucle bone

Take mustard seed bruse it & comin seed of each a like quantity abut a handfull temper them wth vinagar till it be as thick as a salve spread it upon a peice of whit leather & lay it to the place grived at night when you goe to bed & let it lye till the next night then lay on a peice of new leather & make a plaister of it so doe 4 dayes together & it shall draw out much watter & make it whole for euer by Gods help

A rare medicin for the si[e]atica when they haue lost thir limbs for goeing it cuered a fisher man & was told him by a great phisitian because he was poor

Let the party take a pound of tobacka & take as many pipes of it as he is able in a day if it be twenty in a day let him keep his Chamber the more he take the better allthough it make him uoyolently sick & drunk in his head this hath cured thos that haue had it 7 yeares in a fortnights tyme.


Last edit 6 months ago by Julia



A Snaile watter against a Consumption

{this watter was made by the Quens Docter when she was in a Consumption}

Take 3 Quarters of a pecke of snailes 3 handfulls of fenille upon which let them worke one houre then Take the same quantety of feneill againe soe let them work another houre then take & breake of the shells then Take 2 Gallons of reed Cowes milke pute in the snalls & let it boyle till it come tow one Gallon then grate in 2 nutmeges put in a pound of Rasons of the sune stoned an ounce of aneyseeds an ounce of English lickorish an ounce of sweet fenell seeds an ounce of caraway seeds then pute it in a still & with it put in ballme & spere minte & liuer worte & longeworte harts tounge & one sprige of smallege & Tameris not Tameresk this take in the morning 6 sponsfulls & as much at 4 of the Cloke in the after none

A Lozeng made of snaills good for A Consumption

Take snaills let them worke upon feneill as befor then Take your beste loafe sugar beatting it very fine sifeting it through a tifeney when your snalls have wrought pricke them & put them in a bage of tifeney soe let them hange ouer the sugar droping into it then let it drye in the sune which when it is drye you may cute forth into lozenges

A Tryed Medeceine for a Consumption or Coufe of the Longes

Take 40 snailles shells & all & wipe them uery Cleane then take a nuw earthen pane & take some feneill & put in the botom of the pane lay a layer of the snalls a tope of it & then spreade some more feinell then put more snaills till all the snailles be put in & soe let them stand all night close couered then prepare some fine sugar beaten uery small & a boulter bage then Take the snalles in the morning & wipe them uery clane & take them one by one & pricke them with a bodkine through the mouth 3 or 4 tymes a pece & the snalls shrinking into the shell stope the holles of the shell with the beaten sugar & soe put them into the bage & hange them up from whens will procede a surope which surope take a sponfull first in the morning & in the afternone & last at night let the bage be wete with reed rose water befor you put in the snailles

A tryed receipt for A consumption: & all inward ullcers it puerey[th ] the blud singularly asueredly it is a souerane medeceins for all euells of the body

Take 3 alle quarts of fountan watter & steepe it in a whole night an ounce of China slised with halfe a pound of rasons well washed & stoned 3 quarters of an ounce of English licorish slised & 3 quarters of an ounce of aneyseeds seet thes one the fyer the next morning till it be boyled halfe away let it boyle softly on an earthen pot well glased which hath a narow mouth the first day take it thus made after this maner drinke noe other at your meale but drinke it cold & at night when you goe to bed drinke another draught warme. the 2 day make the like quantety of watter & use it after the same manner {57}

A Medicine For the Running of the Reines

Take twoe New laid Eggs put away the yelks Whites of them; & put to the yelks the pouder of synamon and mastick of each as much as will lye one a three pence and one spoonefull of Rose water into each egge and a quarter of a spoonefull of the pouder of sweete mintes into into each egge, then Roast the yelkes very Reare, and soe supp it off fasting nine Mornings Together

Another for the same

Take one spoonefull of hasell nutt shells punne them to pouder and drinke it in a Draught of muskadine fasting, and soe continew till the patient find ease

Another for the same

Take halfe a spoonefull of Rosen finely beaten and mix it wth 3 or 4 spoonefulls of fayre Water & soe lett the partie greiued Drinke it first and last; fastinge 2 houres after it

Another for the same

Take a new Laid egge and poure out the white then fill up the shell with uenis turpentine stirre it well together & lett the partie supp it offe euery morninge; fastinge after it 2 houres for the space of a weeke together; & by the blessinge of god it will cure him

A water for a Consumtiue parson & to cleare the reines & strinthen the bake

{This is Mrs Robinsons}

Take clarey Comfrey flowers of acheangell lay a layer of clarey at the botome of your still then strow a handfull of the flowers then lay Comfrey then strow your flowers against then lay clarey & soe lay it till your still be full but let there be twise as much clarye as comfrey in your still a quart of Aarkangell flowers to a still sprinkell thes hearbes with muskedine or allegant then put these2 ounces of white powder sugar candey at the botom of your glase yoar still dropes into it still it twise take 3 or 4 sponfulls of this at a tyme morning & when you goe to bed & at 4 a cloke this is to be stilld in may

An Exelent Restorative watter for one in weakenes it hase beene aproued by maney to be uery good

Take 3 pints of nuw milke one pinte of rede wine 24 eggs nuw lade only the yelkes of them the whites pute cleane away & beate them all together then slice in 4 loues of nuw white breade & if you please slice in a fuw figes & dates then stile it with a soft fire

then take a sponfull of the water in your drincke or broth euening & morning fasting Take a sponfull or to with a litell sugar constantly for a mounth together & it will help you much probatum est


Last edit 6 months ago by Julia
Needs Review



A Medicine to preuent the scarres of the small pockes in the face

Take the marrow of the bones of an oxe warme it one a chaffing dish & Coles then take it offe and crush therein the Juice of Lemonds mingle it well together: and annoynt the face therewith as oft as you shall thinke it good

A Medicine for a soare throate soe as one would thinke the pallett of the mouth to be downe soe that they cannot swallow theire owne spittle or well speake

Take of allum as much as halfe an egge punne it & put it one a hott fire panne then grinde it small to powder and put a spoone full of the best hony you can gett; toe a spoonefull of that powder stirre them uery well together: and lett the patient take of it morninge noone and night as much att a tyme as a greate hasell nut in the morninge fasting but after dinner and goinge to bed, then he must Drinke this Drinke followinge: make a possett of a Quarte of stale ale take offe the curde and putt therein one handfull of uiolett Leaues; and as much sorrell boyle them uery well together then poure it into a close cupp for your use and euer when the patient hath eaten the foresaid medicine then lett him likewse drinke a draugh of the said possett ale, allmost a quarter of an houre after

Mr Ruthins excellent Receipt for any one that hath a soare throate with the small poxe it doth kill the uename and poyson of the small poxe both in the throate and body

Take of sheepes turtles from a sheepe newly killed bruise them in a dish then put to them a reasonable quantitie of white wine soe much as may make it thinne enough toe drinke, lett the white wine be the sharpest you can gett, ant Lett the patient take 3 or 4 spoone fulls of it att a time: 3 tymes together or more, if the throate be uery soare fast an houre after it

A Medisone for the dispersing anny humour gathered to the Thorat or for any soarnes in the same.

Take of the powder of dogs dunge that is white & the powder of orrise roott as much of the one as the other mixe them well together then take soe much as a thimble full of the sade powder & deiuide it into 4 parts puting one of the parts into the head of a smale tobackah pipe & blow it into the throat this doe 2 or 3 tymes a day & nether eate nor drink an hower after this medisom is most preisious

A surope for the pallet of the mouth the amons of the eares & a soare throat

Take halfe a pint of whit wine vineger 6 sponfulls of honny one ounce of roch allume boyle them all together till it comes to a syrope then let the patient greued take euery [for] a sponefull when they find ther throat begen to stope up {59}

for a sore throat aproued allthough it be a quincey

Take dandelion & scaboues of each one handfull boyle it uery well in posett drincke saue some of the curde & take the leaves when they are well boyled & mixe with the curde & apley it to the throate & drinke the poset drinke euerey 3 or 4 howers a drafte & this by the blesing of god hath recouered maney

A poulltes to lay a swelling in the face or neck or a quincey

Take a quarte of milke & boyle therin of marsh mallows & the yongest ellder of each a good handfull shread very small boyle them very well till the hearbes be tender then thicken it with beane flower till it come to a poulltes then take it of the fyer & put therin 2 or 3 sponfulls of oyle of marsh mallowes & soe apley it to the place greiued as hot as they cane indeuer it

For a Thrush in a Childs mouth

Take plantine watter and wash the mouth wth it & then put the surup of mulbereys into the mouth & let it melt, and that will both kill & heale it

A spechall remidy to break the bag of an Imposthum & so to spit it out by peice meale wthout hurting the partie

Take neppe Stampe it alone Stampe penyroyall allso & streine it then put both their Juces together and put to every 2 spoonfulls of both aqua Composita & take 2 spoonfulls at once every morning 4 or 5 dayes together & if it doe arise in the throat like a pudding drinke a spoonfull at none & it will rot the bagge & voyd it peice meale

It hath been proved on them that have sounded at the table 3 tymes in an houre wth a rising on the throat & hath cured the partie in the week folowing Probatum Est

Mr Samuell Bradfords Balsam for a Cough & Consumption

Recipe 1 pint of sallet oyle & 2 ounces of Sulphur boile them gently on a fire for halfe an houre till it comes to a syrrop

Mr Gil[berts] for the same

Recipe 10 cloues of Garlick [skind/shred] & sliced thin Aniseeds poudred & Elecampane ana ½ ounce poudr of licorus 3 drams put them into a pipkin with half handfull grond Ivy finely shred, poure upon them 1 pint ½ of Ale stir them together close up the pipkin set it in hot Embers 5 or 6 hours strain out the liquor very hard when tis cold Ad to the liquor 1½ pounds£i of best white sugar powdred mix it well set it all ouer hot Embers againe for half or an whole houre stirring it till it come to the thicknes of a syrrop straine it again & keep it as a Sirrop Take hereof a good spoonfull euery morning fasting & euery afternoon about 5 of the Clock you may take it by it selfe or mixt with 7 or 8 spoonfull of the pectorall decoction & walk before & after it gently half an houre continue it.


Recipe Aniseeds, carawy seeds sweet fenell seeds & flour of Brimston of each half an ounce Pouder of [Elecane] & green licorus sliced of each one ounce blue figs sliced & raisins solis stond of each a qtr of a pound, 2 pippins one pound of Honey the 3 seeds must be beaten & the husks sifted out, beat all these ingredients together till they are well mixt & bake them in a new high earthen pan wch will hold about a quart, put the honey in at last Cover the pan close with a peice of dough & bake it with a batch of bread take it first in morning & last at night half a spoonfull or a little more if you can

To cuer a cough

Take 2 or 3 lemonds & pare them & slice them & put to them a good quantity of sugar & eat a slice or 2 next morning & take 2 spoonfulls of the surrup this will cut the fleam & help the cough


Last edit over 1 year ago by Stephen
Needs Review



To cuer help a consumption weakness or leanness

Take 2 quarts of snailes fresh gathered & wipe them clean from dirt & sand; & as you wipe them put them into an Earthen pan & lay finill amongst them, till you have done all then cover the pann close that the snailes cannot get out, & let it stand so all night for the snails to purge; the next morning take the snailes out & wipe them again very clean from the dirt, & as you wipe them prick them throw the shells wth a bodkin & fill the shell as full of double refin'd sugar as you can & as you doe them thro them into a bag ready for yr use & so let them drop as long as any surrup will come through befor you put the snailes into the bag dip it into rose water & it will give the surrup a pretty tast wn it has dropt as long as you se it will put it into a botell to keep it for your use doe not cork the botell, but cover it close wth paper: you must take 2 spoonfulls in the morning fasting & in the afternoon about 3 or 4 a clock, this surrop has cured thos that have been given over by the Physitians

For a Consumptive distemper

you must take the best white methegline then take half a pinte of milke & put it over the fire, wn it boyles take it off let it stand a little then put in 4 or 5 spoonfulls of metheglin & let it be turned to a curd so drink it the last thinge you drinke goeing to bed & as hot as you can & in the morning take a quarter of a pint of the metheglin & tost a little peice of bread very hard & put it to the metheglin & let it stand till the bread be soft, then take the bread & eat it & drinke the metheglin & walk half & hower or a whole hower if you can, so doe this a fortnight together, & then you may forbear for a weeks tyme, & after that you will find wt alteration it makes on you so you may take it again as you find how you are, you must not faill to take it euening & morning as befor directed

For a cough

Take a pound of hony & boyle in it a handfull or lesse of horehound & scume it & put to it a quarter of a pint of maligo sack & so take it often a spoonfull of it goeing to bed & in a morning

To stop a cough or cuer it

Take 3 nights together a penith of venus Treacle & it will hinder your coughing, Mrs Conys electuary for a cough

Take 4 ounces of Raisons of the Sun stoned 4 ounces of brown sugar candy 4 ounces of conserve of red Rosses beat all together then put in 40 dropes of Spirit of Sulpher 2 penith of Olibanum her milk watter for a consumption

distill milk wth ground Iuey, put whit paper at the botom & sides of the still to keep it from burning


A Medicine For a scald head that hath a thick dry scab and noe Runninge scalde

First wash the patients head with warme cowe stale, then take old shooes & burne them to powder: and take the ashes of them and mingle it with fresh gaultes grease with a Little quick siluer being first well killed with fastinge spittle and annoynt the patients head therewith

Another for the same

Take a pinte of stronge ale & a pritty Quantitie of black f Rosen boyle them together then take as much fine white flowre tempered with ale as will make it thick like a poultise boyle it well & put therein a little uenis Turpentine & soe apply it to the head

Another For the same

Take the greenest glasse that you can gett & Beate it uery small & sift it through a seine or cloth then take as much soote out of a Chimney that wood is burned in & sift it fine, then temper these two with as much butter out of the Churne unwashed as will make it Like a salue and soe annoynt the parties head Morninge and euening

To cuer the head ach

Take some dropes of the Spirit of Lauender & rowle them in fin sugar & take it this giues present ease

for a gidyness in the head

{Mr Bradfords receipt}

Take male piony roots 2 ounces peacoks dung made into fin whit powder 6 ounces whit sugar 2 ounces mix thes together & tak a spoonfull of this powder in a cofy dish wth tea or coffy or sage tea twice a day


Last edit over 1 year ago by Stephen
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