Wellcome Collection: Bulkeley, Elizabeth (MS.169)


A boke of hearbes and receipts.

A boke of hearbes and receipts.


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Last edit over 1 year ago by Katie Holly
Needs Review


The Vertues of sages

Sage is hot in the begininge of the third degree it hath adioyninge noe litle astriction or byndinge it is singular good for the head & braine quickneth the sences & memory & strengthneth the senowes restoreth health to those that haue the paulsie vpon a moyst cause taketh away the shakinge or trembling of the members, & beinge putt into the nosethrells it draweth [thrine fleyme] out of the head. It is also commended against the spittinge of bloode, the cough & paines of the sides, & bytinge of serpente. The iuse of sage drunke wth honie is good for those that spitt & vomite blood, & stopeth the fluxe there of incontinently, expelleth wine, drieth the dropsie, helpeth the palsie, strengthneth the senewes & purgeth blood.

The leaues sodden in water, with woodbine leaues, plantayne rosemary honie allom & some white wine maketh an excellent water to washe the secrett parte of man or woman, & for the Canker or other sorenesse in the mouth espetially if you boyle in it aforre bright shinye sea coale, sage ale beinge brewed with scabies betteine spiknard squinanth & femel seeds is exceedinge wholesome, the leaues of redd sage put into a woodden dishe wherein is put very quicke coales with some ashes in the bottome, & a litle vineger sprinckled vpon it, lyinge vpon the coales, & so wrapped in a lynnen cloth, & houlden very hott vnto the side of those that that are troubled with a grevious stich, & helpeth greatly the extremyties of the plearasie the plearasie/

Last edit over 1 year ago by vant
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Last edit over 1 year ago by vant
Needs Review


The temperature of minte

Mint is hott & drye in the third degree, it is some what bitter & harsh, the smell of it doth [sitcre?] upp the mynde and tast to a great desire of meate.

The vertues of minte

Minte is maruelous whole some for the stomacke, it stayeth the hicket, parbrakinge, vomitinge & showringe [?], kolericke passion, if it be taken with the iuyce of a sower pomegarnett, it stopeth the castinge up of bloode, beinge given with water & vinegor, the same beinge appied to forehead, or to the temples doth take away the head ach[e] yt is good for wattery eyes, & all manner of of breakinge out in the head, & against the infyrmaties of the fundament, it sure remedy for chilldrens foreheads, beinge applied with salt it helpeth the bytinge of mad doge, it will not suffer mylke to sowerr or crudle in the stomacke, garden mynte taken in meate or drinke warmeth & strengthneth the stomacke, & dryeth upp all supfluous humours & causeth good digestio[n], minte mingled with the meale of parched barley consumeth humours & hard swellinge. The water of mynte is of lyke operation, in dyvers medecins, it cureth the trechinge & gryping paynes of the belly & bowells, it appeaseth head ache, it stayeth ye[?]ing & vometinge, it is singuler good against the stone & gravell in the kidneyes, & against the [strangary?] beinge boyled in wine & drunke, the [?] [?] to the stinginge of waspes & bees.

Last edit over 1 year ago by vant
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Last edit over 1 year ago by vant
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