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An oyle for Aches & Bruse
(Recipe symbol) Sage, Savory, Smallage, lauendr
Sowthernewodod, Rosemanye, Rose leaues,
Lavender cotton, Rewe, fetherfoye, tansie
Spereminte, Camomill, Tyme, Marys
Baume, Pluriany, Organye, [veridine,]
hyssope, Romayne minte, marigoldes, leaues
of Pionie, Daysies, Bay leaues, [],
Shred yor herbes and pin them mamort
then put then into a []vessell & putto
them oile [liv or vi] of white wyne
[li ii] Boile all untill the wyne be clene
consumed: then straine hit and kepe it
for a treasure

For Ache
(Recipe symbol) Black soope [liss] oyle of Bones [id ii]
yolke of Egge; beate them all to gether
very well, then spreade it on lether
or apon canvas and let t lie 24 houres
then changge hitt & iii or iiii plasters will
do hitt.

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