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Affabilitas | Affabilitas |
A | B |
Aqua Marabilis 182 | to make Spannish Biskits 170 |
an Ague drink 353 | for an inward Bruise 333 |
for an Ague 377 | for a sore Breast 334 |
for an Ague 431 | for a Bruise 334 |
for an Ague ibid | e Methridate Brandy 344 |
for an Ague 431 | a water |
for an Ague 431 | to wash a |
for an Ague 077 | for one | t is Broken 349
for an Ague [?] | to stop bleiding at | e nose 351
to stop | e bleiding of any wound 352|
to stop | e bleiding of any wound 354|
to stop | e bleiding of any wound ibid|
for any bruise or inward bleiding in Cattel 355 | |
Cesars Balsome 380 | |
for a Bruise 392 | |
for a sore Breast 394 | |
for a sore Breast 396 | |
to stay bleiding 430 | |
an excelant Balsom 430 | |
a Balsom 431 | |
a raire Balsom ibid | |
for a sore Breast 406 | |
for a weak Back 055 | |
for a sore Brest 078 | |
a black Salve 079 | |
to Stew a Rump of Beefe 188 | |
for a Burn 057 | |
Shortness of Breath 053 | |
a poltice for a Sore Breast 226 | |
a cancor'd Breast 138 | |
Shortness of Breath 090 | |
a cancord Breast 142 | |
Shortness of Breath 043 |
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