



Status: Page Status Needs Review

Affabilitas Affabilitas
Aqua Marabilis 182 to make Spannish Biskits 170
an Ague drink 353 for an inward Bruise 333
for an Ague 377 for a sore Breast 334
for an Ague 431 for a Bruise 334
for an Ague ibid the Methridate Brandy 344
for an Ague 431 a water
for an Ague 431 to wash a Burn Burn 346
for an Ague 077 for one that is Broken 349
for an Ague [?] to stop bleiding at the nose 351
to stop the bleiding of any wound 352
to stop the bleiding of any wound 354
to stopthe bleiding of any wound ibid
for any bruise or inward bleiding in Cattel 355
Cesars Balsome 380
for a Bruise 392
for a sore Breast 394
for a sore Breast 396
to stay bleiding 430
an excelant Balsom 430
a Balsom 431
a raire Balsom ibid
for a sore Breast 406
for a weak Back 055
for a sore Brest 078
a black Salve 079
to Stew a Rump of Beefe 188
for a Burn 057
Shortness of Breath 053
a poltice for a Sore Breast 226
a cancor'd Breast 138
Shortness of Breath 090
a cancord Breast 142
Shortness of Breath 043

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