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To pickle Coucumbers Mr. freman -

Set them apurgin 5 days 9 day for big wons
halef fare water and halef the brine as the
lay a prgin in; put it in a cettel to gether
then Let them simer half a quarter of an our
take them up in a sive then Let them be cold
take 2 parts of that licker as the ware simber=
ed in and one part uinegar take it and boyl
it and when it is cold but the coucumber take
a litel dil a litel feniel a few bay leaves cloves
and mase pepor and ginger a hole lump of

A metson to cuer the piels

take of the best soundest Corcke you can get
and burn it to pouder then take the ointment
poluhume and make it into a oyntment when
it is inward the ointment must be don upon
a candel or a cloth with the oyntment apl=
yed to the plase will doo

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