Ale out of
Steale to work together [f two days, soe drink a pint, r]
or half a pint; as e party can bear itt, warme & fasting
3 hour's after itt, you must keep e [shamb all d] e [H[..]]
while you take itt, & Eate only Roast meats all e
To Candy any fruite after they have lain
in Sirrup
Take any sorte of fruit that you have
p serv'd, as apples & lay m out of e Sirrup
to drain then lay them upon siffes, & put m
in a warme oven to drie, then wash m over w th
water wherein Gumarabick hath been steped
steeped one night, then w th a feather having
white Sugar-candie beaten not fine strew it on
e fruit while wet, to thick as e Gum will hold,
& then lay m on sleeked papers to dri in
e sun & turn m often, if you set any
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