



Status: Needs Review


To Make a Rishch Cake

Take 6 pd of flower, 6 pd of Currents, 5 pd
of Reasons stoned & cut smalle, half a pd of
Dates, some Oirnge peele & Sifforne, sliced
Nutmeg, Mace, Cinnamon, Ginger Ambergreese
to yoE taste, 6 spoonfulls of Sack, & as much of
rose watE 2 pd & half of buttE, one pint of thick
creame, a good quarte of Ale Eeste, 10 eggs
3 whites, mix yoE spices, & three quarters of a pd
Sugar, well beaten & dried, a little salt into yoE
flower when it is well dried, then put yoE Eeste
& eggs well beaten & yoE Creame being made a litt=
=le hotter then milk from yee Cow, in which you
must melt yoe buttE, then mingle all these togeth=
=er, put yoE flower in a deep [?????] milk pan,
& make a great whole in ye middle in which
pour ye Liquids, & throw a handful of flow=
=er over thm cover up yoE pan, & set it nigh
ye fire to rise, mold in yoE Currants,

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There is an new abbreviation on this page, I am not sure how to tag it.
The author uses "pd" with a line over it for "pound." I transcribed it as "pd"