A good Cordial wat
Take of y
Clove jelly flowers, Lavend flow Red Rose flow
Burriage & Beuglesse flow , Rosemary & Sage flow
y purple Tansie flow of each one handfulll, bigger
or less , according to y quantity you still, Pimper=
=nell, Balm, Angelico, Mint, Penereyall, button
=Marjoram, of each a little handfull, one sprig of
Rice & one spr1g of Wormewood, Tormintill rootes,
Rootes, Gallengall Rootes, Liquarish Rootes,
of each one dram, Cardemum seeds, Curriand seads,
& sweet fennell seads, of each one dram, Giniper
Berries, Cloves & Mace, of each one dram, bruise yo
Rootes & Seads, Cloves & Nutmeggs, but not yo Mace
this will be sufficient for a gallon of Spirits
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