you can suffer it e Goute to be applyed as hot as
Take Froggs spawne wat???? Ounces of
Hawthorne 4 Ounces of Mullet wat an Ounce of
Mirke poudred a Drame of Oriental Saffron halfe
a Dram of poudred Cikewife?? mix m [???] togeth
& beathe e gri[??]ed part, & wrap e cloths about e
part, Probatum est
Against exessive Vomiting
Take mint wat
[????] now & then & apply outwardly a plaistor
of[ ???????] take also e juice of 2 Quinces or
Quince unclear wine
For a Looseness
Apply upon [?????]
Bole Aemonacke e like quantity take [?ward]
some dryed Hartsworne, in Sirup of dry'd Roses
Corrall take all those for yo ordinary drink
steeled wat wherein Corrall hartshorne [Tor????]
=till Nutmeggs Pomegrante rinds & & e like be
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