then put in your stew pan and put in
your beef in stron broth and a Littell
swete herbs and a bay Lay leufe or to
and some spice and turne it often
in your pan till it is enough cut it
in slices and put in your disk and
send it in cold when you want it
To make duch bife
take apice of buttock bife and
take a clever and prick some Littell
holes and strew some salt peter
over it rub it in salt it well and
turn it often in your pickell
and dry it in y chimny in [paper]
and boyle it and [chrip]it in small
strips and send it in cold with fresh
butter second course
to make an oyster pye
fish of claws of Lobsters or crabs
and make a forst mete with butter or suet
and cloves and mace and Lemon
pill and e yolk of one ege a litel
swete herbes fine shred and
role it in Luttell bile and take your
oyster washt in wine and put
in your oysters in your[??] of peuf
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