Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)



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Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet


To make puff paste:

Take to every quart of fine flower 4 whtes of eggs to make a makefine lite past then take roul out your paste pretty yin yn take a a pound of fresh butter & beate it yn take some of your butter & spred halfe over your paste yn double your paste & roll it out againe & so serve it nine or tenn times till you have work in all yoor butter yn it is fitt for use:

To callE a Breast of Veal

Take it & bone it & season it with water some salt & some other salt & some peper & cloves & mace & nutmeg & two Anchovie & some sweet herbs & some Lemon soe coller it close you do brawne then boyle it in water & salt & vinegar & whole spice & when it is boyled let it be cold yn keep it in that pickle for use:

Last edit 2 days ago by Julia
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Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To callE a Pigg

Take yoE Pigg & bone it & lay it in watE & salt one night yn season it wth some pepE & salt & some cloves & mace & nutmeg & three Anchovis and a few sage leave & some Lemon soe callE it up close yn boyle it watE and salt & some venegar & a pint of white wine so keep it in that pickle adding to it some small beere so keep it for use:

To Make Paist for great Pies

Take to every quart of flowE a QuartE of a pound of butter & put ye buttE in when ye watE boyles & boyle ye lickE so make yoE paist & lett it coole yt it may be smooth so make yoE pie & close it with flowE & watE

To make cheesecakes

Take ye tendE Cheesecurd & a bitt of ButtE ye bigness of a Turkes egg & mix wth ye curd yn put in 6 eggs well beaten currants yn put to it half a pound of blanched & pounded allmons & mix wth ye curd yn put in some canded Lemon & sittorn & dates so sett ths into ye coffins yn bake ym

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet


Mrs Dances Recait for Defness

Take the oil of notmegs melted and 2 or 3 drops of hongery water in it and so dip som black woll in it an put it in the eyere

Last edit over 1 year ago by MaryV
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