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To Cure a Cough of the Lungs
Too ounces of fox lungs in pouder, 2 ounces of [alicompan]
roots in pouder; 4 ounces of white shuger candy in pouder,
pennyworth of lyckrish pouder; 2 grated nutmegs, mix [...]
together & take a sponefull of this in 4 sponefuls of ale or
beare, every morning fasting, & fast an hour after itt.
to Cure a Canker in the ?
to anoynt the crowne of the head 2 or 3 times with [...]
an aproved medcen that hath cured great [...]
Take lavender cotten, wormwood, & red dock roots, steepe of
thees 24 hours in strong stale beare & let the party
drink noe other drink it will cure in 6 weeks time

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Katy Mair

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