To Make Waffers 41
Shugar + ye yolks of 3 eggs & one white & flower & rose watter beat
them wth a litell Salt & so make yr waffers
To Make Waffers 42
Be very fine flower, cream & Rose watter & shuger Temper all the
wth a litell salt then let it stand an hower & so make it into waffers
To Cure an ague by Mr Whaly 43
A Gram of Maih given in aglace of wine 2 howers before the fit comes
has don great curs fo the ague, when the bark hath faded you must g[o]
to bed & lye two lue hours & Sweat if you can ---
For The Vapers in Lieing in or any other
time unless wth Child 44
Take as much as an Nutmeg of confarus of stinking orach in agust
of a pint of pennery all watter with 2 or 3 Spone fulls of hysterick nuts
at any time when you are ill.
To Cure an Ague by Mrs Granton
Take of the Best Tesenit barks finely powedered one gram & a half
Vinice. Ireaksl one gram, ince of Savell oring one spoonefull, mix the
in a littell wine glace of the best sack, & take it 3 or 4 hours before you c[a]
a fit, & once 15 days after you have quite missd it
For the coming downe of the mother by Dr Br[o]
Take laks barks & buds of each Two ounces of plantum
leaves & Comphery of Each one handfull boil them in
five pints of spring water untill one pint is wasted
then strain it & add to yr liquor half a pints of Red
wine foment yr pert morning & Night with flenill
stupes pritty warm for a week or more & if she finds
benefit repeat it again ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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