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A recepit for ye Worms Either in [] or young

[Take] of wormfeed, fenugreeg, Allors, Crittorn, corolina, or sea
Johns wort; burnt harts horn, of each of thees three. dram
them all into fine powder; put [thear] to three drams of a [ha]
flower of Sulfer; with 3 tims the weight of all the other ingre[g]
affor said of the best [lose] Shuger finely beaten, & mix them all to[]
very well, & those of ripe years give a dram & halfe, the younger
one dram, it must be taken in muscader or cannary

To Make Chese Puffs 48

Take a quart of Sweet Cheese curd clean from the whay, very dry then put
as much Grated Bread as curd, put in 2 eggs whits and all. make them
into balls & lay them one a paper & bake them, [pare]
off the bottams & cut around hole one the top & power one
[sack] butter & Shuger. When you sarve them up, you may frye
them in butter if you pleas & have no oven, let the curd be run [thrny]
[afor] wth a spoone

How to Keepe Kidney Beans, all ye Years for Boyling 49

Make a strong Brine of Salt & watter, so much as will cover them
& run them over wth Sewett & when you use them put them in to boyling
watter; & let them boyle an hower at least pasting them downe close.

How to Pickele Parslaine 50

Make a strong brine of Salt & whay, boyle it & let it stand till
it is cold, then take yr Purslain & but it thearin & run it over with
[Sewett] & let it lye a month in the [pickell] befor you use it

To make a savery Brown Bread Pooding 51

Take as much Brown Bread as you can hold at twice in both hr
hands, one Spoonfull of flower, halfe a pd of beef suet [freed from all]
one nutmeg 5 eggs 3 of the whits with as much milk as will temper
it. If you will have it sweet put in half a pd of Curance & a
Spoonful of Shuger tye it up in a cloath & boyle it an hour
[&] halfe

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