To Rost; or Bake a Calvs Head
Cousen Whitmors way
Take a hansom white Calvs head cut a littell hole in it, & take
out his brans, after it is pare boyled, then Lard it with backen &
lemmond psall & time all over; & put in Savery forsed meat in stid
of the brans stoping the hole with [aless] of backen Larded, put it
on yr Spit & rost it; otherways for more security you may bake
it in a dush in the oven, when it is halfe baked take it out & put
one artifishall [cars] being made of backen, then wash the hole
head all over with the yolk of an egge, yn put it in to the oven
agane. & when it is enough dish it up, yr Sause & ingredgance being
[very] - The Sause, Claret wine & gravey a pint or more
of oystrs 2 anchoves minced and boyled in it with a [faget] of Sweet
erbs & a greated nutmeg, som slices of backen & sassages, [&] thicken
it up with the yolk or two of an egg & a ladell full of browne
butter; put yr oystrs over the head & yr baken & sosedges
round abought ye head [so] garnesh with lemond, you must take
notes the brans and tong must be taken out before the head is
boyled, the brans must thicken the Sase, & the tong likeway
being pare boyled before must be cut in peeces & put amongst
the other ingredgance.
To Salt Baken Mrs Winstanlys way
Take an ounce of salt peeter, & a pint of bay Salt to every [flick], cut
it up as fast as you can after it is killed, & salt it as soone as it is cut
up wth these Salts, at twelve hours end Salt it wth ordnery Salt well
Dryed, let it Lye for a month often turning it & Salting it wth ordnery
Salt, then hang it up in a chimny & Smoke it wth Sawdust, or
wet chips, or wet Straw or hay, for twelve howers, then hang it in
the chimny like other Baken
To Salt Hams the Best way 55
Take yr hams & hang them up 4 r 5 days to shorten them take 3
ounces of Salt peeter beten very fine; rub it well in & let it Lye
3 hours, then take common salt dry it well & Salt it; let it lye 10 days if open
[orther], then wash the Salt off wth warm watter, & dry the [Roksn] well wth
[a] cloath, & dry it wth woodsmok or Saw dust in a chimney
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