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To Pot Beefs [Ant] B: way {65}

Take the buttock peece of young Beefs, take the inside
that is tender & cut it in thin slices, & put it in pump watter
as much as will cover it; & som salt peeter. Let it soke in it 24
hours, then take it out & drane it till all the watter be run
from it, then season it with peper & salt; then put it in a
pot & cover it close with past & put it in the oven with a
batch of [housias] bread when it is baked take it out of the pot & drane
it whilst it is hot & let it stand in [a thing shelveing] till all
the licker be draned from it, then take som powdered [liniment]
clovs & mace & strew over it; then beat it very fine in a
marbell of stone. morter whilst it is warme, if you have
it not at a convenant time out of the oven to doe it
whilst it is hot you may let it stand and heat in the oven when
you goe to doe it, it must be beaten very fine put in a
verser pot close downe and covered with som clarified butter
if you find it is not seasoned anough with peper and salt when
you pound it you may add more---------

To Salt Hams Lady Powels way {66}

Take the leg of a fat hog cut out like a [westtally] ham, let it hang up 3
weeks till it begins to be mouldy, yn wash it very well in veigres [rubing]
it wth yr hand till all mouldy be off, power yt away & wash it in fresh [vsrges]
till it be very clean, yn run it all over wth Salt peeter make a hole in ye
[brany] part wth a Small knife & put in as much Salt peetre as will Lye
upon a Shiling, rubing it all over with ordnery Salt; & Lay it in a tray,
turn it evry day & wash it in the brine as runs from it let it Lye 3
weeks then hang it up to smke in a chimny whear you burn wood or
turfs it may hang 3 weeks if the place be not to hot

To Stue a hare {67}

bear yr hare well in his blod, & pit it in yr Stue pan, with a [botall]
of Claret, a pint of watter; 2 or 3 shalots. Let it Stue till its [tende]
yn put in a half a pound of butter 2 anchoves & toss it together
& Serve it up

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