A Raggoo of Muttan
Halfe boyle a brest of Muttan wth Sweet erbs & all sorts of
Spice yn Lay it on a grid iorn till its browne & serve it up
with anchove Sace & oystrs & mushroms
To pickell Kidny Beens {69}
Make yr Watter & salt to bare an egg yn put in yr beans
& let them Lye a fortnight; yn boyle ym in athing a will
cover so close as no Steme may com out whilst ye are boyling
be Sure ye put a handfull of Salt in the watter you boyle
them in & boyle ym over a slow fier till ye be tender yn [Stew]
them into a [afive] & let them stand till ye are cold; make yr
pickell of white wine vinegar salt cloves mace whole
peper ginger & put ym in an erthen put & power yr pickell
one ym boyling hot & tye them downe close for yr use
To make Chesecaks {70}
Take a quart of new milk & let it iust boyl Take 3
Sponefulls of flower & mix wth yr milk & let it iust boyle
[ager the]. Have ready 9 eggs with the whits well beaten put them
to the milk & let it boyle till its as thick as [loty]
pooding keeping it sturing all the while. power it out very
quick that it may not [whays] put in a quarter of a pound
of butter & a qr of a pd of [crance] well washed & picked when
cold cold season it wth Shuger nutmeg mace & oring flower -
To make Metheglin {71}
To every galan of hony take 3 gallons of watter & when
its well mingled get it on the feir & Skim it well, & let it boyl
allmost an hower yn let it coole 24 howers yn put a small
quantity of ale yeast & Skim of the yest morning & evening
for 4 days then put it in a vessel, & let it stand 6 weeks
& then bottell it
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