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To Make Mince Pys {72}

Yr meat must be Muten or veall or both together, nek is better, it must
be free from Sinews or Skins cut into Lumps & pareboyled alite
so that it will cut; then Layr it to cool & [set[?]] it by its Selfe
as also the Shruet by its selfe, to 1 pd of meat you must have 4 pd
of beef Sheuet or [thrather]more, 2 pd of rsasens, 2 of Curance, a qr
of an ounce of finement, halfe an ounce of clovs & mace & half
an ounce of nutmegs, halfe a pd of Shuger; a Sponefull of rose
water & som lemmond peall; & a littell Salt to this you may
ad 6 Sharp apells [srid] small. When its all well mingled keep
it all close coverd in an erthen pan till you fill yr pyes

To pickle pigeons {73}

Take 24 Pigeons of the Largest bone 12 of them & take the meat of y
other dozen as free from yr skins & strings as you can cutting off with
a knife & chop it small then shred a handfull of lemmon tyme a handfull
of Marjoram a little parcely a little common time & a little Winter Savory
& put your herps to ye meat of your pigeons then take pepper & salt &
mace & nutmeg & season it to your tast then your boned pigeons stuff
them with your seasond meat & for your [picle] take water and salt
& whole peper season your water well & put the bones of all the pigeons into
& let them boil on the fire half an hour then put your stuffed pigeons in
& let them boil an hour an half, then take them out & drain them & when
your pigeons & pickle is Cold, put them together boil your pigeons in a
linnon bag [soron] up round so that no scum may get to yr pigeons. add
lemmon to your Stufing if you pleays you may keep them all winter
till new pigeons Come

To brown butter {74}

Take half a pound of Butter brown it in a frying pan very brown
you must melt the butter & boil it till it is very brown. then put
in half a handfull of flower and put it over the fire again & keep
it stiring till it be brown take care that it burns not too this
browned butter does finely mingle [yt] Ingrediants & gives yr stufed fish
a high relish

To joyn an earthen vesal {75}

Take [wax Rosin] Brimston of each one ounce boil them together
& stir them well then heat the peeces of earthenware against yr fire
& joyn [yr stuff] with a feather

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