To make sugar cakes {76}
Take a pound of flower well dried a pound of sugar
[sercad] & a pound of butter melted, mingle the butter and sugar
together, first & bear them till they looks whight, then take six
egs & leave out three of the whights, beat them well and strain
them into yr sugar and butter, & when they are well mixt put
in your flower a few Carryway seeds & [[?]] dryed sweetsmeats
if you please & let them be well beaten lying them over with rose
water & sugar bake them in tin pans
Syllabub {77}
Take a pint of sack & disolve halfe a pound of fine sugar in it
a quart of Cream pour into yr sack holding it very high
about yr sacks & [let] 2 stire or beat yr sack & cream together with
whisks & as fast as it riseth into a froth skim the froth int a
sylabub pot & so beats it till it be all turned into a froth then
let it stand 4 or 5 hours before you eat it & it will be so stiff
that you may cut it with a knife
Cheescakes {78}
Take 4 quarts of new milk [set] it with 3 spoonfuls of [runnet]
when it is come [ro tey] it between two in a cheese cloth very
dry not touching it with hands take a quarter of a pound of
Almonds blanched, beat them very fine in a stone morter with
some rose water then put yr Cord to them in yr Morder & beat
them together a quarter of an hour then put in [night] bread
grated a half pound of butter one grated nutmegg and yolks & [[?]>]
whights of eggs, rose water, to yr tast so beat them till they are
well mingled if you [would have any plans] take out some of
the Curd & put Curence to yr rest
To make ye Crust {79}
Take a quarter of a peck of fine flower & put in a pound
of butter & 2 whole egs wet it with cold water as stife as
for a cake then mould it in small cakes roul them out &
cut them to ye size of a trencher plat spread yr Curd &
pinck them in [y] Corners then bake them in a quiet oven
half an hower, put fire in yr oven when you set your
Milk with yr rennet them [yo &] in hand with yr Crust
{80} To make a coller of Eels
Take a large ele [flaw] it slit it down ye belly take out ye belly
take out ye bons spread it open cut of the head & [fals] strew it
with a little sweet marjoram shred [fins] take beaten peper mixt
with salt & beaten cloves & nutmegs grated strew [show] as you
did yr marjoram & then roll it up as you do collar of brawn
then bind it about with bread tape hard and close & boil it in
[watter] & salt & a little wine vinegar with a blade of mace boil it
till it is very tender then take it out of the Liquor & put in some
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