Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)



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The Library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine Western Manuscript 7113 Accession Number 349856

Hese ffordtts Hanshaw

Last edit about 2 years ago by Samiscat


K. ffanshawe Given mee by my Mother March th 23. 1678.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Jannyp


Mrs. Fanshawes Booke of Receipts of Physickes Salves, Waters, Cordialls, Preserves and Cookery written the eleventh day of December 1651. by Me,

Joseph [Auerie]

Last edit over 3 years ago by vaisetine


Physicks (1

To make a suppository effectually to worke

{The Lady Butlers.} {Ann Hanshawe}

Take two spoonfulls of honey, boyle it in a brazen Ladle till the honey begin to wax stiffe as when you drop some of it on a Trencher it will be hard, as it will rowle somewhat stiffly then putt to it a pretty quantity of white Salt, a quantity of Comyn Seeds, and also some powser of Aloes, and the powder of dried Ren, mingle them together, and let them boyle a little, after you have putt these into the honey, then make your suppositore, and so use it.

A rule for ye ... the Greene Sicknes

{Mrs. Ailiffes.} {A: Hanshawe}

Take of the dust of the purest Spanish Steele a spoonfull up heaps, a Nutmeg made into fine Powder, as much weight of Annyseeds in powder finely searsed & half so much Liquorish, and a Quarter of a pound & two ounces of Sugar finely beaten and searst, take as much as will bye upon a shillery in a morning fasting in Warme Beer or warme Sacke in three Spoonfulls of either. You must not eate in 2 houres after, but rub or saw, or Swing, or walke very fast. For diett refrane all Milke Meats whatsoever, and use Broths with opening herbes espetially Penny Royall, Veale and Mutton chiefly.

For Melancholy and heavenes of Spiretts

{My Mother} {A Hanshawe}

Take Siena of Alexandria 4 ounces, of Salsaperilla 3 Ounces, of Raisins of the the Sunne the Stones being taken out one pound of Epithmum, of double Camomill Flowers, Stecades, of Hermodatulus of each 1/2 an ounce, of Liquorice 2 ounces and 2 grammes, of Annyseeds 2 ounces. Lett the Salsaperilla, Liquorice & Annyseeds {and}

Last edit over 3 years ago by Jannyp
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