beaten & finely searred, putt to there the quantity of an Egge of
sweet butter, rubb the Butter well into the Flower & Sugar , yt it
cannot be discerned putt in 6 Yolkes of Egs 3 whites 4 graines of
Muske and 4 of Amber Gris made into fine powder, 6 Spoonfulls of
Orange Flower water or Damaske Rosewater 6 Spoonfuls of Cream
mingled together & putt into your Stuffe as much water & Creame by
little and little as you find will make it into a Stiffe paste mold there
together a Quarter of an houre, then pull it to pieces againe, then putt
to it what Quantity You like of Coriander Seeds rubd & bruised when
ye Seeds are well mingled in thes Paste make it up into knotts & butter
plaster very shinne, & lay your knotts upon them, prike them & sett
them into the Ouen as hott as for Biskett, Let them stand till they
are thoroughly bakt, & whilst they are baking take a Quarter of
a pound of double refined Sugar or more, wett it with halfe Spring
Water & halfe Rosewater, boyle it to a cleare Candy & with a
feather wash your Jumballs ouer, then lay them upon the Plate
againe & sett them into the Ouen till they be thorough dry.
To pickle Cherries
{Lady Browne.
A ffan}
Take the soundest faire Heart Cherries you can gett, lay them in
rowes at the bottome of a Kettle, & putt upon them a little dill &
Mace, sprinkle a little Salt upon them, couer them with 3 parts Vi=
negar & one part water boyle them till they be tender, then putt them
in an Earthen pott & keepe them for your use. {thus you may doe Coucumbers}
To dresse a Calues Head with Oysters.
{Mrs Coply.
A ffan}
Take a fatt Calues Head, & boyle it with a little Salt untill it be
halfe boyled then take it out of the pott, & cutt all the meat from
the Bones into small pieces: then stew the meat in white wine & some
of the Broth; boyle it in a Pipkinn & putt in some Peppar & ........
..................................., a whole Onion, a little time,
...................., or Lemmon, a dozen of Oysters; when this
is enough take a dozen of the fairest Oysters You can gett and lett them
{the eggs and butter
are best put into
the Meat, to beat
up all together
in the pipkin.}
bee ready stewed; then putt your meate in a Dish, & poure upon it
halfe a pound of sweet Butter thicke beaten with the yolkes of 6 Eggs
well beaten, & the aforesaid stewd oysters. Then beat them all well
together betweene 2 dishes. Then dish it up with the great Oysters
on the topp and Sippetts about. If you loue them 'tis best to beat an
Anchoue or 2 with your Butter and Eggs.
To make Sr Kenelme Digby's Pudding
{A flan +}
Take the finest manchett of 2 dayes and slice it in slicesdipp it in
Maratell or the best Canary wine, then lay them in a sliver bason
or a deepe silver dish, then lay a lay of great peeces of marrow, then
strow a powder upon your marrow & Bread make of 1/2 a pound of refined
sugar halfe drachme of Ambar Gris, & 2 drachmes of cinnament
beaton and searsed, then lay another lay of Bread dipped and marrow
dy a Bullion made of Veal Chicken or Mason, or all together, fill your
Dish up to the Brimme with the Broth, then couer it close with the
Dish, and sett it upon a Chaffing Dish of Coales or a heater, then let it
boyle till your Bread hath soaks up all the liquour as is very soft; then
take the yolkes of 8? eggs skinne them and beas them uery well, ? putt to
them 3 punts of the sweetest and thickest Creame you can get when you
have beat them well together, poore it equally upon your Bread & Marrow
then sett in a gentle ouen for halfe an houre, so serues it up
{A flan x}
To escaueile Sole, Trouts, Besugo or Seabreame
Sardine or pilcher
Take a pottle of the best .... Alle vineger a bottle of the clearest
running water, ... ounces of cloues, ...kabf
an ounce of mace, a few bay leaues, a ..., boyle this well
together with a handfull of bay salt, as you take it of the fire, slice in
a couple of lemmons, rinds & all, then take your fish, lay them in oyleue=
ry well, the best you can gett then lay them upon a sheluing Board, till
all ye lyle and liquour be drained from them, & they be uery dry, then
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