Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)





2. each of them be putt by themselves. Then take Sixe Quarts of white Wine, and putt these together except the Liquorice, Annyseeds and Camomill Flowers into the Wine, & stop the Vessell and let them steepe one night, then take a great Kettle & fill with Water, and into that Water putt the Vessell wherein the Simples are and being stopt very close when the Water boyleth, Let it boyle so one houre and a halfe then putt in your other Things before reservd ad so lett it boyle one houre and a halfe more, then take it of, and straine it thorough an indifferent fine Cloth, and putt that Liquor by it Selfe, then putt to your Substance remaining in the strainer Sixe Quarts of small [Alee] & lett it be stopt and boile 3 houres, then take it of & straine it. The firstdrink must be used 3 or 4 times a day, & 4 or 5 spoonfulls at a time, the second drink must be used at all times when the Patient is thirsty without drinking any other drinke while it lasteth.

A Drinke for a Bruise {My Mother}X {A Fanshawe}Take Selfe [heale], Fennell, Yarrow, and Comfrey rootes, cleane scrapt, still these together, then take a pinte of Clarett Wine and burne it and sweeten it with powdered Sugar, and take then putt in halfe a pint of the Water, 2 penny worth of Sperma Ceti warme these together, Let the Party bruised drinke a good draught and sweat after it, If the bruise be in the head leave out the Fenille.

For a Consumption {My Mother} {A Fanshawe}Take Betony, Coltfoote, Comfrey, Burnett, Red Rose leaves, Cowslip Flowers of each one handfull, and boyle them in a pottle of Water to a [Quart] in a Pipkin, straine them, & putt in a pound of double refined Sugar, and let it dissolve in the Water, & drinke 5 Spoonfulls with 2 Spoonfulls of the best Canary Wine, warme, in a morning fasting. {To make} (3 To make an Excellent opening and purging Drinke for the Liver {My Mother{X }A Fanshawe}Take Sassperilla, sliced and bruised, Polypodie of the Oake bruised Scena of Alexandria a little bruised, of each 4 ounces, Yellow Docke rooster, washed, scraped bruised and the Pith taken forth of them, one ounce and a halfe, of Rhubarb, halfe an ounce, thinne sliced [Nequo]quium, Egrimony and Maydenhaire, of each one handfull, Anniseeds Sweet Fennell Seeds & Caraway seeds a little bruised of each one ounce. Liquorice scraped and bruised one ounce and a halfe, Mixe all these together, then take Greene Scurvy Grasse leaves cleane pickt a pecke Brooke Lime & Water Cress of each halfe a Pecke, beate the hearbs to a greene Sauce, & mixe them with the former ingredients, put a piece of Lead into a Bagge to sinke your bagge into the bottome of the barrell houlding the mouth out of the Barrell, then putt in Your hearbes & tye the bagge close, & let it sinke to the bottome and tunne it up in three Ale Gallons of Beere or Ale in a Stonestand, and for the first day squeeze the juice out of the Bagge into the drinke 3 or 4 times, letting the bagge hang in the drinke continually, then let them worke together, and when it is 3 or 4 dayes old drinke a good draught 2 houres before dinner & another 2 houres before supper. If you can a pinte Use this daily as you find it to worke with you more or less. This drinke is to be taken in the beginning of May, or at the fall of the Leafe. Tis Excellent for the Liver, or for any dropsicall humour, or the Scurvy, or foulnes of the Blood

A Glister for the Bloody Fluxe {My Mother{X }A Fanshawe}Take a Quart of new Milke, a pound of sheepes suet, shred it very small, sett itt upon the Fire, and boyle it till it come to a pinte, then strain it and so administer it to the Patient twice a day till the Flux be stayed.

An Excellent Medicine for the bleeding of a Veine innards {My Mother{X }Ann Fanshawe}Putt hott boyling water into a Pweter pott, Lett it lye so till the pott be exceeding {hott}

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hott then poure out the waste, then put in the pott 2 handfulls of red Mints bruised, and presently after while your pott is so hotte milke in a pinte of the milke of a Red Cow, and let it stand so about one half an hower, then adde to it of the Sirrupp of Cinnamon & of the Sirrup of Quince each a spoonfull, & a quarter of an Ounce of Vinegar of Roses, Let him drinke it so warme in the morning, & as much about 5 or 6 of the Clock in the afternoone. Lett him wear a dried Toade dried in May in a Sarsenett Bagge bout a Quarter of a Yeare on his brest till he find himselfe perfectly well.

A Medicine for the Yellow Jaundies {M Mother A. Fanshawe} Take Green Broome, and burne it in a cleane oven as much as will make a quart of Ashes, and then putt the Ashes into a pottle of white wine, then slice into it 2 Nutmegs and take 3 [...] waight of Saffron, and dry it well, and bruise it very small, & putt it into ye wine. if it be for a Man or a Woman, lett them drinke 1/2 a pinte of it, if for a Child, let him drinke a Quarter of a pinte eleven mornings together, every tyme they drinke of it they must shake it together, and putt in a little Sugar, drinke it cold and fast 2 hours after it, and either walke, or use some Exercise this is also good for the Dropsey

To staunch the bleeding of a Veine inwards {My Mother A. Fanshawe} Take a Quarter of a handfull of Fellonwort and boyle it in a Gill of whtie wine, and then sweeten it wtih a little white Sugar Candy & let the patient drinke it bloodwarm when he goeth to bed & if this doe not cure him with twice taking of it, then putt to it the third time the bignes of halfe a Nutmegg of bole Armoniack

A drinke to be taken in the Spring to purge the Blood {The Lady Butler Ann Fanshawe} Take 10 gallons of small Ale well brewed, when it hath done working putt to ti 3 ounces of Rhubarbe slices, a handfull of wormwood 7 oranges cutt in halfes 3 stuffed with cloves, a Quart of the juice of Scurveygrasse clarefied 2 pound of Raisins of the Sunne stoned putt

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For a Glister for the Collicke of any other Paine in the Gutts com= ming of Cold {My Mother A Fanshawe} Make a pint of Possett drinke with a handfull of Pellistory of the wall, and as much of Mallowes, Fennellseeds, Anniseeds and Cummin seeds halfe an ounce of each, boile it to halfe a pint, then putt in a quarter of a Spoonefull of Salt, a great Spoonefull of Course Sugar, oile of Violets and oile of Roses of each a spoone= full, if it be for a Child a Quarter of an ounce of Seeds will serve. This is an approved good Medicine and cured me in a desperate Fever.

A Caudell for the Bloody Fluxe {My Mother: A Fanshawe} Take a pint of Red Wine and the Volker of five new laid Eggs, a little Cinnamon, 2 Spoonfuls of Loafe sugar, half a quarter of an ounce of the peele of Pomegranates dried and beaten to fine power, boil them in a Platter upon a Chaffendish of Coales, until it thicken. Let the patient eat it morning and Evening, and if you will oftner, and it will suddenly cure you.

A Most Excellent Vomit {My Lady Beadles Ann Fanshawe} Take of Crocus metallorum made into fine power one ounce, Let it stand infusing in a quart of the best sack for a day or two jogging it, or shaking the Glafe twice a day. Then let it stand 24 hours untouched. When you [ufe] it drain out very gently the Wine; that it may run pure from the Crocus Powder. To a stronger body you may give an ounce and a half, to a weaker body one ounce, after every vomit let the patient drink warm Posset Ale with Butter in it, Let them neither sleep or drink warm drink till their vomit has done working.

An approved Medicine for the Convulsion fits {Mrs. Nenre Ann Fanshawe} take as much assafatida as a white Pea is, dissolve it in a spoonful of Posset drink 3 or 4 mornings and let the pati= ent wear some Assafatida about his Necke too.

A Diet Drink {Mrs. Nenre A. Fanshawe} Take a peck of Seuruy grasse, water Cresses half a peck, 2 good handfuls of Brooke Lime, Liverworst, Longwort, Scabrous, Agri= mony, Horebound, Hartstongue, Saxafrage, Pimpernell, Tamaris, Broad Plantaine, Wood Betony, Angelica, Cardias, Wormwood, Rosemary, Red Sage, Endive, Succory, Borrage, wilde Marjoram of each a good handful. You must boyle these herbes in nort half an houre, One ounce of Nutmegs, one ounce of Ginger, one ounce of liquorice, one ounce of Anniseeds, Red Dockroots 6 ounces, sweet Fennell seeds half an ounce, bruise your seeds, slice your Nutmegs and Ginger and Dockrootes. you must put all these Seeds and Spices in a Bagg and hang the Bag in the drinke. You may drinke of it 6 or 7 dayes. This is an excellent Drinke for any Rheumatick Body that is inclined to a Dropsie.

An Excellent way to make Suppositors {My Lady Bedles Ann Fanshawe} Take 2 ounces of Gumm Dragon, steepe it in Damaske Rose wa= ter a night, putt it into a Morter, then have ready beat of the best Roch Allum, as much as will make the Gumm into a Past, beat it well in the Morter, then take it out, rowle it into the fashion of Suppositors, and when they be dry putt them up in a Boxe & keepe theme for your use, they will keeep seaven years if you doe not use them

Against the biting of a Mad Dogge taight by Sir Kenelm Digby {Sir K. D. A. Fanshawe} Crabbs clawes taken in June or the beginning of July, & beat to power, & therof as much as will lye upon a shilling drunke in 1/2 a pinte of warme Milke is a most excellent Receipt for any body that hath bene bitten by a Mad Dog.

A Medicine for the [Gaundersy] by Experience I have found most Excellent {My Lady Bedles} Take a

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8 Take a good faire Pippin and cutt of the topp of it, then take out the Coare very cleane, then putt int oit as much Venice Tre= acle, as a hasell nutt, as much Saffron finely beaten and seared as will lye upon a two pence, then fill up the Apple with sweete Butter: and putt on the topp of the Apple upon it again close: then roast it tender, and when it is roasted mingle them all together like a Conserve: then take as much as a Walnutt 3 mornings together fasting.

The Wound Drinke and for the Kings Quill {My Brother: Warwicks A Fanshawe} Gather these Hearbes in May. Avens[...]Five Leaved Grasse Bugle[...]Violet Leaves Comphrey[...]Wild Angelica Drake rootes and leaves[...]Wood Betony Dandalion[...]White Bottles Egrimony[...]Wormewood HoneySuckles[...] [...]

Bramble Budds, Hawthorne Budds, Oake Budds, these 3 must be gathered in Aprill. but of all the several Hearbes a like Quantity, when they are dry, mingle them well together: then take 3 handfulls of the, putt them into a Quart of White Wine, and a pottle of Spring water, and boyle them together till halfe the liquor be wasted. Then straine the Liquor from the Hearbes, & putt it to a pinte of the best Honey, sett it over the Fire, & let it boyle but till You have scummed it, when it is cold, putt it into Stone Bottles close stopped & keepe it very coole, drinke 6 Spoonfulls every monring fasting, & fast 2 hours after it, & as much at 4 a Clocke in the afternoone. Among these Hearbes adde to halfe an handfull of white Angelica, & halfe an handfull of Smallage and a Spoonfull of sweet Fennell

9 Seeds. So boyle these things as You used before in your other drinke a mong these, Let the white Angelica be well blosomed if You can gett it. These things may be all gotten at the Apothecaries thereabouts, what You can gett out of the Fields, though Aprill and May be past You may keepe them dry by You. Putt in these 2 halfe handfulls every time You boyle the Water.

A drinke admirable against a Cold or Consumpsion. {My Broth: Warw: A ffanshawe} Put into an Earthen Pipkin 3 pints of Spring Water: 2 good handfulls of unsett hysope: 2 or 3 slices of good English Liquorice, sliced very thinn, 2 handfulls of Raisins of the Sunne stoned, a quarter of a pound of Figgs sliced small: one ounce of Anniseeds bruised, halfe an ounce of Sweet Fennell Seeds bruised: 7 or 8 dates sliced. Then stopp up the Pip kin very close, and let them stew on hott Embers 24 houres, & then straine the Liquor well from the other Ingredients: putt this liquor into a glasse or Stone Bottle being close stopt: take 9 Spoonfulls of it when you lye to rest at night it being a little warme, and every morning fasting doe the same. Thus continuing a reasonable time, and the Patient will find good of it. For it is an approved Medecine.

Opening Pills {My Br. Warw: A ffanshaw } Take of the Extract of Gentian two Drachmes: of the Extrait of Centorie, of Galens Hiera Pura of each foure Scruples: of Trochisks of Eupatorie, of Dialacca, of Diacurcuma, of Salt of Scurvey grasse, of each of these two Scruples: of Salt of Wormewood halfe a Scruple with as much Syrrup of Rheubarb with Succorie or Syrup of Succorie with Rheubarb as will make it up in Pills. Make every dram in Sixe Pills. Five of them are to be taken at a time, with a Draught of some proper convenient drinke an houre after them; and so to continue a weeke or longer, the Body being prepared before by purging: they doe remove hypochondriack obstructions, open the Spleene and purge gently: they also doe strengthen the Stomach, & the Liver, & purifie the Blood. For a Canker {My Mother A ffanshawe } Take Unguentium Aegyptiacum, & Mel Rosarum, of each halfe an ounce. Warme them in a Sawcer very hotte, dipp a little Lint in it (fastend to any fitt Instruments) and rub

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10. the canker with it has hard as You can well Suffer it. This doe 3 severall dayes. Then take only Mel Rosarum warmd, and apply it 3 or 4 times a day to heale the Canker, which perhaps the other application though it hath cured may seeme to have made worse.

A Medicine for the Head Ache {Earle of Cleveland}Take in oranges cutt them in Quarters, then put them into two {Ann Fanshawe}Gallons of scalding hott Spring Water, & let it stand till You can put Your Feet in it, then rub the Soles of your Feet with you Oranges, this will refresh You and in 12 houres will take away your Cold, & much sooner your Head Ache. This is good also after a journey to refresh you.

A Medicine for the Stomach Collicke {My Mother}XTake a new laid Egge, open it and putt into it 2 graines of Am{A Fanshawe}ber Greece, stirre it about till your Egge is thorow hott, But no more, then eate it fasting two houres after it. This doe mornings together, and it will cure You.

An Approved Medicine for the Itch and to coole the Liver {Lady Bedles}Take Endiffe, Succory, Sorrell, Strawberry Leaves of each {A Fa}a handfull, Borage, Buglosse, Hartstongue, of each 1/2 a handfull, French Barley 2 handfulls, of Blew Currants one - ounce. Seeth them all in a pottle of running water to 3 pints Before you take it from the Fire putt in a good handfull of Borage Flowers, 2 ounces of Scena Leaves, a quarter of an ounce of Anniseeds, Seeth them againe a little, take it from the Fire, and cover the Pott, & let it cooke, Straine it hard through a Strainer and putt in 6 Spoonfulls of Vinegar 2 spoonfulls of Powder Sugar, drinke thereof every day lukewarme - 5 ounces & fast 2 hours after it. If you have more then 4 stooles a day take {it}

11) it but every Second day. You must end the drinking thereof by ye midst of Aprill

A Plaister to kill the Wormes {Lady Bedles}XTake of Wormwood & Rue of each a like Quantity, Stamp & straine {A Fan}them, & putt to the juice 6 drops of the gall of a Bullock, & putt there to the Powder of Aloes and make a Plaister thereof, & lay it to the [Nable] the Breadth of a Schilling, If the Child have the Wormes ye Plaister will abide still if not it will fall from the [Nable].

A Vulnerary Liquour {Sir K. Digby}Take an ounce of Crabs Eyes (oculi canerorum) beat them to {A Fan}small Powder, putt them into a deepe Jarre Glasse, poure upon them 6 ounces of the Strongest white Wine Vinegar, It will presently worke up to a great height and loyle strongly, when it [allayes] working stirre it with a Stick or Spatule to the Bottome to quicken the operation after an houre or two or more You may poure the Liquor through a reasonable fine Linnen Cloth, & give thereof to the Patient 2 or 3 Spoonfulls at a time in the morning fasting in ye Evening an hour & a halfe before Supper, & at night an houre before going to Bed. It is singular good for all Ulcers, for broken Bones, for Women in labour, to void [grauell], & it is a great strengthener of the inner Parts.

{A Fan}A Possett for one an innard Bruise Take a Possett drinke made of white wine a little Balme, a pretty quantity of Venice Turpentine, stirre it together & drink it warme, also to putt in either Slate, or Stone Pitch or Parma Ceti is excellent for a Bruise.

A Glister for a Child that hath Wormes {A Fan}taught by Doctor Bayly Take Wormwood, Rue, Sothernwood, Camomile, Lavender Cotton, Mallow, {the}

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