Wellcome Collection: Fanshawe, Lady Ann (1625-1680) (MS7113)





68 For a stroke or Bruise in the Eye {Lady Bedles}

Take a Pigeon, & let her blood in the great veine of a wing, & let the blood spring out of the veine into the Patient's Eye. You must dresse it 6 or 7 times. {AhHon}

An Excellent Medicine for any sore Mouth or Throat {Lady Butler A Hon} Take as much Bole Armeniack as the weight of a groat, mingle it with 1/2 Sppoonfull of honey. Let the Patient take it when they are a bed: let them lye iupon their back & keep it in their mouth, till it is dissolved & so sleepe. If yc mouth or throat be very Soare you may take six penny weight.

An Oyntment for Burning with Gun= powder or Sealing with Water {Lady Bedler A Hon} Take a quart of Boares Grease, 2 Handfulls of Groundsell, & 2 or 3 Heads of Horseleek, stampe them together, then putt to it 2 handfus of new Sheepes Dung, 2 Handfulls of GOose DUng, stamp them all together and fry them, & straine them when they are hott through a Cloth into an Earthen Pott, & with the Liquour ansint the burns or scalded place.

For the Stinging of a Snake or Adder either in Man or Beast {Lady Bedles A Han} Take as many black Snailes as you can gett, slitt them in the midst, putt them in a thinne Cloth, & apply them to yr Place, & it will give present ease & remede

The Vulnerary Liquour Take an ounce of Crabbs Eyes (oculi Canororum) beat them to smell Powder, putt them into a deepe Jarre Glasses and pure upon them 69 A most admirable Receipt for a Fistula

{Lady Parkhurst A Hon} Take of Par Rosine a pound, and of Sheepes Suett the Bignes of a Turkie Egge, and if you make it in Winter putt them in a panne, & sett them over the Fire till they be ready to boyle, then powre it into another panne of cold water, rubb Your Hands with Butter that it may not cleave to them, worke it till it become as small as pack threads, then scrape it on a Cloth, and spread it very thinne, then cutt it out small & narrow, and when you use it rowle it like a Tent.

The Powder belonging to it.

Take an Oxe Horne & lay it 9 daies in water, shifting it every day then take it out, and fill it full of blacke Soape, then putt it into a Frying panne, hold it over the Fire, & the Horne will melt away & turne to Powder, & when You dresse the Sore, dipp the aforesaid Tent the End of it in this Powder, and so tent it.

The Water belonging to it

Take Allum, and white Coppras of each a like quantity, beat them into fine Powder, and mingle them well together, & putt them into an Earthen panne, and sett them on a soft Fire, & let them boyle till they be so hard that they will boyle no longer. Then beat them to Powder 2 Spoonfulls will make a gallon of Water, but let your Water seeth first before You putt it in, Then take it of, at the first sprinckle a little of ye powder into it, least it flame up, & after by degrees wett a faire Cloth, and dresse the Sores twice a day. Sometimes scringing it with this Water, and being tanted as aforesaid wett a Cloth 2 or 3 times double, & lay on it still as you dresse it, and so let it lye till you dresse it againe. If greene Coppras be used two pound must be putt to a pound of Allom. If it be not deepe the Water only may be used without Tenting. To make a Poultis for any inflammation or swelling. {My Mother A Han} Take 1/2 a pint of the Grounds of Beere, and as much Milke, putt in that of

Last edit almost 2 years ago by christina.jameson


70. Camomile and Marsh Mallowes of each a handfull cutt small & also putt to it 3 white lillie Rootes and a handfull of wheat Meale, and 3 or 4 Figs, cutt the Rootes and the figs small, and boyle all these together to halfe a pinte, or till halfe be dissolved, and then apply it hotte.

A Rare Medecine for a Sore Brest {Lady Parkhurst A Hon} Take Wood Lice, dry them upon a Tile in an oven, take every morning in Grout Ale or new Ale as much as will lye upon 3t & apply morning and evening a Cloth the bignes of your brest tried in Goose grease and layd on double This hath done many very great Cures both with Brests that have had Agues in them and Brests with a Fistula.

to make the Ulcer Water {Sr.K.D}

Take a dramm and a halfe of pure Chrsitalline Venice Mercury sublimate, and grind it to impalbable powder upon a Porphyre or Marble stone with a Mallet of the same; then in a glasse morter with a glasse pestill, incorporate it well with 2 ounes of faire water. And so putt it into a Phiole glasse to keepe till you make the mixture. Take 3 pintes or [] 4d of Aqua Caleis vine; put it into a large bolteshead of glasse with a long Necke; and then by holding it in one Hand with the other poure the sublimate water into it after you have shaked it very well, that both the liqours be well mixt together; then sett the bolteshead to settle with the necke inclining as much may without running out, & in three or foure dayes all the mudd will be setled to the bottome; powre of the cleare & keepe it in a glasse, when you will use it warme it in a purslane or strong Earthen vessel (for it will corrode any metall) & foment the sore; with double linnen dipt in it as hott as you can; & then bind linnen 71 linnen soakt in it, and doubled 3 or 4 times upon the sore. Where you cannot come to the sore, inject it by a syringe; in healing it will harden the brimmer of the sore, but the inward part will looke very cleane, and of a good coulour; you may putt neere halfe a spoonfull onto a vulnerary potion & it will helpe it much. It is also good to heale exconitions in the prostates, & other parts in gonorrhea's, being first well temperd with Plantaine water, so as to cause no sharpnesse in the sense when it is injected. The Aqua Calais is made by taking two or three pound of Quicke Lime fresh from the Kilne, and pouring a gallon of faire water upon it & mingle them well together, then let the lime settle for two or three daies and powre of the cleane water whiche keepe; every surgeon or barber maketh of it.

An excellent Medecine for the stone approved and given by Mr. Rowzell Apothe cary of London {A:Han} Rx Marsh Mallow roots thin sliced 2 ounces ye youngest leaves of mallows a good handfull, liquorice sliced half an ounce, 6 figgs sliced, a sprigg or two of time, boile these in 3 pints of clear posset drinke, made with small Ale till a third part be boiled away and straine it. Let the Patient in 4 draughts of this Posset drinketake a good spoonfull of the syrup of Althea and the juice of a lemmon. It is to be drunke 3 times a daye which is in the morning, at five in the afternoon & when they goe to bed at night. Let them take this constantly 3 or 4 daies before the full of the Moon, & at any time when they complayne.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by christina.jameson
Needs Review


72 73 + The red powder good for miscarrying. A ffan Take of Dragons blood one drammdram̄, powder of red corall one drammdram̄, amber greece the weight of 3 barly cornes; bezoar stone the weight of 2 barly cornes, Make all these into powder, and in a little burnt Claret wine give as much of this powder as will lie upon a pennie at morninge and night first and last 3 or 4 times will serve. Make some broth withwth plantaine rootes and shepheards purse and knotted grasse, burnett and bryer leaves, and th drink this as pleasure. put in to the broth just as you drinke it the [tneds] of 9 Eggs; I haue found good Experementalley of this medicin.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Heather Wolfe
Needs Review



To make the famous oyle called the Queens oyle. Madrid 8th Decer 1664. to make hayre grow, rubbing the rootes thereof at night, with no more of the oyle, then you just take vp with the dipping the fingre therein, putting a capp or quoife immediatly on the head.

{A ffan X}

Take 2 pound of the best oyle olive & put it into a glasse bottle in which you must put 4 Lizardes alive, 2 ounces of flyes, 4 Ounces of white wine, 4 ounces of new honye, shake these togethre, & let them stand 15 dayes in the hottest sun, take in the bottle out of the Ayer evrey night, then put it all into a scellett & make it boyle, which soe soone as ever you perceive, take it of the fire, & strayne it through a cloth, then put to it 2 ounces of Benjamin, & 2 ounces of storax, then sitt it on the fire stirring it softly, till the Benjamin, & Storax be well melted, then straine it thorough a cleane cloth, then put it into a glasse, & when it is cold stop it close so preserve it from ayer, & keep it for your vse, this oyle is best made in the Months of Iune, Iuly, August.

75 {X}

A Mendesin for a Cough in the Lungs; Take Elecompany roots well scraped & washed Steep them 12: hours in fountain water shifting twice then boyle them in damask-rose water untill they be tender then take them out of the water & weight of the pap of rosted apples & double the weight of both of Double-refined sugar so boyle them up with red-rose-water to a conserv & keep it for your vse. you must take the bigness of a Nutmegg therof fasting in the morning at 4 of the clock in the afternoon & when you go to bed at night.


A Eccelent Receipt for a Cough

Take a Quart of milk & 2 Large Onions boyle it a quarter part away then run it through a hair siue put to it a quarter of a pint of red-rose-water & sweeten it with sugar of Roses as you like it this must be drunk fasting & the same Quantety warm night & ... for your suppers & mornings for 3 days & nights together;


to Clenge puterefied Longs

swellen aboue halfe a pinnt of Witte Wine with 2 spunfull of hiue huney and 2 spunfull too spriges of Ballne take this fasting warme Eury morning for thurty days;

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