University of Guelph: Handbound Recipe and Remedy Book (XM1 MS A117046)





the last half pint of wine Methredite 1 ounce Dias scordium 1 ounce & 1/2 Consortion of Althermies powder of Termirick root of each half an ounce Virginia snake root, best English saffron of each 2 drachms mix and dry them ,and from them into Lozenges to be hardened in the Sun, and Kept in a warm place. Dose from one Scruple to one Scruple and an half ot two Scruples

To be given three nights successively

To make Orange tarts Mrs. Middlemore

Salt your Oranges whole, Then let them lie 24 hours in water Then boil them in 4 changes of water, and when they are cold slice them very thin put a little Sugar at the bottom of the tarts, then lay in the slices of orange with a little sugar between every slice You may lay slices of Pippins between the oranges.

A Walnut Catchup Mts. Jones

Take an handfull of green Walnuts and pound 'em in a morter with a little salt, then strain all the liquor from your boil and skin it very clean Then put in one head of Garlick a few shallotts. 1 ounce of white pepper. 2 pennyworth of cloves, and 2 penny worth of mace Let it boil a quarter of an hour or more And when cold put in a quarter of a pint of Vinegar Let it stand a week or 10 days and boil it up again

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


For a Deafness Mts. Furzer

Take 2 dozen wood lice 1 ounce Oyl of bitter Almonds bruise the wood lice and put them to the Oyl and let them stand 24 hours Then strain it off and drop a little in the year Every night going to bed.

To stew pidgeons Mts. Jones

Take some good beef gravy stuff your pidgeons and tie up the necks and rumps, That no liquor can get into the stuffing. Make your stuffing of good beef suet one third part of Crums of bread and lemon peel one egg then put in about a coffee cup of claret to the gravy and stew your pidgeons over your stove And as the gravy shrinks put in boiling water to keep the pidgeons covered. put the breast downwards till they are half ready, and then turn them And when they have stewed an hour, and an half put some fresh gravy and Wine, and give it a boil together and thicken it up with a little butter. Put it into the dish with your pidgeons. some Cakes made with the stuffing, and garnish the dish with crumbs of bread.

For a pain in the Ear Mts. Terry

Take a bit of Venice treacle, and a little saffron dry'd and powdered. Mix 'em together and spread it upon a peice of leather. put a peice of Muslin on the ear before you put on the plaister .You must lye on the side the pain is on

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


To make White Mead Mts. Jones

Take 20 quarts of water, and when it is warm put in 2 quarts of honey and 2 pounds of loaf sugar, and when it boils skim it as long as it will rise. Then take it off the fire, and pour it into a clean earthen dish. Then take off the Rinds of 8 Lemons nicely, put them in a squeeze in the juce and put in 4 races of ginger and 4 tops of rosemary And when it is almost cold put it into a Vessell. Then take some white bread toasted covered with 4 spoonfulls of Yeast and put it into the Vessell. Stop all up close. And in five days it will be fit to drink

To Stew Pippins Mts Jones

Take 9 large pippins pared and cut in halves. Then take a ppound of fine sugar, and a quart of water Then boil the sugar and water together, and skim it. And put your apples in the Syrup to boil, covered with froth till they are clear and tender. put a little juce of lemon in , and Lemon peel cut long and narrow and a small glass of white wine Let them give one boil up. Then put it in a China dish and serve it up

To make cocks Combs of Tripe Do

Take lean tripe, and pare away the fleshy part leaving only the horny part about the thickness of a cocks comb Then with a jagging iron cut peices out of it in the shape of Cocks Combs.

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


To Stew Pidgeons Mts Jones

Fry them a little light brown, they are very apt to burn. Stuff them with Veal, crums of bread, spice, Suet, Sweet herbs, and Onion, whole white pepper 2 or 3 corns of Jamaica pepper, and a bay leaf. Let them stew till tender, Then put them into gravy and send them up with mushrooms & troffles. (As rague sauce is)

To roast a Pike Mts Jones

Scale and wash a pike from head to tail lard it with Ells flesh rolled in sweet herbs, and spice. roast it at length or turn his tail into his mouth. Baste or bread it, or bring off into the Oven. Let the sauce be drawn butter, Anchovies the spawn and liver mushrooms, Capers and Oysters

To roast Lobsters Do

Run a broad spit thro', tye it fast when it begins to Crackle it is enough. Let one be put whole into the dish, and the other slit in two, and laid round it. Make the sauce with half a pint of white wine and Anchovie, and a little pepper. Let it boil very well. Then melt butter with it thick. Put in the juce of Lemon And serve it up with Stewed Oysters. put it into the dish

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


Standing Sauce Do

Take a quart of Claret, or white wine put it into a glazed jarr The juce of 2 lemons, 5 large Anchovies, Some Jamaica pepper whole, some Sliced ginger, some Mace, and a few cloves, and a little lemon peel, Horseradish sliced, some sweet herbs, 6 shallotts, two spoonfulls of Capers and their liquor put all these in a linnen bag, and put it into the wine. Stop it close and put it in a kettle of hot water for an hour, and keep it in a warm place. A spoonfull or two of this liquor is good in any sauce

Gravy for white Sauce Do

Take part of a Knuckle of Veal, or the worst part of a neck of Veal, boil about a pound of this in a quart of water, an Onion, some whole pepper 6 cloves, a little salt, a bunch of sweet herbs half a Nutmeg sliced, Let it boil an hour then Strein it off and keep it for use.

A Gravy for a Pasty Do

Break the bones of the meat to mash Then put them into a pan with a pint of Claret, a quart of water a little whole pepper, Mace and salt brew it into 8 ounce of fresh butter then strain it off, and pour into the pasty when both hott. This gravy is enough for pasty of 14 pounds of flour.

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF
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