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Small Mead - Coz Mun

To four Gallons of Water take 6 Pound of Honey and disolve it in warm
Water, then Take 10 Whites of Eggs beat to a froath, then stir it
alltogether, and as soon as ready to boyl take of the scum, and Let it boil
one hour, and keep it scumming all the White, then strain it thro' an Hair
sieve, and let it stand till cold, then put a Pint of yeast to it, and Let it
Work in an open Vessel for 3 or 4 Days stiring it twice a Day, then
add the Juice of 4 Lemons with two rinds - it must stand 3
Weeks in the Vessel and then bottle it [5 flourishes]

To make Almond Fool

Boyl 3 Pints of Cream allmost [to] one Pint first; having ready
5 or 6 Macaroons crumbled, in a small stone pan without the Wafer
Paper, pour some of the boiling Cream into it cover it close and Let it
stand half an hour, then bruise it very fine with a spoon and then
boil the other Cream with a blade of mace, take it off the fire and put
the thicken'd Cream to it and the yolks of 9 Eggs beaten with a little of
the Cream, sweeten it with White sugar and a Little scented sugar with
Musk; so set it on the fire stiring it till it begins to boil, take
it of and pour it out quick - The same poured out into sack and
sugar makes a good Posset [7 flourishes]

To make Pomatium Coz Howard

Take 2 ozs of sperma ceti 2 ozs of Oyl of sweet almond, and
half an oz of Bees wax, melt them together, and if it is too
stiff put in as much sallad Oyl as will make it of a proper
Consistancy - put it into Gally Pots for use - it grows Whiter
by keeping [2 flourishes]

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