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Mrs HowardTo preserve Apricocks when Ripe
Take the Largest Apricocks before they be so Ripe Pair them as
thin as possible & take out the stones and simmer them a little
Tender in water then Take their weights in Dubble Refind sugar
Just Wetted with a little water so boyl it up and Clarifie it
with the white of Eggs and Skim it Clear and then put in your
Apricocks and let them boyl three or four days warming them up
with the same syrup ever day Then put them in Glasses and
boil your syrup to a [Due] thickness & pore it to them.

To keep Damsons Ditto.
Take Damsons when they are quite dry & put them into bottles
Cork & seal them down very close so that no air come to them then put them
into a Kittle of cold water wit.h some Hay at the Bottom to keep it
from burning set it ovr the fire & let it be hot enough to make the
Damsons swell but not burst.

For a Consumption. Mrs Thomson
Take four Trotters slice'd, a quart of milk & 3 pinte of water
a quarter of a pound of Hartshorn shavings a qurter of a
[Pound] of Rensons ston'd an hole Nutmeg bruised the Ingredien
all put in an Earthen pan and bak'd all night with bread
then strein it of & sweeten it as you pleas take 2 half [pints day]

To sweeten your blood Mrs Thomson
Take scurvy Grass, Brook Lime, Sorrell, nettle tops Each
two handfulls pound them in a stone mortar press out the
juice thro' a hair bag Drink four spoonfulls in the
morning afternoon and going to to rest.

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