Dutch Custard Mrs Winslow
Take an ounce & quarter of the best Isinglass and dissolve it in a quart of water boil'd to a pint when stiff add to it, a pint of Raisin or Mountain wine, the yolks of 4 Eggs beat, till thin, the peel of one Lemon boil'd in it, The juice of Lemon and Sugar to your taste - let it boil till it is likly to be the stiffness you chuse it, and keep it in constant stirring while you put the eggs in, and after or it will be apt to curdle.-- The Jelly does equally as well made of Calves feet as Isinglass
To Pickle Cucumber Mrs Tristram
Wipe them clean with a dry cloath make a strong Brine with a strong salt and water and pour it upon them boiling hot 2 mornings together strain them dry then put them a few at a time into a stewpan just cover'd with Distild Vinegar and cover them them with vine leaves and change the vine Leaves 3 times then put them in to your Pots hot out of the stew pan and Hive them down till more be done when your Pots are full boyl your Pickle which is distild Vinegar with some white pepper corns and a few races of ginger boyl it 3 mornings together af and put it to them hot.
A Floating Island:
Three Coddled Apples the juice of three Lemons a little Sugar beat it 36 hours with 3 Whites of Eggs
A Plumb Cake D o
Take 6 p Currants well dry'd - 3 quarters of a p d of sugar 1/2 an oz: of Cinnamon, as much cloves, and 4 Nutmegs mix your currants spice and sugar in your flour Then take a quart of cream and let it boil, when it has stood a little put into it a p d of butter and stir it well together till it is melted Then take 24 Eggs. but half the whites, beat your eggs with 3 spoonfulls of sack and a little salt Then make up your bowl or flour in your bowl or pan your eggs on one side and cream and butter on the other and stir it all one way with your hands till it is well mix'd, Then take a little flour, and shake on it lay a cloth upon it set it by the fire to rise for a quarter of an hour or better Then put it in your rim and set it in your oven w ch must be a little hotter than for Manchant bread Let it stand 2 hours Then Ice it with double refin'd sugar and the white of an egg beat it well together for half an hour Let it stand a quarter of an hour in the Oven after it is iced to harden You must put a quart of Ale yeast to the Eggs.
Another Plumb Cake D o
Take 4 p water, take 4 p ds of flour well dry'd, beat your butter into a cream, and when it is well beaten Strew in the flour by little and little, Take 30 eggs the whites beaten by themselves into curd put them into the butter and flour by little and little, and also the yolks well beaten 3 quarters of a pound of loaf sugar finely sifted 5 p ds of currants well wash'd and dry'd, a pint of sack 1/2 an Ounce of mace, 1/4 of an Oz: of Cinamon and Nutmeg - a p d of Almonds blanch'd and cut thin and when it is well mix'd put it into your hoop and two hours will bake it. put in what sweetmeats you please a grain of Amber grease
ds of fresh butter not salted, wash it in RoseA Seed Cake D o
Take 4 p 4 p ds of powder sugar sifted Take 24 Eggs beat them well in Then take 4 p ds of the best sue flour well dry'd 1/2 an oz: mace 1/2 an oz: of Cinamon, a 1/4 of an oz: of cloves beat to very fine 3 oz: Carryway seeds mix the spice and seeds with the flour Then beat all up together, Set it before the fire to rise Let your Oven be well heated and 3 hours will bake it
A Ratifea Cake D o
Take 10 Eggs, put away 10 of the whites - take a p an half of double refin'd Sugar sifted, put it into the eggs with a quarter of a pint of rose water, beat them for an hour, then take half a p d of sweet Almonds and 1/4 of a p d of bitter Almonds blanch'd beat them with Orange flower of water very fine take half a p d of the best flour, and a quarter of a p d of Starch beat and sifted very fine, take the peel of two lemons grated - Dont mix the Ingredients before your Oven is ready, only the eggs which must be mixt with the Sugar and the flour with the Starch then mix altogether and put it in a quick Oven
d andA Plumb Cake D o
Take half a peck of flour. 3/4 of an oz: of mace, one p d of [9d] sugar mix altogether then take 5 p ds butter beat it to a cream a quart of ale yeast 12 eggs half a pint of Sack a pint of cream, beat all these together, and when your butter is work'd to a cream then take your yeast and eggs, and work them with it Take 1/2 a p ds of Sweet almonds finely beaten w th rose water mix all with the butter and put in what sweetmeats you please when you put in the Almonds. mix altogether and put in all the flour Then take 51 p ds raisins 5 p ds Currants chopt small mix 'em by an hand full at a time till 'tis all mix'd together very well put it into your hoop and 2 hours will bake it Let your Oven be ready that it may not stand
A Seed Cake D o
Take 3 p of thik Cream 2 p ds of Butter put it into the Cream till it be melted on the fire, mix it well together, then put in a pint of ale yeast 2 Nutmegs and some Cinnamon mix it well together then set it before the fire to rise, a quarter of a p d of Sugar Lett it stand till your oven heat. when your oven is swept put in a p d of Carryway Comfits mix it all together make a paper Coffin spread it over with Butter an hour will Bake it.
ds of the best flour well Dryed a pintA Seed Cake D o
Take 3 p a pint of Ale yeast 12 spoonfulls of cream 9 Eggs leave out 5 of the whites 3 spoonfulls of sack or brandy when these are all mix't together, put it before the fire to rise half an hour. Strew in some rough Carryways Bake it in an hoop with small things butter your paper very well
ds of flour, rub in a p d and an half of butterElder Wine
Take 20 p Then boil 20 quarts of water. let it be cold Then put in the plumbs let it stand 5 or 6 days. stir it every day - Take a Gall n elder Juice a q t of the Juice of Sloes 4 p ds single refin'd sugar, boiled to a Syrup Let it be cold Then strain out the plumbs mix altogether and put it in the vessell Let it stand 3 Months Then bottle it
ds of Malagoes pick them and chop them