{5} 84
& stirr it very quickly, as before, & stopp it with
an other parchment an topp of it:
That water which is made in the sun; they is made after
the same manner, save that y must put in the muske by
and by, with all the sweet Gumm, or [Benuiny]; & the parch-
ment must h... bee cloose fast; & y u must put into the
[sum] fifteene, or twenty dayes, & all wayes take thee
violl hott from the sun; & put it into an Basket with
hurds of flax, or hemp; till such time, as you put it into
the sun the next day
Small Perfumes, are likewise thus
made, after an other manner
After that the Amber Greece, & musk, is brought to
geather to an part; have the confection, or Receipt ready,
& put it in; & turne, or commenc to compose it, & min-
gle them togeather
An Memoriall how to draw
Y u are to take the Gloves, & wash them with rose wa-
ter, till such time, as the water part cleere away from
them; after that let them dry; y u are to put to every
pare of gloves, an quarter of an Ounce of Muske diss-
olved in rose water; & so let them remaine and lay &
after that, take half an ounc of Ambar Greece; &
as little Civet as may bee; and about an thimble full
{what this}of Oyle of .... Zitaven; & of rose water; that shall co-
{ should bee} ver over all this; & dissolve it at, or before an gen-
{I conceive}tle fire, & dress y r gloves
For to dress gloves, to remaine
Y u are to take an quartar of an Ounce of Ambar
Greece; the whitect y u can gett; & pound it in an
{Zitaven} morter; & put no muske to it; but dissolve it with
Oyle of Zitaven, & rose water; & y are
to use so much of it, till such time; as it commence
to bee white; & to this y u are to put an quarter qu-
antity of Oyle, & of Civet (then in the former rec-
ceipt) y and y u are not to approach to the fire
with them
How to make Little
muske balls
{[Ben; amini;]} To three pound of sweete Gumm; you must put, half an pou d
of storax; three ounces of Amber greece, & two of
Musk: all this beeing very well beaten, & bruised, y u are to
incorporate with it about half an ounce of Civet;
& having made an end of boyling them, y u are
to make little Musk Balls; & let them dry; ..h in a
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