A preparative for Malancholy
Take syrup of thyme of mints of wormwood of Hysopes of Fumetary
of each ℥iiij medle them well with water and parsely rosmarie
tyme balme and hops of each℥ iij and the water of Broome ℥ iiij
give the sick to drinke xx mornings warme in the spring of day
as before
Another Laxative for Melancholly
Take Diarholicon ℥ i8 of the pouder of Sene leaves ℥jʒj of Ginger
Mastiche of each ʒj of the electuary of Succo rosar ℥jʒj medle
them well together in the water of fumetary and of Scabions of
each ℥j and give the sicke to drinke warme an houer before day
all precepts kept as above.
Pills to Purge Maloncholly
Take pills of ffumetary de lapide lazuli and of empatory of each ʒj
medle them together with a little of Syrupe of Epithumu and make
thereof Pills and give to the sicke in the night at xi or xii of the
Clocke as is shewed before.
If the sicke find not themselfe very well disposed after all this let him
rest a moneth taking no manner of Phisicke.
A soveraigne medicine for the Plague both preservative
and Curative
Take a henne egg new layd and make a hole in the crowne
by the whichi you shall drawe out all the white and leave the
yolke in the shell, the same egg as full as it may bee stuffed wth
good whole English Saffron dry this egg against the fier or
in an overn when the bach is out soe long untill the shell bee utterly
blacke and burnt and the rest sufficiently brittle and dry then
make it in powder putting into it as much powder of mustard seed
as all the whole egg shall weigh then ad therto these things
following Dittany Tormentill nux vomica of each beaten by themselves
to pouder ℥j Putt therto rew pionie rootes zedoaric, Camphire and
fine triacle of each equall porcons soe that the waight of them
bee as much as all the rest which wilbe aboute ℥iij and ʒj waighing
in all ℥iij ʒij beate them in a morter by [the] space of 2 howers untill
All bee well incorporate together in a lumpe put it in a glasse and
keepe it covered with a leafe of gold in a could place it will last
xxx yeares without corruption and is of inestimable valew The
dose of it to preserve is but an halfe penny waight or less yea
the waight of one barly corne hath in it a marvelous strength
in defending the body but if one bee already infected hee
must receave before letting of blood g.2 or 3. after his bleeding
give him 2 in the name of god a scrup: 2 or 3 if his strength will
serve tempered with the juyce of a lymon or citron or with
white wine in greate heate and in greae could with a little
aquavite and thereon to sweate.
ffor the Collicke
Take of white Amber and the meddlemost of the long peppers stamped
them and beat them togather and take thereof as much as you can
take in betweene your fingers and thoumbe of in a draught of Renish
wine take warme and straine it through a cloth and drinke it
A Soveraigne water for the stone
Take Avence Ramsons and the tender codds of beanes stamped
and self sett leekes distilled of every of these by it selfe soe much
as will serve a whole yeare when you will use it to drink take
of each of these waters halfe a pint and as much malvasy
as of all the rest and distill the waters and malvasie as of
together putt thereof into your wine or drink a draught of it when
you feele extreamely your stone and this use once or twice a weeke.
For the straining of an Arme or a Legg.
Take the fatt earth of a mole hill and fry it in a frying pann
till it bee through hott then put it in a linnen bagg and lay it
upon an oaken board and if you see any moystnes then is it
medicinable or els not, that which is moyst lay in the lynnen
bagg to the place where the payne is as hott as you can suffer
it And soe use it evening and morning till you have ease
If you use 2 or 3 baggs at a time hott one after another it
will the sooner bee whole.
To stop a Laske
Take the yelk and white of an egg and beate them scrape
Chalk into it and when it is like a peece of Dough bake it upon
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