page 498


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5 revisions
Noumenon at Jul 15, 2024 06:07 AM

page 498

directions to make cherey wine from
Mrs Smith i677

picke the cheryes from thear stalkes and
Bruse them in your hands. and to euerye galon
of chereyes add a quart of watar. so
put it in a ketell ouer the fiar. and Let
it stand being keept from Boyling by stiring
Let it stand till it hath a whit scume
which must be clere scimed of. then
take it from the fyer. and Let it stand
24 dhowers then strayen it through a
siue. and to euery galon of Iuse
put 2li of good white sugar; so Let it
stand in a uesell a fortnight or 3
weekes. then Botell it out and to
euery botell a Lumpe of suger as
bige as a nutmege

page 498

directions to make cherey wine from
Mrs Smith i677

picke the cheryes from thear stalkes and
Bruse them in your hands. and to euerye galon
of chereyes add a quart of watar. so
put it in a ketell ouer the fiar. and Let
it stand being keept from Boyling by stiring
Let it stand till it hath a whit scume
which must be clere scimed of. then
take it from the fyer. and Let it stand
24 ?howers then strayen it through a
siue. and to euery galon of Iuse
put 2li of good white sugar; so Let it
stand in a uesell a fortnight or 3
weekes. then botell it out and to
euery botell a Lumpe of suger as
bige as a nutmege