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A Cake 259
Take 4 pound of Dry Flower & a pd: of Butter and
Breake the butter into the Flower very small then Rub
It Together tell it be as small as Dust then Straine
in halfe a pint of Ale yesth then temper it up with new
Milke into a very soft Past & as you Worke it Sprinkle
in a quarter of a pint of Sack To work it up very well
& Light and take it out of the Bowl & Lay it in a warme
Cloath before the: Fire to Rise & Let it Lye halfe an hour
Then Take 3 qe: of a pound of Sugar Carraways & as
Much Biskett comfets mingle them together then Lay
Them on a Cloth & Worke them Into the Dow untill
They be all Wrought well in them Worke it up and
Lay it upon your PAper you must flower your Paper
or It will not Come off Cleane then Rowle k it into the
Breadth you will have it and Cut I Round the Edge.
& Pricke it before you Sett It into the Oven Let not
you Oven be too hott for it is Apt to be Scorched Let it
stand more then halfe and hour but If you Let it Stand
to Long it will be Spoyled
Scotch Collops
Take a Legg of Veale & Cut it in Thin slices
Then Beat them with a Rowling pin Score them with a
Knife & Lard them with Lemmon pill Bacon & Time
Then Take Sweet Margerum witter winter Savery
Time & Parsely of Each a Little quantity & shred
them very small with an Onion & Mix with them Nutmug
Peper and Salt then Take the Yolks of four Eggs the Whites
of Two & Beat them very well then dipp your Collops
in the Eggs & after Strew your herbs & Seasoning upon
Them then fry them with sweet Butter with a quick
fire alwayes turning the Collops where they are fryed

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